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Leaving home; Coming Home  by Mirkwoodmaiden 55 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/13/2020
Another delightful chapter! It's fun to see the first sparks of this romance.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Hello! It has been a fun story to write. I had been wanting to write about Faramir and Eowyn's wedding for a while and I think read somewhere that Eomer and Lothiriel met at their wedding and I thought wee-hee! Double fun!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/12/2020
Hahaha! "I live for danger!" (I grew up with three brothers, LOL)

Oooo, Eomer, I think she's a keeper!

The idea of the conversation switching directions at the ringing of a bell sounds familiar, though I don't know where I've heard it before.

Poor bashful Faramir. What did he do with the whole city was calling his name in "The Siege of Gondor"? It probably felt as bad or worse than escaping the Nazgűl with the White Rider's help...

Hope this finds you and yours well. Stay safe.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

I thought with three brothers she probably was a little more of a tomboy.

Eomer is most definitely going to think she is a keeper!


The dinner etiquette I am borrowing is straight out of "Downton Abbey". I guess I think (through nothing but my own fevered imagination) that Minas Tirith society is an amalgamation of Medieval settings and Edwardian social structure.

Faramir at this point in his life really does not handle praise well. He is still too influenced by his upbringing, still too busy thinking that he really isn't worthy. That changes in my stories later in the timeline. He is never completely comfortable but has a lot more confidence in later stories. This is only six months after the war was over and his father passing.

Stay safe!! ((Virtual hugs)


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/3/2020
p.s. I forgot to say, I think Lothiriel is going to fit in just perfectly.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

I think she will! She, Arwen and Eowyn are often quite the trio in later stories in this timeline!


Author Reply: And thanks for taking the time to write!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/3/2020
"They could be river stones..." Someday (soon, I imagine), Faramir will understand how important certain river stones are to his lifemate.

Poor Faramir. And, even though it's difficult to say, poor Denethor.

I'm glad that such joy lies in Faramir's future. He's certainly earned it.

Hope this finds you and yours well.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

I suspect that Faramir will understand what river stones mean to Eowyn.
In a couple stories I do try to show why Denethor could not treat Faramir better, though Eowyn does not share my opinion!

I obviously agree about Faramir most of my recent stories have been bent on showing he and Eowyn being happy!

We are well. My husband has gotten permission to work from home! Yeay!

Stay safe!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/3/2020
I like the idea of the King's quarters being kept against his return, even though it had deteriorated into a ceremonial gesture rather than an expression of any real hope. I love the airiness and light in the description of Arwen's solar.

And Arwen and Eowyn coming to an understanding over the, um, liveliness! of their respective brothers! LOL! But definitely providing common ground for the two to meet on.

Hmmm. Arwen the matchmaker... "Go off and do something kingly..." (And now I wish to put similar sentiments into Diamond's mouth, speaking to Pippin...) And of course he's not fooled, and knows she's up to something, but their mutual trust and understanding is enough that both know it is for the purpose of something good.

Hope this finds you well.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

I read I think in ROTK something about the King's House and thought to work that into the story. It only made sense that this would devolve into just a ritual than any real hope! Also thinking the architecture of Minas Tirith in the ROTK film I tried to match what I thought Arwen's solar would look like.

Arwen is clearly pained over her break with her father but that is not something Eowyn can help her with at this point so they talk about what they do have in common.

I was laughing when typing the "something kingly" line! LOL But yes Aragorn does trust Arwen to continue with what she is planning!!

Thanks so much for all the encouragement!

((virtual hugs))

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 4/3/2020
They could be river stones and I would love them because of who they belonged to and that you honor me with their gifting.

What a lovely (and loving) scene. And oh, such a wonderful meeting between Eomer and Lothiriel! You have a nice way of bringing our beloved ladies to life, and allowing us to see them through the eyes of others.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Yeah! Glad you like it! I really wanted to give Faramir and Eowyn a private scene before going to the hall. And this was early on in their relationship so Faramir would still have been somewhat tentative and unsure. I wanted to show their love and trust growing.

As to Eomer and Lothiriel I really thought about the various ways they could meet and this is how it happened as I wrote it. I wanted to show that she was a kindred spirit to Arwen and Eowyn as they tend to appear in my later stories together as three spirited women!

Thanks for taking the time to write

Hope you and yours are safe and well.


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/3/2020
“That is enough of that! You go off and do something kingly—” Arwen said playfully

I love that so much!

Author Reply: Shirebound!

I have to say that I was laughing as I was writing that line!! :-)
Thanks for writing!

Stay safe!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2020
She filled his heart with love and hope. I'd say that's the perfect description for a life partner.

"Does she know you snore?" Ah, Boromir. You'll never be completely lost so long as someone who loves you remembers you.

Ah. I, too have had such conversations with a sibling, working through difficult moments in our shared experience...

I absolutely adore seeing Beregond so light-hearted, joyful and bantering. He sounds true to Pippin's first acquaintance with him, his curiosity about other people and lands, his ready laughter. (‘At the table small men may do the greater deeds, we say.')

Ah, so six months after the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, the hobbits are already well on their way home, somewhere between "in sight of the Mountains of Moria" and Rivendell.

It suddenly strikes me as a good thing that Elessar has made Faramir prince of Ithilien. He can make a new home, new memories, happier memories there, and not be haunted by the ghosts of the past.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Hello! So glad that you enjoy Beregond in the story! Yeah!

When writing the story I had to figure out where everyone about six month after March 25 was because I had to figure out who could be at Faramir and Eowyn's wedding. Eomer and Lothiriel get married in 1421 SR so they had to get married before then because Eomer and Lothiriel meet at the wedding. And the hobbits are off to scour the Shire!

True I think it is good idea that Faramir and Eowyn will be starting a new life in Ithilien. He does love Minas Tirith but there are many painful memories as well.

Thank you so much for writing!

Stay safe! :-)


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 3/30/2020
What a moving and wonderful 'homecoming' for Faramir. Your dialogue is delightful. And a standard for Ithilien, such a great idea! I never thought of that.

Author Reply: Shirebound!

Hello! So glad you liked it! I thought about it and wondered what would Faramir think about his coming home and this resulted as I was typing! :-) He is still doubtful for about his worth at this point. But his confidence does grow as I have written other stories.

Thank you for the compliment about the dialogue I'm really glad it comes across well. I aim to give each character his/ her own voice. I hope that comes across.

I thought that Dol Amroth has its swan standard (I think I've that somewhere!) so I thought that Ithilien would as well!

Thank you for taking the time to write!

Hope you and yours are well!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/25/2020
"So are you." Been there. Done that.

And Eomer's brotherly teasing. Yes, very true to life.

An adventure in a cave! (And from what I know of caves, they were very lucky, indeed, to find their way out again. Yikes.)

Ooo, I like Eowyn as a child here! She reminds me so much of Goldilocks Gamgee, who marries hobbit Faramir... I wonder if they'll become friends. Do you have a story that describes how she became a shieldmaiden? One of my beta readers and I were discussing shieldmaidens, and the history of shieldmaidens, and precedent, just the other day, and speculating that she could not be the ONLY one in all of Rohan. Could she? Unless people just threw up their hands with her and said, "Fine! You can be a shieldmaiden! Since you seem to have no interest in embroidery, unless you're stitching up a horse's injured knee... and you insist on learning how to swing a sword... Be that way!"

"Are we there yet?" and "We're not lost; I'm just not sure where we are." LOL! Very true to life.

Aww, and that's love right there, chipping out that stone for her, putting nicks in his knife, while she sleeps.
The scene with their mother is bittersweet, and I love that she had the stones made into jewelry. Such a loving, understanding, forward-looking thing (when she knew that she, herself, had not much future left to look forward to) to do for her little daughter.

Author Reply: Lindelea!

Hello! So glad you liked it. It just flowed as I was writing it.

On Caves: Yea, generally speaking they are dangerous places but I just didn't see that this time! I don't have a story about Eowyn as a shieldmaiden but maybe I should. I think they are a thing, Eowyn says in Two Towers film, "Women in this land learn long ago that those who did not wield swords could still die upon them!" So Hmmmm.....

Yup! Eomer is the kind of brother who would damage his precious knife for his sister. The book hints at that kind of relationship (how Eomer is the one who is the only one who can reach Eowyn after she killed the Witch King and is in the grips of the Black Shadow) but really I have to say it is Karl Urban's wonderful portrayal that really does drive the way I write Eomer. Just that scene on the Fields of Pelannor when he finds Eowyn down and bloodied. It breaks my heart every time. Also when in the ROTK EE when Aragorn is tending Eowyn and Eomer is sitting by her side looking like a hurt puppy.

About the scene with their Mum I really want to paint a tender relationship. Eomer at 12 senses what is happening and the reality of it mutes his response. Eowyn at 7 doesn't notice that quite yet and it really allows a real relationship to continue, at least for a little bit.

I have small plans for one piece of jewelry and that is all I will say! :-)

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