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Biography:   Greetings! I'm not certain why you are reading my profile, but since you are, I might as well make the best of your time and tell you something useful. Or interesting. Maybe even both. And I'm going to work from the assumption that you're reading this profile for one of two reasons. One: You're trying to determine if my work is worth reading. Two: You've read my work and you're wondering just what goes on in my head. So let's see if I can answer both.

I write LotR fanfiction because I can't get the characters out of my head and the only way to quiet them for any period of time is to write their stories down on paper. Or on the computer. The primary characters in my head that clamor for attention are Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. But there are certainly others. Faramir is prominent, as are Elladan and Elrohir. The hobbits will slip in from time to time, and Eomer and Eowyn are not to be underestimated. Celeborn and Thranduil will periodically gang up on me while Imrahil and Boromir take a more subtle (but hardly less effective) approach. However, the key players seem to be Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, so at least one of the Three Hunters will play a prominent role in many of the stories.

As for what kind of stories I write, humor is important to me. As a way of life, I try to look for humor in every situation, and that trickles into the stories. But I also try to find a balance where angst is not overpowered by light-heartedness. And angst is another key ingredient, because I enjoy seeing how characters react to extreme situations. Action and adventure gets my blood pumping, and drama is a wonderful tool for character introspection. In short, you're likely to see just about anything from me. But humor and dark angst are prominent.

And that is essentially me as a writer of LotR fanfiction. I hope you enjoy the stories and come back for more. And remember to leave a review if you feel so motivated. They're really the only form of payment I get, aside from my own satisfaction and peace of mind.
bullet Blind Clarity Last Updated: 7/27/2015
While waiting for the fog to lift, Aragorn and Gimli share a conversation about the Ring's temptations on the banks of the Anduin. But though he easily recognizes the danger in others, Gimli may have neglected to account for himself... A gapfiller featuring primarily Aragorn and Gimli with an extended appearance from Legolas and cameos from Boromir and Sam.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 7/27/2015
bullet Coalesced Diffusion Last Updated: 7/13/2013
Nine Fellowship members, twenty-five word prompts apiece. An exercise in concentrated minimalism that spans the journey of each Fellowship member as they play their own part in the quest to destroy the Ring. Final Chapter - Gimli
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 9 Published: 6/25/2013
bullet Horatio's Philosophy Last Updated: 9/16/2012
One year before the Council of Elrond, in the midst of fracturing alliances and rising darkness, a Black Rider came to the dwarves with a terrible offer. A story of why the Lonely Mountain ultimately sent Glóin and Gimli to Rivendell for help. Features primarily the dwarves with guest appearances from the men of Dale as well an elven prince or two from Mirkwood.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/16/2012
bullet Fey Last Updated: 8/9/2011
Faramir is dreaming. Or sick. Or mad. Aragorn and Legolas aren't sure which. The only thing anyone does know for certain is this: They're all running out of time. (Written for the LOTR Big Bang challenge.)
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 6 Published: 8/3/2011
bullet Stray but a little... Last Updated: 4/7/2011
Duty, despair, and a golden Ring. A conversation and an argument on the banks of the Anduin, featuring Boromir and Legolas.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 4/6/2011
bullet Of Shape and Hue and Home Last Updated: 3/19/2011
Take a master of shape and hue. Stir in a troubled wizard and four hobbits. Add a dash of surprising Ranger. Mix thoroughly until shape and hue begin to blend... Written for Pearl Took as part of the Yule Fic exchange.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/19/2011
bullet Hollow Last Updated: 10/30/2010
There are some forests even Legolas cannot abide, and there are some caverns even Gimli cannot endure. A Halloween gapfiller featuring the Grey Company on the Paths of the Dead.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/30/2010
bullet The Unwilling Last Updated: 10/1/2010
When the White Council drove Sauron out of Dol Guldur, Elladan became separated from his command and sought refuge beyond the fences of Mirkwood. Unfortunately, his would-be-refuge was already spoken for. A chance encounter between two characters who had more in common than Elladan could ever admit.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/1/2010
bullet Broken Last Updated: 6/10/2010
The evening the Fellowship left Imladris, Elrond spoke to them of more than just their coming journey. An examination of the events, the people, and the oaths that prompted Elrond's words.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/9/2010
bullet Escaping by the Dozen Last Updated: 6/8/2010
After the Wood-elves capture Thorin and his company, Bilbo seems to be their only hope for escape. And they are more than ready to provide him with many suggestions on how to go about it.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/8/2010
bullet Questing Last Updated: 4/10/2010
In the spring of 2941, against all reason, thirteen dwarves decide to leave the safety of the Blue Mountains and take up a quest to slay a terrible dragon. Gimli would like to see their number increase by replica
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 3 Published: 4/7/2010
bullet The Counsels of Men Last Updated: 3/11/2010
An answer to a question: Why weren't Legolas and Gimli at the Last Debate? Featuring Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn on the morning after the Battle of the Pelennor.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/11/2010
bullet The World Below the Mists Last Updated: 12/11/2009
Early one winter's morning, an eagle came to Imladris bearing dark tidings from Lothlórien, for news of Gandalf's death affected more than just the grieving Fellowship. A belated birthday present for Nieriel Raina, featuring Elrond, Glorfindel, and Erestor with guest appearances by Landroval and Elrohir.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 12/11/2009
bullet Mazarbul Last Updated: 10/31/2009
When Gimli returns to the Lonely Mountain following Sauron's defeat, Thorin Stonehelm welcomes him as a hero and the celebrations begin. But Thorin soon learns that in addition to tidings of victory, Gimli also brings tidings of a much more grievous nature.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/31/2009
bullet Beyond the Mountain Passes Last Updated: 4/5/2009
When a certain elf and dwarf first agreed to join the Fellowship, they only promised to go as far as the mountain passes. At what point did they decide to keep going? And perhaps more importantly, why? A Lothlórien gapfiller featuring Gimli and Legolas.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 4/5/2009
bullet Of Rowan and Ruin Last Updated: 10/11/2008
The story of a friendship one hundred and twenty-two years in the making.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/11/2008
bullet The Eagles are Coming Last Updated: 9/4/2008
A small AU regarding a slightly different turn of events during the chaos of the Battle of Five Armies. Features primarily Erestor with appearances from Bilbo, Glorfindel, Legolas, Aragorn, Elladan, and Elrohir. Warning: Dark.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/4/2008
bullet Lengths and Measures Last Updated: 9/1/2008
In Mirkwood's elven stronghold, it is usually the King and the Prince that meet, but by the end of that meeting, it is often the father and the son that speak.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/1/2008
bullet Maggoty Bread Last Updated: 8/23/2008
A somewhat ridiculous movie-verse tale explaining why the Uruk-hai took maggoty bread with them when they set out after the Fellowship.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/23/2008
bullet Hunting Last Updated: 7/3/2008
On the slopes of Amon Hen, the Fellowship was broken. In describing this crisis, the books tell us that Aragorn detoured to the Seat of Seeing, that Frodo and Sam crossed the Anduin, that Boromir died defending Merry and Pippin, and that Merry and Pippin were made captives of the orcs. But what of Legolas and Gimli? All Tolkien says on the subject is that they went hunting...
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 7/2/2008
bullet The Dooming of Small Hands Last Updated: 6/12/2008
While Frodo recovers in Rivendell from his wounding at the hands of a Morgul blade, Gandalf and Elrond debate the next step in the Ring's journey. Sometimes the right decision feels like nothing more than bitter betrayal. Gapfiller for The Fellowship of the Ring.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/12/2008
bullet Seaworthy Last Updated: 3/1/2008
An evening discussion by the bay, featuring Legolas, Imrahil, and the Sea.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/1/2008
bullet During a journey in the dark... Last Updated: 9/28/2007
Sequel to the story "While the Ring went south..." this story picks up almost exactly where the other left off. Explore the missing scenes of the Fellowship's trek to and through Moria. As with the first fic, this is strictly book-verse while still including all the stretches and twists that canon can bear.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 6 Published: 8/22/2003
bullet With Many "Fond" Acknowledgments... Last Updated: 9/1/2007
Behind every great writer is a host of inspiring, helpful people worthy of thanks. But as Samwise Gamgee discovers via the Red Book of Westmarch, not everyone who offers their advice is necessarily deserving of fond acknowledgments... Featuring Sam, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli with a cameo appearance from Faramir.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/1/2007
bullet Oathbreakers Last Updated: 8/17/2007
Feeling the taint of a dark Dunharrow night, Elladan and Elrohir discuss Aragorn, Eowyn, Rohan, and those that haunt the Paths of the Dead. Gapfiller for The Return of the King.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/17/2007
bullet Fissures Last Updated: 9/13/2006
Gimli's rather unorthodox plans for the Glittering Caves raise a few questions (and more than a few concerns) about his friendship with a certain elf...
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/13/2006
bullet The Day Before Last Updated: 1/10/2006
On the eve of battle, Legolas watches the sunset and thinks about Gimli and time. Companion piece to a story called "The Day After," and once again, true friendship never comes without a price.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 1/10/2006
bullet Trivial Matters Last Updated: 10/19/2005
A bit of inanity cleverly disguised as a vignette in which Legolas loses his patience, Aragorn makes an unsubstantiated claim, and Faramir outmaneuvers them both.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/19/2005
bullet Hewing Naught but Wood Last Updated: 9/27/2005
During the Battle of Helm's Deep, Gimli makes a statement that seems to be in conflict with previous events. Now, he's given a chance to explain himself. Featuring the Three Hunters at their pedantic best plus a pragmatic Eomer. And you thought Tolkien chat rooms were scary...
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/27/2005
bullet Western Dawn Last Updated: 7/18/2005
After a troubled night, Legolas looks to the dawn, hoping to find peace. But barring that, he'll take whatever he can get.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 7/18/2005
bullet Praiseworthy Last Updated: 6/1/2005
Fate and loyalty are strange things, as Samwise Gamgee discovers during a conversation with Faramir. Bookverse tale set shortly after the destruction of the Ring.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/1/2005
bullet New Year's Eve Last Updated: 5/2/2005
On the eve of Gondor's New Year, Aragorn is forced to play host to a group of individuals who seem to believe that such a holiday should be celebrated with an elven flair. Or at least a hobbit appetite. Featuring almost every major character available in the realms of both Gondor and Rohan as well as two hungry pranksters from the Shire and a pair of look-alikes out of Rivendell.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 11 Published: 8/22/2003
bullet Land of Light and Shadows Last Updated: 4/5/2005
An invitation to journey to Harad and participate in the annual Gathering quickly turns dangerous for Aragorn, Eomer, Legolas, and Gimli. Caught in a web of deceit and manipulation, the forces of Gondor and Rohan soon find themselves battling a group that traces its origins back to one of Sauron's oldest allies. Divided and cut off from any help, their fate will determine not only the future of Harad but also the future of Middle-earth...
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 38 Published: 8/23/2003
bullet A Meeting in the Woods Last Updated: 3/10/2005
While out in search of an adventure, a young Primula Brandybuck finds a rather unlikely companion. Set during "The Hobbit" and written for the "Chance Meetings" challenge over at HASA.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/10/2005
bullet Fear No Darkness Last Updated: 2/3/2005
Rivendell is playing host to a celebration of Sauron's fall, five years after the destruction of the Ring. Coming along for the festivities are representatives from Mirkwood, Lothlorien, the Shire, Ithilien, Gondor, and Aglarond. But also joining them is an old enemy from Mordor whose body was never recovered in the ruin of the Black Gates. Dark, dramatic tale with plenty of angst to go around, featuring a large cast of familiar characters plus a good serving of simple evil.
Rating: PG-13 Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 30 Published: 8/22/2003
bullet Back to the Valley Last Updated: 12/16/2004
Bruised and broken, an elven prisoner in Barad-dûr discovers that a memory of his past can be put to use in unexpected ways. Sometimes the unsung heroes need to do their own singing.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 10/23/2004
bullet Of Elves and Dwarves and Late Night Philosophy Last Updated: 11/30/2004
Against his better judgement, Aragorn attempts to direct a late night debate between Legolas and Gimli. How successful is he? I'll leave that for you to decide.Repliche Orologi
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/30/2004
bullet The Day After Last Updated: 9/22/2004
In the aftermath of battle, Gimli waits for the dawn and thinks of time and Legolas. True friendship never comes without a price.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/22/2004
bullet Smiting Ruin Last Updated: 9/2/2004
A clash of movie verse and book verse during the scene in which Gandalf the White reunites with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. Changing the words around can change the entire meaning. Fairly inane, but it's short and fun.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 9/2/2004
bullet Father, Captain, and King Last Updated: 6/20/2004
Thranduil fills many roles, but one summer night, he finds himself assuming the role that he loves best and seems to get least. Written in honor of Father's Day, here's a quick look at the relationship between Mirkwood's greatest king and its most famous prince.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/20/2004
bullet Currents Last Updated: 5/17/2004
Missing scene vignette featuring Frodo and his wandering thoughts as the Fellowship paddles down the Anduin. Set on or around February 21, 3019, the only true participant in this story is Frodo, but his musings cover quite a bit of territory.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/17/2004
bullet None For Herself Last Updated: 5/10/2004
Even the hardiest of Rangers has a soft spot. Written to honor mothers everywhere for Mother's Day, this little story features Aragorn, Halbarad, and, in a rather vicarious way, Gilraen. Somewhat angsty and dark, but I like to think that there's hope at the end.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/10/2004
bullet Warm Beds and Warmer Heads Last Updated: 2/19/2004
Aragorn, Halbarad, their campfire, and some questionably-obtained ale. Come join our two favorite Rangers and enjoy what might have passed as a fairly typical night in their journeys together.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/19/2004
bullet Seas of Fate Last Updated: 12/22/2003
Written for the Quickies Qtr 4, 2003, challenge over at HASA, this is a brief (and I do mean brief) vignette between Imrahil and Legolas in Dol Amroth. Just a bit of adivce about life, fate, and the sea from one old soldier to another.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 12/22/2003
bullet A Very Dark, Very Wet, and Very Miserable Morning Last Updated: 8/30/2003
Written for the Quickies Qtr. 3, 2003 Challenge over at HASA, this is a little ficlet about a rather bad day in the life of a Barad-dur commander. Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to be evil. And even if your bed is underwater, there are some mornings when you're better off staying in it.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/30/2003
bullet A Fool's Hope Last Updated: 8/25/2003
A short vignette set in Rivendell one week after the Fellowship departed for the passes of the Misty Mountains. Basically a conversation between Glorfindel and Elrond as they debate the Fellowship's chances of success and argue the merits of various Fellowship members. Was it a fool's hope? You decide.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/25/2003
bullet While the Ring went south... Last Updated: 8/22/2003
For two weeks, the Fellowship wandered through the wilderness between Caradhras and Rivendell, yet Tolkien tells us almost nothing of this very formative time. Behold the missing scenes! Floods, Wargs, stray arrows, crumbling cliffs, blizzards, personality's all here.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 21 Published: 8/22/2003
bullet Beyond This World Last Updated: 8/21/2003
The greatest of friends can never truly be parted. This story is set in the Undying Lands long after Aragorn's death. Basically, it tells of the ultimate fate of those in the Fellowship as Gimli finally succumbs to old age and Legolas is forced to deal with his passing. Gandalf, Elrond, and Galadriel also have small parts to play.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 4 Published: 8/21/2003
bullet A Mirkwood Solstice Last Updated: 8/21/2003
For many cultures, the solstices were met with celebrations and festivals. And for some of the inhabitants of Mirkwood, this held true. Unfortunately, elves were not among the solstice celebrators. Introducing a rather different view of the year's longest and darknest night as seen by both the elves and the ones doing the "celebrating." Featuring the Mirkwood royal family as well as the masters of Dol Guldur.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 3 Published: 8/21/2003
bullet Musings by Torchlight Last Updated: 8/21/2003
A companion piece to the story "Reflections in the Dark," this tale shows the thoughts and feelings of Legolas as he frantically searches for his friend. Spelunking has never been quite so elvish...
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/21/2003
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