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Agape's Attempts  by Agape4Gondor 299 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 72 on 4/28/2009
How unique! How wonderful an idea that Quickbeam might have come from Ithilien! Love it! And that Faramir, of all people, had a relationship with the Ent, all unwitting--that is the most wonderful of all.

Love it, Agape.

Author Reply: Thank you so very much! I just love 'finding' new stuff when re-reading the dear profs books! That quote just touched me and I knew someone i loved had to have encountered this 'hasty' Ent....

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 72 on 4/28/2009
the waving of branches as a tall tree moved away

What a fascinating image. You come up with the most creative ideas!

Author Reply: *blushes*

Thank you so very much for your kind words!

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 72 on 4/28/2009
What a touching story. I like the idea of Faramir leaning against Quickbeam, talking to him and yes, enjoying him, all without knowing it was an Ent. But how sad that they became sundered... I hope someday Quickbeam returns to Ithilien and Faramir finds him again.

Author Reply: Ah ha! So you want a sequel.... Yikes!

But after reading the Treebeard chapter - this thought just kept me awake. Finally acquiesced to the Muse and wrote it down. Glad it worked!

Thanks you for the kind words!

AiwenReviewed Chapter: 70 on 4/24/2009
I have to agree with you that some people and situations in Middle-earth get far less attention than they deserve. Theodred is one, but I think the entire second age of Middle-earth is another. There is very little written about the war of the Elves and Sauron, for example, and the rescue of the elves by the Numenoreans, yet Sauron came closer to winning then than he did in the War of the Ring. Thank you for writing in the holes in the legendarium and fandom's choice of writing subjects. To my mind such stories are among the most valuable fan fiction.

Author Reply: I'd love to write something about Isildur on Numenor - the story of his 'glorious' stealing of the seedling is incredible. I want to 'know' more!

Also, I started a tale of a young Elf who fled from the flooding of Beleriand - but I'm not comfortable yet - with all that happened - especiaally with Orophin... but I might get back to it.

The seocnd age is the longest - you'd think there'd be something there!!!

Bless you for the review!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 71 on 4/20/2009
Love it! I always did like Beorn's relationship with his animals!

Author Reply: I did too - Beorn's a fascinating character. I'd love to spend time with him - but the Men of Gondor, as you well know, are needy! : )

Thanks for the review!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 71 on 4/19/2009
What a completely unique point of view! Marvelous. :)

Author Reply: Many thanks. I love the 'odd' character that Tolkien throws out to us. This was fun!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 70 on 4/16/2009
Certainly Theodred is one who deserves honor and remembrance. Yes, targets--destroy the heirs and take the land when the ruler fails--and the sooner for the grief of it, or so it is to be hoped by the likes of Sauron and Saruman.

Beautifully, painfully done.

Author Reply: I was appalled by the fiendishness of the plot - I don't know why!

And Saruman was absolutely despicable through it all.....

Many many thanks for your review!

TariReviewed Chapter: 70 on 4/15/2009
Oh, Agape, this is so heart wrenching. It brought me close to tears. You are right, very few people research like you do and then expand upon what might have been. Thank goodness you do. This is a beautiful tribute to Theodred who never had a chance to fulfill his destiny.

Author Reply: I do love Tolkien, as you well know, Tari, but sometimes it is just so difficult to read of another great character suffering so and in the end losing the battle.....

Many thanks for your kind words. Most appreciated!

TariReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/30/2009
This so like Sam. Getting right to the point without a lot of flowery words. which of the two Hobbits is having nightmare's she wonders? Based on the severity of the dreams, I would guess Frodo. If so, Aragorn will only be able to do so much for him. The undying lands hold the healing he needs.

Author Reply: Ah, Tari - both are - but Sam is the one who knows he'll survive - it's his worry about Frodo that prompts the letter...

I'm afraid Sam does not want to even think about Frodo going anywhere!!!

Bless you for the kind words!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/28/2009
Oh how sad! Poor Sam, and poor Frodo! (((hugs them both)))

I love Sam's mix of both the heart-breaking and the homely. "Plain and Simple", as you said.

Author Reply: Sam is so easy to write (not linguistically - but his feelings) What you see is what you get... Bless him! Because what you see is absolute purity.

Thanks ever so much for your review!

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