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Agape's Attempts  by Agape4Gondor 299 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 75 on 7/5/2009
That's a wonderful scene, exquisitely described.

Author Reply: Many thanks... I don't know the Valar personally, but they were kind enough to send me a postcard with their pictures on it at this event.... I took it from there.... *g*

TariReviewed Chapter: 74 on 6/17/2009
It’s bad enough that Boromir foresaw what would happen to Faramir in the future. Had he saw his father as the one trying to set his brother on fire, he would have been devastated.

Author Reply: Even I couldn't do that to poor Boromir.....

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 74 on 6/16/2009
I don't tend to see Boromir and Theodred as lovers as many do, although they were certainly set to be friends. But this series that focuses on Faramir--it's both delightful and chilling, particularly that last one with its foreshadowing of what did indeed befall.

Nicely done!

Author Reply: I didn't set out to write slash.... I do love a good Boromir slash Theodred tale - Be that as it may, they were both only around nineteen at the time... great friends... with so many similarities that drew them closer than the average friendship...

I can't quite believe that Faramir and Denethor were the only ones in the family with foresight... I don't think Boromir acknowledged it - perhaps he was afraid to... bad dreams were more easily dismissed than foresight... :(

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 74 on 6/16/2009
An interesting set of drabbles; with the last one very sad. Little do either Theodred or Boromir know how true it is...

I wasn't sure what Boromir meant when he said that Faramir wielded a sword "like your cousin", meaning, evidently, Eowyn rather than Eomer. Boromir thought that Faramir wielded a sword like a little girl? (if Faramir is an esquire, as I thought the story implied, than Eowyn, who is 12 years younger, would be a small child) It's sort of an odd comment to make.

The series reminds me how much Boromir was loved and respected by the Rohirrim.

Author Reply: I didn't have the 'word space' to be able to qualify ages and such. I was thinking Faramir was probably around fourteen or fifteen... old enough to wield a bow skilfully, at least in his brother's eye, but young enough to heighten Boromir's 'fears' for him -

As for Eowyn, I'm figuring she's about two-ish - headstrong already and running about the house wielding a wooden sword with the best of them *g* (My own 2-year old granddaughter loves her 'sword' - she's a Pirates of Penzance fan and has swung a toy sword (or anything that even approximates a sword) for about the last 1/2 year! The 'Pirate King' song is her favorite... We have mock battles singing it...)

Which makes Theodred's 'compliment' wield even more sting....

PS - I do so love Eomer and Theoden's grief at the news of Boromir's death. He was highly prized by the warrior Rohirrim.

Bless you and thank you for the review.

TariReviewed Chapter: 73 on 5/4/2009
I can relate to the not getting wiser part.

You managed captured Denethor's despair in a few short sentences. Good job.

TariReviewed Chapter: 72 on 5/4/2009
The elven blood that flows thru Faramir shows itself in his love of trees and birds. The thought of an Ent comforting him is delightful. The distruction of the trees was horrible. Hopefully his tree survived.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 73 on 5/3/2009
And in placing his hope in the Ringbearer he was wise indeed!

Nice, and hope RiverOtter likes it!

Author Reply: It was the only place left for any hope - everything hinged upon Frodo - and Gandalf was the one who 'pushed him out the door.'

I hope RO likes it too! Bless you!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 72 on 5/3/2009
A very nice vignette - I've thought of doing a Faramir/Ents meeting, but this piece is better than what I imagined. Very Faramirish and Tolkienish. I hope you'll write a sequel where Faramir meets Quickbeam again after the Ring War; since I'm sure the Steward of Gondor would occasionally travel beyond Gondor...

Author Reply: *blushes* Many many thanks Raksha - I'm so glad you liked it!

It is amazing what one little sentence can do - send you off on adventures! If I do get a chance, I'd love to do the sequel - we'll see. Ents do have a long 'shelf life' - giggles!

Bless you for the review! Most appreciated!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 73 on 5/3/2009
Very well done, indeed! I can see Gandalf pacing back and forth, trapped, fretting, hoping in Frodo and yet desperately worried...

Author Reply: I never thought that Gandalf would fret - I guess I was too caught up in Aragorn's difficulties after Gandalf died and before he finally made the decision to follow Merry and Pippin.

But Gandalf started a flame under a lot of people (least of all Frodo) and he had to have been desperately concerned, flumoxed, and bothered by it all. Even when it came to Denethor.....

Thanks for the review!

utfrogReviewed Chapter: 72 on 4/29/2009
This is absolutely delightful! I hope Faramir meets his friend again. Very clever and original. Thanks

Author Reply: Many thanks! It is amazing what the mind can come up with when dwelling in the fertile fields of Tolkien!

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