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Ringil: the Maiden of Many Names  by Eärillë 3 Review(s)
MairiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/11/2009
Hmm... This is intriguing. I'm dying to find out more about the maiden, and I really like the idea of telling the same story through different viewpoints. Clever!

Author Reply: Thanks! I hope you will not be disappointed with what is in the update... I beg for your patience, though, because I can only work on the update about two weeks from now. I hope its content will make up for the long wait. It will be from Aragorn's point of view, and will answer some (albeit not all) questions from Part 1. Yes, the maiden's identity will be revealed a bit there too, although you have to wait for the last part to get her full account of the events. I am glad you like the style of the story. I have never attempted any like this before. Hopefully this one will work well... Thank you for taking time to review, and see you in the next part. :)

- Rey

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/11/2009
Interesting and well done. When do we get part 2? I thought it was Arwen until you mentioned the round ears. I have no good guess as to who she is, but you certainly have created an interesting character.


Author Reply: Thanks! (LOL It is I who should be thankful, I think. :)) Well, she is an original character of mine, so no one (but I) knows about her. The second part will be up about two weeks from now. I am sorry for the wait, but I have to defend my undergraduate essay next week, and my graduation from the university is depended solely on it. I had been struggling with the essay in the last weeks and therefore could not work on the update, and now I have to prepare myself to explain everything in it to a board of three fearsome lecturer examiners. Not a pleasant thing to have, eh? Well, I am often tempted to just make an impromptu defense, thus taking the meantime to update my stories... but I simply cannot trust my luck to do the job.

About the character, you were right, she was surely not Arwen. LOL Your effort of guessing is much appreciated, though, and I hope you will not be disappointed with who she turned out to be... See you in the next installment, then (where we will see more about her, given Aragorn's relation to her and the talk he had with her in the room he rented ;)).

- Rey

RSReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/7/2009

This stranger is intriguing and I'm dying to know who it is. Raven hair, tall, grey eyes, Strider certainly is not afraid to show affection towards her. For a minute I thought I knew who she was. But then... a traveler and very wordly and well-known and is injured, taller than Strider?---can't be her (or am I stereotyping?) The round ears definitely made me rethink my guess.

Can't wait for the next install.

Author Reply: (Sorry for the late reply.) Mmm. I am curious to who did you think she was... Arwen? But this stranger maiden acted more motherly than ... well, than what one might expect from a pair of soon-to-be spouses. :) And you were right about the round ears. The second part is about half-way finished; at least the hard part has been tackled. Now I just have to find the right time to complete it... It is not in the very near future (meaning about one week from now), but I promise you I will not procrastinate once I get my hand on it again. Thanks for taking time to review and to guess! Glad that finally I can instill a bit of mystery into a story I write. Hee. I am usually quite bad about mysteries.

Hopefully you will enjoy the second part!

- Rey

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