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The world of J.R.R. Tolkien is owned by Tolkien Enterprises and/or New Line Cinema.  No money is made from these stories. The stories are the intellectual property of the author(s) and should not be reproduced without their permission.

Tolkien quote of the day:

"For the Arkenstone of my father," he said, "is worth more than a river of gold in itself, and to me it is beyond price. That stone of all the treasure I name unto myself, and I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withholds it."

Thorin, A Thief in the Night, The Hobbit


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(5323 stories in the archive)

bullet If I Never Knew You by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 2/9/2025
As the Union of Maedhros began to take shape, Fingon, upon learning of Celegorm and Curufin's actions and threats, paid a visit to Himring.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/9/2025
bullet A Horse for Bandobras by Lindelea Last Updated: 2/9/2025
Originally published in honor of the Professor's birthday, a series of drabbles, double drabbles and (perhaps) triple drabbles recounting how Bandobras, son of Thain Isumbras III, came to be remembered by history as being tall enough to ride a horse. (Another deleted story that is being restored. I didn't have an updated copy of the chapters that were posted, so some small threads may have been dropped here and there. Beg pardon. As I figure out what edits were made, I'll restore them.)
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 10 Published: 1/21/2025
bullet One Who Sticks Closer than a Brother by Lindelea Last Updated: 2/8/2025
Follow-on from A Matter of Appearances. A story exploring friendship, as lived by one of Pippin's cousins in Pippin's early years as Thain. Note: I'm interrupting the about-to-be rather angsty Tenth Walker to post the final chapters of this WIP, which is already past the angsty part and well on its way to the joyful conclusion. Thank you for understanding. New chapter: Legolas joins the party.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 60 Published: 9/11/2006
bullet The Unquenchable Light by Virtuella Last Updated: 2/7/2025
Many years ago, I wrote a silly little story about Aragorn and Arwen planning their daughter’s wedding, and for this I invented a character called the Archseraph of Kûz, a ridiculously wealthy country far to the East of Gondor which, so Aragorn says, “nobody even knew existed twenty years ago.” But all things are connected, and this is the story of the role that Kûz played in the war against Sauron. I have used what little is known in canon about the remote East of Middle-earth, and then greatly
Rating: G Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 19 Published: 7/15/2024
bullet Happy Begetting Day by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 2/7/2025
The tale of how the sons of Fëanor were conceived and named, and how the daughters came into being in the other two houses. For the 2025 T’mas!
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 2/7/2025
bullet Beyond Imladris by PSW Last Updated: 2/7/2025
Estel must draw upon all of his hard-won skills when he receives an unexpected and frightening introduction to the world beyond Rivendell.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 23 Published: 1/19/2025
bullet A Light in Midwinter by Mirkwoodmaiden Last Updated: 2/6/2025
Loved ones gather in Ithilien to celebrate the Winter Solstice and to share Faramir and Eowyn's joy as Eowyn is about to give birth. Laughter and camaraderie coupled with women sharing and men evading work! Continuation of "Leaving Home; Coming Home." But written as stand alone story!
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 8 Published: 1/26/2025
bullet All Work and No Play by Lindelea Last Updated: 2/6/2025
(or The Thrum of Tookish Bowstrings, Part 2) Re-post of deleted story. This story has long been hinted at under the working title Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor, and several excerpts have been published under various titles. When the son of Thain Peregrin wishes to trace his father's journeys, trouble follows. (Thanks to Larner for beta-reading the earliest chapters.) New chapter: Pippin's news stuns his older cousins.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 4 Published: 1/26/2025
bullet The Healing and the Blessing by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 2/5/2025
A Tale of Two Elessars: Fëanor's and Enerdhil's, and the story of how they became intertwined.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/5/2025
bullet The King and the Steward by Itarille Last Updated: 2/5/2025
Aragorn and Faramir, in the early days of their burgeoning friendship. With cameos from Húrin of the Keys, Gandalf, the hobbits, and possibly Lady Ivriniel, should she deign to make an appearance.
Rating: G Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 7 Published: 1/16/2025
bullet Bound by Duty; Bound by Joy by Mirkwoodmaiden Last Updated: 2/4/2025
During the Ring War Faramir falls victim to more than just the physical wounds he took trying to retake Osgiliath. The Black Breath tries to claim him and only the Hands of the Healer, the King can bring him back. In killing the Witch King Éowyn is wounded and though Aragorn can heal her body, He cannot heal her spirit. Faramir will. First chapter is a bit grim but the following chapters are more optimistic. **REPOST due to Breach
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 6 Published: 1/25/2025
bullet Destiny's Child by Mirkwoodmaiden Last Updated: 2/2/2025
Éowyn finds herself away from the home of her birth and living at court. Orphaned with her brother, they go to live in Edoras, in the Golden Hall. She doesn't fit in with court life. She wants to fight and live a life people keep telling her can't be hers. This is her story. Eowyn has endlessly fascinated me The inspiration for the first chapter came from Lindelea when during a discussion taking place the review section about how Eowyn became a shieldmaiden.
Rating: G Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 16 Published: 1/20/2025
bullet Silhouettes of Doom by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 2/2/2025
"At least we have learned that the sons of Fëanor can die too." Nine POVs, one matter - a story about the kinslaying in Doriath.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 9 Published: 1/31/2025
bullet Dol Guldur by Arnakhor Last Updated: 2/1/2025
Dol Guldur was originally published in the fall of 2018. A sequel to it, Days of the Dunedain, was published in the fall of 2024. Both were deleted in the recent breach of the website. Days of the Dunedain has been restored to the site. I am in the process of restoring Dol Guldur to Stories of Arda. It’s a longer work than Days of the Dunedain so it may take a few weeks or so to restore. As chapters are finished they will be posted. A third story involving the Dunedain is in progress,
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 23 Published: 1/26/2025
bullet Capturing a Star by shirebound Last Updated: 2/1/2025
Defying Dwarvish traditions, Gimli brings something very special to the Shire as a coming-of-age gift for Sam's oldest son. Characters include Aragorn, Arwen, Sam, Frodo, Rosie, Pippin, and Merry. A "Quarantined"-verse story. (RE-POSTED)
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 5 Published: 1/29/2025
bullet The Tenth Walker by Lindelea Last Updated: 1/30/2025
Bill the Pony gave my elbow yet another nudge this morning, causing me to spill my tea, and he licked up all the sugar from the bowl, and is likely to make a complete nuisance of himself if I don't write down his story. Chapters are about as long as a pony's attention span. New: Following the wolves' attack, time is pressing as the Company seeks the Doors of Moria.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 123 Published: 6/15/2005
bullet An Urgent Matter by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 1/29/2025
Every morning, I leave you; every evening, you bring me back. An endless game—until the day it is not.
Rating: R Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 1/29/2025
bullet Eä's Redemption by AaronSecret Last Updated: 1/29/2025
This is my new poetical attempt to add my own interpretation to Tolkien's Cosmology as to Eru's Creation and the Valar's minds and behind-the-scene providence reasons and mechanisms.. I often review Eä as part of our own world, just in another dimension, this is why I have always seriously thought on the matter who the Ainur are, who Eru is, how he matches our own religious pantheon, and this has been conducted after serious research of many esoteric teachings of our own planet's heritage.
Rating: G Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 5 Published: 7/14/2024
bullet Sad But True by Ecthelion of the fountain Last Updated: 1/28/2025
Had he loved? Perhaps. But what cuts deeper—love or light? A story for Celegorm the fair, the third son of Fëanor.
Rating: R Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 10 Published: 5/3/2007
bullet Days of the Dunedain by Arnakhor Last Updated: 1/24/2025
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 24 Published: 1/22/2025
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