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Day and Night  by Peredhil lover 46 Review(s)
Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/10/2007
Poor Elrohir. His desperate determination to reach his brothers is driving aside all his own exhaustion and pain - no wonder Glorfindel is so concerned. I'm not surprised that Elrohir ignored him though, and I'm glad Glorfindel saw the sense in a compromise. Trying to reason with either of the twins at a time like this seems a *very* wasted effort!

I loved the final scene with E3 all sleeping peacefully. Very nice, and very sweet.


Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing Jay.

I'm so glad that you liked the final scene. I was aiming to make this the last chapter but it was getting far too long, so I decided to cut it in half, and this seemed like a nice place to end it. Not a cliffhanger, but after all E3 have been through, I thought they deserved a break! ;-)

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/10/2007
Blood smeared on the rock

Nice opening line! I cringed at the image of Elohir's hands. I hate having my nails break, but then, I'm a sissy compared to the Sons of Elrond.

So Estel's act of healing shows the hands of the king, revealing him to the twins as it will to the people of Minar Tirith. Cool idea.

Author Reply: You're not the only one to have that reaction to the image of Elrohir's hands! I hope it does effectively convey both Elrohir's determination and desperation.

I'm so pleased that you like this idea for Aragorn to be revealed to the twins as the future king.

Thanks for reviewing, daw.

peredhil lover

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/9/2007
I like the hints here that Aragorn is the first in a long line of the heirs of Isildur who has turned up with this healing ability. There had to have been a reason that the events of the Ring occurred in his time, that everyone knew that he, not his father or grandfather, was the one destined to be King. And the healing ability is foretold in that rhyme from Gondor that Ioreth remembers. So this is a good way to bring it up. Very nicely done.

Author Reply: Thanks for the kind words, French Pony. I'm glad you liked this idea.

peredhil lover

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/8/2007
There are a lot of good things buried in this chapter - Elrohir's internal battle is as strong or stronger than the external battle. I also like his identifying with the troll and the fierceness with which he fights. His concern for his twin and Estel must be nearly paralyzing.

You have some real nuggets but I think they're a little buried. I have more of an opinion I would give in private, if you wanted it. Its not too harsh and you could decide if it was of value or not. Just let me know.

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing Nilmandra. I always want to get feedback and I'm always interested in hearing opinions.

Thanks again for your interest.

peredhil lover

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/8/2007
Polishing off the trolls first seems a good plan - you wouldn't want them coming up behind you while you were trying to dig Elladan and Estel out - but I can understand Elrohir's frustration! And I can see his pity for the troll, too. It's not as if the monsters made any conscious choice in their careers - born evil, that's what they had to be.

However - the rescue party is now able to get going. And with the shortage of air, that can only be a good thing.

Author Reply: Yep, now the rescue party is ready to go full strength. Let's just hope they find them on time.

Thanks for the review Bodkin, I appreciate it.

peredhil lover

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/8/2007
Meanwhile, back at the battle. . .

Elrohir has a great sense of discipline to follow Glorfindel's orders and leave his twin and Estel behind, even for a moment. Yet Glorfindel has a point. The danger is not yet over, and must be dealt with before anything else. Put on your own oxygen mask before aiding the child next to you.

Finally, Elrohir figured out that he had to bring the troll down before he could kill it. I take it that these Elves don't have a whole lot of experience fighting trolls, or they would have figured this out long ago and worked out a system to trip trolls as soon as the battle began.

Author Reply: I think that not only does Elrohir have a great sense of discipline, but he also has common sense, and, despite his desperation to reach his brothers, he can understand the futility of trying to do it on his own.

I don't think that the elves fight trolls on a daily or even yearly basis, but they do have some experience. I am sure that they were trying, but I think that tripping a troll is really easier said than done. ;-)

Thanks for reviewing,

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 1/8/2007
I liked the conflict between Glorfindel and Elrohir over whether to leave the cave in site and rejoin the battle. They're both obviously horrified by what's happened to Elladan and Estel, but Glorfindel's longer years show as opposed to Elrohir's tighter tie to his brother.

I also liked the point that Elrohir and the troll were both fierce in battle because of harm to a brother.

Author Reply: Thanks for taking the time to review, daw, and thank you for pointing out what you liked about this chapter. Yes, they are both horrified, but of course, Glorfindel must act like the commander that he is.

I hope that you continue to enjoy the story.

peredhil lover

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/7/2007
Such a good thing that Estel got Elladan out when he did! And he did a tremendous job with the healing - not just at the laying on of hands level, but also with the more practical aspects of looking after someone under less than ideal conditions. Elrond will be proud of him.

And the message has been hammered into Elladan's head that perhaps there is more to Estel than he thought. Which is probably a good thing.

But we don't want them running out of air now! Although Elrohir will be glad to feel his brother's fea and know that he lives.

Author Reply: Thanks for taking the time to review, Bodkin. You're right-- Estel is certainly getting the chance to prove himself and lucky for Elladan he is doing such a good job of it. I do think Elrond will be most proud.

I think that Elladan is learning a great deal from this experience, as we will see a little in later chapters. As for how Elrohir is doing, that is in the next chapter, which should be up soon.

peredhil lover

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/6/2007
Forcing Estel and Elladan together like this might do wonders for their relationship. I'm curious about Estel's healing abilities. I never thought of him having much innate skills, at least this early in life. He was able to do a little for Frodo on the way to Rivendell, but not as much as Glorfindel did, or Elrond, of course, but I see their skills being a little magical in that Tolkien magical sort of way (ie related to their existence and tie to Arda, and the knoweldge of separation of soul and body which is more profound than what men were given). I'll be curious to see where you take this, if this is a one time event, sort of a divine intervention, or the start of him developeing the healing hands of the king in a rather earth shaking (at least for these two!) way.

Nonetheless, the relationship of these two is important and now Elladan is dependent on him and seeing Estel as more of an adult. I like also that he has this flash of vision showing him Aragorn's future, and his role beside that man and future king.

Author Reply: The evolution of Elladan and Estel's relationship will be a gradually process (and I have a lot of ideas in mind for them), but this is certainly a big push in the right direction.

There will be more about Estel's new-found abilities in future chapters. I'm glad that you liked Elladan's vision, as I wasn't sure how people would react to it and it will come up again too.

Thanks for reviewing Nilmandra.

peredhil lover

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/5/2007
Elladan is one lucky guy, that he is. Good for him that he recognizes this, and also that he recognizes the debt he owes to Estel. Estel is level-headed in a crisis, which is probably the best of his qualities. Yes, great warrior. Yes, healing ability. But the ability to keep one's head and think in a difficult situation -- Kipling was correct when he identified that as a marker of manhood. Estel definitely has it in spades.

Although I am a little worried about him. He has a head injury, and he keeps falling asleep. This is Not A Good Thing.

Author Reply: I'm glad to see you stuck with the story, French Pony.

Elladan is pretty lucky isn't he? I agree completely with you--being able to keep your head in a crisis is definitely the most important ability in a leader, and Estel is certainly getting to display his leadership qualities here.

Thanks again for reviewing.

peredhil lover

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