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We Speak through Music  by Eärillë 3 Review(s)
Alaura J.Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/19/2012
This is how I feel about your piece:

"To say that Bilbo's breath was taken away is no description at all. There are no words left to express his staggerment, since Men changed the language that they learned of Elves in the days when all the world was wonderful."
--The Hobbit

Perfect in every way. It's interesting to see a Treebeard that doesn't know everything, and Maiar that appreciate humor. I am definitely planning on reading your other stuff.


Author Reply: Thank you very much for the review -- and those very flattering compliments! LOL You got me speechless here. Just... thank you so much. I hope you liked my other stuff at least half as much.

I'm sorry for the very late reply. RL has not been kind to me these months and I have just a little time before it gets insane again soon. But truly, I highly appreciate the review -- and no less for the flattery! :) I still think the story does not deserve such a high praise; but perhaps a reader's point of view is different than a writer's.

Again, thank you very much for dropping by, reading and reviewing.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/4/2009
Very lovely! I like it very much! From one who has trained and worked as a TVI, Braillist, and O&M instructor! Welcome!

Author Reply: LOL Thanks! :D Sorry for the late reply. I got the E-mail notification for this when I was about to swap turn with my brother for the computer, so I couldn't reply then... Thanks for the welcome. :) It was a pleasant surprise that you've known the world of sight-impaired people so closely! (What is a TVI, though? *blush* I am an Indonesian and don't know many English terms and acronyms... I take that a Braillist is someone who transcribes latin-charactered writing into Braille one? And O&M stands for Orientation and Mobility?)

- Rey

SiiwReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/3/2009
This is still my favourite story. I like stories where different races meet for the first time, and this version was plain beautiful. Did you mean to underline the whole part about the Maiar's reaction to his song, btw?

Author Reply: Ow. No. I meant to italicise that part... Uh-oh. I will have to replace it soon. Thanks for pointing it out! Thanks also for the compliment!

- Rey

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