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Dreamflower's Mathoms III  by Dreamflower 185 Review(s)
WalkerSkye Reviewed Chapter: 32 on 10/14/2024
Hi Dreamflower! So delighted to find your stories again! Hope you are well. We moved to Stroud last year, I took the church post here, so I’ve been busy with that. I needed a good dose of hobbit lore, and as always, you deliver. Be blessed!

SharonbReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/26/2024
A nice story for the changing of the ages. And good to see you feeling well enough to be back Barbara.

DADGADReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/26/2024
This is lovely, and a fitting marking of your writing anniversary! I've been re-reading 'A New Reckoning' and sequels recently (one of my all time favourites anywhere) and wishing to see more chapters of 'In the Court of the High King'... Meanwhile I love the line about the north wind that 'won't dry wet clothes still in the basket' - it reminds me of my grandmother, who did the washing every Monday come rain or shine!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 20 on 3/24/2024
Just grazing a bit through this collection, and enjoying it. Love seeing Paladin and Esmeralda as small children. Adalgrim is most perceptive, and Wikie most forceful as a Mum. Delightful look at the farm.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/24/2024
Most joyful realization that the great Evil is gone, although the local evil might still linger, if only for a time. And most proper for the moment, considering tomorrow's date. Most appreciated!

Three years ago I was sick, in the hospital for 9 days and recuperating with friends for over a month. Know hard it is to return, and know you've been in my prayers. I so rejoice you can still write so well!

Welcome, welcome back!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 3/24/2024
Them!, the terrors of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and her loathsome son. I, too, mourn the abandonment of the berries! Hopefully berries and waistcoat can be retrieved on the morrow.

So good to see you back!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 33 on 3/24/2024
Them!, the terrors of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and her loathsome son. I, too, mourn the abandonment of the berries! Hopefully berries and waistcoat can be retrieved on the morrow.

So good to see you back!

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/22/2024
Yaayyy!!! You've written a brand-new story at last! I have so missed your new stories and your additions to your existing WIPs, though I know that our shared work on "An Unexpected Adventure" has made it hard for you to work on other stories for the last few years.

Yep, Rosie gave Sam a hard time a little when he returned! Twice, in fact.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/21/2024
Well come, indeed (though my etymology, it appears, may be faulty, and the word I should really want is wilcuma). So glad to hear from you once more.

It is so lovely to wrap my hands around a warming, fragrant cup from which the steam is freshly rising, whilst enjoying the company of your hobbits and drinking in the little details that bring your stories to life: dandelion tea... "She won't dry wet clothes still in the basket"... and the field that wasn't growing much because it was for show only. Clever hobbits!

Author Reply: Thank you, dear! I'm so glad you like my imagery.

Do you ever follow Quora. It's a place where people can ask and answer questions, which I do. I can do it on my phone, though is sometimes takes me half a day or longer, to just type in an answer. But I wasn't told I couldn't use my phone. But stories I can't do on my phone. Mostly I write Tolkien question, though I sometimes answer questions on other subjects.

On of them often comes from new writers. I always tell them not to waste time on generalities, but to be specific. Like don't write there's a tree, but there is an oak, or a willow or an apple tree. Don't write there are pretty yellow flowers, but say there were daffodils, or crocus or primroses or dandelions. I learned that from reading Tolkien.

I'm trying to get caught up with The Tenth Walker, and see what little Bill is getting up to, but I started from scratch and haven't found where I left off yet.

Thank you so much, sweetie!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 34 on 3/21/2024
Welcome back, dear one, and happy anniversary! What a challenging time you've been enduring, but may that clean North wind blow hope and peaceful times back into your life. ♥

Her heart lifted to see blue sky once more, and suddenly she just knew, knew deep in her heart: Sam was coming back to her.

What a lovely and uplifting moment for our Rosie.

Author Reply: Thank you dear! ((((hugs))))

I always loved that epilogue, but this was the first time it gave me a bunny!

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