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Day and Night  by Peredhil lover 46 Review(s)
NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2007
I like your set up for what looks to be the 'great deeds' that Tolkien spoke of. A few things in particular stand out to me - the first is showing that the peredhil twins do indeed straddle both the world of men and the world of the Eldar. They appreciate the qualities and difference of both. I also like seeing some conflict between the elves, and I think it is not unfitting that concern for Estel should be at the root of some of it. Elrond and Imladris have kept him secret and safe these many years - to fail now would be heartbreaking. Yet Elladan seems to be forgetting that greater hands than those of the Eldar or Men are orchestrating these events. He has a part to play, but he is not in control. Fortunately, he has a brother and Glorfindel..and Estel himself.. to remind him of that.

Author Reply: Ever since I was first introduced to Tolkien's world, Elladan and Elrohir have always been my first love. They absolutely fascinate me! I think what I find most interesting about them is the question of what they truly are, and the choice that they, along with their sister of course, faced. Tolkien never called them elves, and true to that I will not either (except occasionally when Estel refers to them as elves, because to him, at this point in his life, he can not see the difference, though he will later when he has to deal with the repercussions of Arwen's choice). It is a theme that I will continually explore.

Elladan very much likes to take charge and often feels responsible for things that he can not control, just as Elrohir reminds him in chapter two. It is also a subject which will come up again in this story.

Thank-you so much for reviewing! It is really appreciated.

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/1/2007
You do a really nice job of treating the Sons of Elrond as distinct people, who still are closely tied by their twinship. I like the tension between Elladan and Glorfindel.

Author Reply: I have always loved the twins and given a lot of thought to them and their characters. (Some might say too much thought!) I feel as though I know them quite well and I am so glad to hear that I do a good job of portraying them as distinct individuals.

The relationship between Elladan and Glorfindel will come up again later in the story and, hopefully, they will be able to work some things out. ;-)

Thanks again for reviewing,

peredhil lover

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2007
What a nice use of canon facts to set up an original story. I knew but had forgotten that Aragorn's grandfather was killed by hill trolls, but I hadn't realized how young he was at the time.

I enjoyed Elrohir's reflections on how men spoke their minds. None of that "go not to the elves" stuff there.

The timing is significant too, and lends a weight to this whole adventure. I assume it's when Estel comes back from this trip that Elrond tells him who he is?

And I always enjoy tension between basically sympathetic characters, so the Glorfindel-Elladan tussle is great.

Author Reply: Thanks for reviewing daw, it is most appreciated. As a long time reader of LOTR fanfic and a relatively new writer, it is still hard for me to believe that my writing is being reviewed by the likes of daw the minstrel and Nilmandra! Sorry, that was a bit of a fangirl moment there.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying the story. About Aragorn's grandfather, Arador, I think you may have misread what was said. He was killed in TA 2930, twenty-one years before this story is set and one year before Aragorn was born, and, though I could not find an exact date of Arador's birth, he was at least in his eighties when he was slain by hill-trolls.

You guessed correctly, the timing of this story is quite on purpose and significant to what will occur.

I agree, it is a little more interesting to have some tension between the "good guys". Let's face it, otherwise perfectly good people don't always get along with each other. I see both Glorfindel and Elladan as have strong personalities and both tend to want to take charge, so there's bound to be some tension.

Clearly I've gone on long enough, but if you liked Elrohir's reflections about men, you may enjoy the prequel to this story that I wrote called "Answers and Questions". It is quite short and sets the stage for this story.

Thanks again,

peredhil lover

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/1/2007
I love Elrohir! Ever the voice of reason and I love the connection he has with his brother! Actually with both of his brothers! (I can't mention every little part that I like in this, but your development of each character is wonderful, i.e. watching Estel sleep and knowing that the time will come when he faces hardship and a total LACK of all he's enjoying at the present.)

Once again, Glorfindel and Elladan clash - you raise an interesting question I have heard voiced before...what must it be like to be two or three thousand years old - and still be considered a child? How annoying that would be!

And now they have found the trolls! Yikes! That last paragraph had me right there with them, feeling the ground shake and hearing that first great bellow of outrage! Well done! *ducks and runs for cover*


Author Reply: Thanks Linda! I love Elrohir too. :-)

I'm so glad that you enjoyed the character development in this chapter and the relationship between the brothers. Focusing on relationships is really what I love best in writing. (Now, action scenes are what I am not so fond of trying to write).

Thanks again for reviewing,

peredhil lover

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2007
*sighs* You draw such a vivid contrast between the golden Glorfindel and the darker Elladan. :-) And they are at odds, and it definitely shows throughout the chapter, especially in the meal preparation scenes. But I like the way everything is set up - with Elladan's foresight riding him hard - you just can feel that something bad is going to happen. *shivers* As for Estel...his twentieth birth day - a red-letter day indeed! I loved the little party they had for him - the special pastry and the stories. Just goes to show how well-loved he was amongst the elves of Imladris. Great beginning, peredhil lover!


Author Reply: I'm so glad that you enjoyed the contrast between Glorfindel and Elladan, it will be an important theme running through this story.

I quite like the birthday scene too, and yes, Estel feels quite content and very much a part of this world, at least for now.

Thanks for reviewing, it is very much appreciated.

peredhil lover

LaureleafReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/29/2006
Ai! you can sense Elladan's tension rolling off in waves...well done. I look forward to more.

Author Reply: Thanks, Laureleaf. Yep, Elladan's pretty tense. I wonder if something bad really will happen? ;>)

Chapter two should be posted within a day or two.

peredhil lover

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