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Discretion  by Bodkin 12 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 13 on 9/28/2005
Revenge indeed is sweet. Hope they don't browbeat him with his foresight of the Balrog--that would be cruel; but the embarrassing comment and coming home covered in pig dung--those would be wonderful! Yes, Glorfindel--you are getting the major part of the revenge because certain younger elves we know don't dare go after dad or granddad, and feel sorry for mum and grandmum, and so are going to focus it ALL on you. Poor Glorfindel!

Author Reply: Not the nightmares about Balrogs and Ice - but the lap-sitting and thumb-sucking, maybe. And his own version of Khuzdul cursing. And the shiny Glorfindel would just hate to be reminded of the smell of pig dung.

Glorfindel has been picked on as the official victim of the twins' revenge - but Galadriel has had a hand in this, so I hope she has decided to limit the information to the fairly innocuous.

Thank you. Last part coming!

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 13 on 9/28/2005
Rose has a Cheshire cat grin also - it sorta lingers over the page as she reads this wonderful revenge, backed with teeth even. Bravo.
Daughter's 21st this w/e - will get back to Gimli and co. nxt week, I hope.

Author Reply: So simple. So hard to counter. How can you argue against a smile? Poor Glorfindel is feeling most uncomfortable.

I'm glad you liked it.

Happy birthday to daughter. And good that Gimli will be back soon.

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