Spectrums |
Last Updated: 1/20/2013 |
Trying to answer my own set of challenges: 100 Prompts. A collection of various drabbles (from true drabble to triple drabble) spanning the Beginning to the First Age, told through various scenes and in the point of view of various characters; not chronologically. Ratings may vary. Enjoy! *"14. What Happens Now?": MEFAwards 2011 nominee. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: In Progress |
Chapters: 39 |
Published: 1/29/2011 |
Stay With Me |
Last Updated: 5/15/2012 |
For SWG's Birthday Celebration in 2010. We know how the Vanyar are so few in number and so solemn, but not why. We know the names of the Quendi, but not how they came about – but one evening someone told it by the campfire: a first-person point of view of the lost days around the Lake of Awakening and some more. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 5/15/2012 |
Inglorion |
Last Updated: 7/26/2011 |
Nobody likes to be cooped up indoors for too long, and nobody likes to be watched too closely – even by good-intentioned people. An eight-year-old Estel living with his mother and foster father in Imladris has the same opinions, at least, and one afternoon his dream of visiting the Bruinen alone comes true…
Gildor wishes to rest awhile in the hidden valley from his wanderings, but his current visit to Elrond's abode is troubled by a missing certain young Adan…
What happens when they meet? Can |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 7/26/2011 |
Eärwen |
Last Updated: 7/23/2011 |
What is the perfect begetting-day gift for the Sea Maiden of the Swan Haven? For B2MeM 2011. Challenge: Day 19: Rivendell: Meetings or Reunions. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 7/23/2011 |
Helpless |
Last Updated: 7/16/2011 |
Curufinwë Atarinkë had never had a cause to hate the sea, but now he did.
For B2MeM 2011. Challenge: Day 13: Balar: Unanswered plea. |
Rating: R |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 7/16/2011 |
One Day |
Last Updated: 7/4/2011 |
A youth is a youth is a youth. What did Hathaldir think as he fought for a battle he knew he would never win? Was the last stand of Barahir and his men truly hopeless?
For SWG's 5th Birthday challenge. |
Rating: R |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 7/4/2011 |
The Snowboy: Thoughts of the Intruder |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Days 8 and 12: Dorthonion and Falls of Sirion.
A lossoth youth ponders about the deceiving appearances of the native people and the arrogance of ignorant strangers. – Did Arvedui and his men ever know that they were being laughed at and disliked by many in their last sanctuary? Then again, they could not even predict the moods of nature. And nature does give warnings; if only one notices them and interprets them well. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 2 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
Who Is Right? |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 7: Belegost. (Challenge: Overcoming prejudices is as hard in Middle-earth as in our primary universe. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters try to reach across racial or gender or any other barrier.)
Traces of the dark times that was before was left, even long after the Ring War had been fought. They touched children just as they did the adult veterans. But perhaps, there was some truth to the saying “Children always bounce back”? |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
Thoughts of a Dagger |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 17: Bree-Lands. (Challenge: Hobbits are well known for their gift-giving traditions. Write a story or poem in which the exchange of gifts is featured, or use "gifting" as a theme for a piece of art.)
I was forged for one single purpose, for one single person. But the world is wide, and the dangers aplenty, and one single purpose and one single person could turn into many. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
In the End, Unbroken |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 15: The Shire. (Challenge: The cuisine of the Shire is unsurpassed. Write a story or poem, or create a work of art, featuring food.)
Life in the Land of the Powers was not what Tuor and Idril had invisioned when they had set out from Beleriand. But they could not go back now, only forward – but until when? Still, they stood together, a family reunited and united – until the end, unbroken.
Warning: Dark AU |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
Impressionable |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 5: Menegroth. (Challenge: Write a story or poem or create artwork that will illustrate the consequences of isolation.)
Everyone is prone to biases, including Elves. (Or perhaps, in this age and place, especially Elves…) But who says that the habit cannot be broken? Especially for someone yet impressionable… |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
A Decision Long Made |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 4: Mithrim. (Challenge: "There would be no one to frighten you if you refused to be afraid."–Ghandi. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the character conquers his or her fears.)
It was a decision long made, a choice that had been chosen. It was another matter if the said decision could be carried out to its completion, especially when the life of the chooser was suddenly, tangibly, at stake. – What was Míriel Serindë thinking? |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
As Life Goes Out |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 3: Vinyamar. (Challenge: Some people have difficulty embracing changes and moving on. Write a story or poem or create artwork that shows the consequences of refusing to change.)
Being so attuned to one’s homeland is good on many levels but detrimental on others. An Elfling has to learn it the hard way. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
To Lighten Up the Burden |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 2: Losgar. (Challenge: Defiance is defined as the willingness to contend or fight. Write a story or poem or create artwork where the characters defy authority in some way.)
The Elf-lord Elrond is somber and scary, and his nice look and nicer demeanour do not deceive Sam into dismissing his power and danger. But Sam will do anything, everything, to serve his master, especially in this moment of need – and ahead. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
An Apparent Chance |
Last Updated: 6/20/2011 |
For B2MeM 2011: Day 1: Nan Elmoth. (Challenge: Voltaire said that it's not enough to conquer: one must learn to seduce. Write a story or poem or create artwork where seduction plays a central role.)
Melkor is not happy with the people that he has. Wishing to expand his reaches, he approaches a band of people his brothers and sisters do not dare to disturb. He believes he shall also win, this time. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/20/2011 |
Raine in the Wonderland |
Last Updated: 1/29/2011 |
–Or, "Raine in the Land of the Angels."
For B2MeM 2010: Mountains of Terror. (Challenge: A character awakens suddenly, frightened, in the middle of the night – Why?)
The adventure of a nine-year-old girl alone replicas rolex in the land she had not thought to go to, but was determined to survive with anything she had. If only she knew where she had landed and whom she had befriended… |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 4 |
Published: 6/14/2010 |
My Heart Lies Where My Eyes Alight |
Last Updated: 6/17/2010 |
In nearly every home, its dwellers have rooms, items or nooks special for themselves. It is no different even with the greatest of the Valar, Manwë and Varda. These are five features of their home most beloved by the couple with their various reasons.
replicas breitling
(Rating is due to mentions of past torture and the evidence of it.)
Betaed by KiMahalei and Fiondil - Thanks!
Réplica de relojes omega
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 5 |
Published: 12/15/2009 |
If Only |
Last Updated: 6/14/2010 |
For B2MeM 2010: Doors of Night. (Challenge: Your character has a chance to change a single event in his or her past, but doing such will forever alter the future. What will your character choose? What would they change, if anything? And how do you think his or her future would change?)
How if the Gondolindrim managed to flee before their city was destroyed? What would happen, then? Was it preferable to the reality?
Warnings: Mention of desperation, madness and suicide. Dark theme. |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/14/2010 |
The Imperishable Flame |
Last Updated: 6/13/2010 |
For Teitho May 2010. "Mothers." Nominated on MEFAwards 2010.
History always repeats itself, in big matters as well as small ones. But it is not always akin to the adage “Even donkeys never fall into the same hole twice.” Something good can come out of it, sometimes. Gilraen was a living testament of it. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 6/13/2010 |
The Last Adventure |
Last Updated: 4/30/2010 |
For B2MeM 2010: Amon Rûdh. (Challenge: Choose three characters from Tolkien's legendarium. Place them in a room together. What happens?)
"I'm tired," Bilbo said. It has been more than a century since he arrived in the Lonely Isle... |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 4/30/2010 |
One by One |
Last Updated: 4/30/2010 |
For B2MeM 2010: Doriath. (Challenge: Create a story, poem, or artwork in which a character is stuck in a location for an extended period of time. How does she or he cope with it?)
Beren’s point of view of the company’s imprisonment in the Isle of Werewolves. |
Rating: R |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 4/30/2010 |
The Last Resort |
Last Updated: 4/30/2010 |
For B2MeM 2010: Formenos. (Challenge: Create a story, poem, or artwork that responds to the following quote: "The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad." – Salvador Dali) Nominated for MEFAwards 2010.
A dark AU of the event in Sammath Naur. Frodo took a different route, hoping to save everyone, including Gollum... |
Rating: R |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 4/30/2010 |
The Spirit of Fire |
Last Updated: 4/20/2010 |
For Teitho March 2010. "Return of the Light." A puzzle story.
He was Mithlen now. A star but grey instead of silver, ashes from the redness of the burning coals. He was no longer red and silver and burning, but grey and grey and redeeming, and this time he had to earn back his light.
A story of redemption in anonynity. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 4/20/2010 |
Brother Mine |
Last Updated: 2/20/2010 |
They say, even in the darkest of times and nightmares there is always a light, a silver lining, a hope… It comes in many forms and often in the most unexpected places, events and situations.
It was well known by Erestor and Ereinion, as they were struggling to find their places and roles in the dying society of Elves in Beleriand and making an effort in order to stay alive, starting in the end of the First Age and continuing to the ages beyond.
(Thanks for MysteriousJedi and KyMahalei for |
Rating: PG-13 |
Reviews |
Status: In Progress |
Chapters: 7 |
Published: 8/1/2009 |
Sacrifices |
Last Updated: 2/19/2010 |
For Teitho January 2010. "The Price of Freedom." Nominated on MEFAwards 2010.
Sacrifices buy freedom, but at what price?
“In this tainted world the measure of the worth is determined by the measure of the sacrifice, son of Arathorn.”
A tiny gap-filler before the Fellowship left Rivendell. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 2/19/2010 |
Melyanna |
Last Updated: 2/19/2010 |
For Teitho December 2009. "Giving Gifts, Receiving Gifts."
She was a bright, dear gift for everyone in her life. Three winter yules were witnesses and evidence to that. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 2/19/2010 |
Eruanna |
Last Updated: 1/7/2010 |
Everything and everyone is perfect in the Blessed Realm... is it not? A new, hopeful father learnt the difference between expectancy and faith.
Dedicated to parents out there who are proud of their disabled children. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 1/7/2010 |
Like Toy Soldiers |
Last Updated: 11/25/2009 |
The host of the Valar who marched to Middle-Erth to vanquish Morgoth were wreathed in valorous splendor. But what were they like before they set foot on the Hitherlands? A short piece; Thanksgiving present for Ellfine, Fiondil, KiMahalei and Larner.
Happy Thanksgiving, people! |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 11/25/2009 |
Olórë Malë |
Last Updated: 11/20/2009 |
For Teitho October 2009. "Weird Tales."
Nominated on MEFAwards 2010.
Legolas and Aragorn experienced something together but refused to talk about it to each other, at all...
How does one separate which is dream and which is not?
A twisted parody of what the title should have meant. (Yes, I am evil.) |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 11/20/2009 |
Ringil: the Maiden of Many Names |
Last Updated: 9/21/2009 |
Aragorn is a tough man of fifty, grim and unpenitrable. But he is not all invinsible to everyone, as people in the common room of the Prancing Pony will find out, and Barliman the inn-keeper too, in a particularly-nasty rainy winter day. Who manages to crack the Ranger's impassivity and in what way? Someone will answer those question before Barliman's eyes.
This is a collection of three one-shots around the same event but from different point of views.
1: Barliman the Inn-Keeper.
2: Aragor |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: In Progress |
Chapters: 2 |
Published: 8/7/2009 |
The Unknown |
Last Updated: 9/2/2009 |
A daughter was rather rare in the House of Finwë. Out of the 24 family members (the wives not counted), there were only 5 females. So how would a daughter be received in one of the lucky families in the House? Especially if she was the last child of her generation...
A small snippet about a peaceful (...or not) existence in Valinor before the death of the Two Trees and the rebellion. |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 9/2/2009 |
I Remember |
Last Updated: 8/18/2009 |
For Teitho July 2009. "Competitions."
Legolas, by help of a new friend in a new land, remembered the past and the land he had left behind, alongside the people he had been parted with. A little game was what it took to remember them, and to let go of them also. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 8/18/2009 |
First Impression |
Last Updated: 8/4/2009 |
Erestor’s dream was coming true. He went to Doriath and saw it for himself. But the reality exceeded his wildest expectation – for the good, thankfully.
A light little snippet about Erestor's Elflinghood. A companion piece to my story Brother Mine. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 8/4/2009 |
Without a Past |
Last Updated: 8/2/2009 |
He lost the one dearest to him by his mere existance. He lost his childhood in a childish hope of gaining his prize back. And he lost his remaining, other prize for a stranger.
A short take of the first death in Aman from a child's point of view. (Continuation is probable.) |
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 8/2/2009 |
We Speak through Music |
Last Updated: 8/2/2009 |
For Teitho June 2009. "Strange Encounters." Nominated on MEFAwards 2010.
How did the Ents learn their unique, beautiful language? Surely not from the Elves? Because if the Elves did teach them, then Legolas must have known about it… Fangorn hid many secrets, indeed, but not all of them were only about the old, old forest of his realm. Legolas and Gimli were lucky; they got the privilege of knowing about one of the most important secrets to be ever shared by the Ent kind. |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 8/2/2009 |
No Smoking! |
Last Updated: 8/2/2009 |
When did Aragorn start smoking? Whom did he learn it from? Had he always smoked openly? What were the reactions of the people around him on his new habit? |
Rating: G |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 1 |
Published: 8/2/2009 |