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The Tenth Walker by Lindelea | 724 Review(s) |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2006 |
I love Bill's description of Pippin's smell. This is just lovely. Author Reply: Thanks! | |
demeter d | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2006 |
I have you on my author update list. Very good! Awhile back I read a piece where The Ring called to Bill the Pony, and he would have taken it except he realized he had no hand on which to wear it! i am sure this one will be as good! I hope you have the stamina to take him back home by himself. And it would be interesting to see how the year of troubles and the invasion of the Bad Men to Bree through the eyes of Bill, with perhaps Bob and Nob's commentary thrown in. Well begun! Author Reply: You know, I read that piece too, but don't remember where, or who the author was. (Might even have been me, though I rather doubt it, but I remember joking with Dana about Bill and the Ring at one time, how Bill disappeared in the movie when the crebain came and I suggested that Frodo jammed the Ring over the pony's ear to make him invisible until the crows had passed over... and just what Bill might have thought of it, at the time.) Author Reply: p.s. thanks for the vote of confidence. And I hope I have the stamina too! | |
pebbles66 | Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/20/2006 |
Oh, I am glad that you are working on this again. I really enjoyed reading the first 2 parts. Poor Bill, how he was treated reminds me a little of Black Beauty, which I read as a child. My parents had to take it away from me because I got so upset! I'm glad that the hobbits will take care of Bill now. And I'm looking forward to reading more, soon, I hope! Author Reply: Thanks! Got stuck for a bit, but Bill just recently nudged my elbow, spilling my tea, and so I am working on this again. | |
Anso the Hobbit | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/7/2005 |
Lovely! I do like how you make the pony think. I`m glad he approved of Sam`s use of that apple. :D Author Reply: Belated thanks! | |
Inkling | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/5/2005 |
My former misery…a nice touch, that Bill refuses to call Ferny master. And a very poignant moment with the poor old woman…sad from the death of her husband and the fate of her pony. Abuse of animals is so painful to read about…I remember Black Beauty making a huge impression on me. Author Reply: Hullo! Was replying to a recent review in this chapter and saw yours. You're spot on--that little scene with the carrot was inspired by something similar in Black Beauty. We sometimes watch Animal Cops on television, and the little ones want to grow up to be protectors of animals... | |
Cuthalion | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
My old misery ducks too late, and I hear him cursing from behind the hedge, yet my trembling has left me, and I step forward confidently under Sam's guiding hand and Pippin's soft pull. Somehow I know I have nothing to fear any more. I lift my tail as we pass by the rusty gate and leave a steaming pile in the middle of the entry to the overgrown yard, a last farewell. 'Waste of a good apple,' Sam says, but I shake my head. It was my apple, after all, and I gladly donate it in service to the cause in which it was employed. *laughs* I love it. I lovelovelove it. Bravo. Author Reply: Thank you! Hopefully Bill will provide a bit of lightness to the heavier parts of the story, as well. He seems to have his head on straight. Ponies are eminently practical creatures, when they aren't taking on irrational dislikes/fears. | |
Cuthalion | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/3/2005 |
And then Sam came. Practically a pony himself, that one. He doesn't complain, weighed down by his burden. And neither shall I. *grins with delight* Absolutely wonderful Lin, the whole thing. *hugs* Author Reply: *hugs back* Glad to have made you grin! I figure Bill must have been something special, to get all the way to Moria, and then back again by himself. What a journey that must have been! | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
I like Bill's memory of 'his misery' (very sad but well done) and his reaction to the use of the apple. I'm sure that is exactly what Tolkien intended him to think. :-) Author Reply: LOL... I figured if Sam had an apple in his hand, either he was going to eat it himself or he was offering it to Bill, and it makes sense that if he was leading Bill, the apple was meant for Bill. I don't think Sam would have regretted so much the waste of a good apple if it had been on his own account, but that it was *Bill's* apple, well, that is cause for regret, from Sam's viewpoint. (OTOH, Bill appreciated the apple's fate) | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 7/3/2005 |
If Bill as the tenth walker has been done, then I missed it. This is adorable. You have given him quite a personality in just the beginning chapter. I really like this. :-) Author Reply: Thank you! Ponies do have quite a lot of personality, I've found. They definitely think their own thoughts. | |
Hit and Run Reviewer | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
Glad to see the update. Glad to know I was good for something... But not a sip of water for the poor sweat-soaked pony pulling the sledge! Husband bellyached those very words to me yesterday while cleaning out the barn. Thanks for the chapter! Author Reply: Sounds as if you ought to give the old pony at least a sip of water! Thanks! | |