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Who Is Right?  by Eärillë 2 Review(s)
SiiwReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/4/2011
Oh! I must have missed a lot of stories here!

Prejudice isn't what I would expect of Eldarion, being a child of two different races. Good that he has his wise parents to show him the truth. I am sure he will grow up to be a good king.

Aragorn speaking the language of Harad made me smile. I could vividly imagine the girl's surprise and relief.

Out of curiousity, do you always write from a child's POV lately, or was that part of the challenge?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/8/2011
Ah--at least they have both been corrected, and know well that the King loves them both equally well in spite of the foolish things they've heard others say.

Author Reply: I thought of what Aragorn might say if he found any of his loved ones spouting bigoted comments, while he himself was an open-minded person; so here was the answer. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yes, both children were equally admonished and loved, and they went back to being friends... That is always the way of children. :) I just wish I could peek into Aragorn's thoughts at the time!

Thanks muchly for dropping by and commenting on this little family scene. :)


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