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The Tenth Walker  by Lindelea 704 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 34 on 8/2/2024
What a sad chapter. I have been very bad when it comes to reading this story. I will try to do better.

Author Reply: You're right. I had to go back and look, and it is indeed a sad chapter. While writing it, I remember, I had to keep my mind firmly fixed on Rivendell to come in order to get through the hard parts in between.

The current writing process is undergoing the same kind of strain; there are some really difficult scenes to get through before we break through to the joy of Bill's reunion with his Sam at last. I just have to keep looking forward as I write so that I don't lose heart.

Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to share your thoughts! I'm so glad to hear from you again.


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/17/2024
A gentle interlude, I must say. And I love the thoughts of the Hobbit family playing at ponies and riders, and Bill's dam's laughter.


Author Reply: Thank you! It is good to get a rest before some awfully intense events start to happen. Sort of the calm before the storm.

Thanks for taking the time to leave a good word. *hugs*

ErulisséReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/17/2024
Yay yay yay!!!! A new chapter! I love Bill. He’s so precious. Thank you thank you thank you! This is my favorite of your ongoing stories. You made my day!!! I can’t wait to hear Bill’s thoughts on the men thrusting their way through the snow.

Author Reply: I’m so glad! You are very welcome. I am managing to write a little more every day. I am only updating three WIPs right now, and one of the three is almost finished, so this one should get updated regularly if all goes well. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. *hugs*

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/17/2024
Might he be part pony? It seems possible, considering the Fair One’s invisible wings...

Bill's musings are so delightful. May the path (and grass) for him soon be sweeter.

Author Reply: Amen to that! The coming chapters will build towards a delightful reunion with Sam in Bree... though there are a few troubles to get through between here and there. Thanks for coming along and offering good wishes.


KathyGReviewed Chapter: 113 on 4/17/2024
The good news is, they're about to escape all that heavy snow. The bad news for Bill is that very soon, he's going to be forced to separate from the others and be all alone, poor thing! =(

Author Reply: Alas, poor Bill! The wolves, and the "snakes", and the separation... It's a good thing I've already written his reunion with Sam in Bree, or I wouldn't have the heart to write the next few chapters! Whew.

Thanks so much for reading and stopping to leave your thoughts.


Author Reply: p.s. I read the chapter over again this morning, looking for typos (they seem to grow overnight after posting, or my eyes are too tired to see them, I suppose), and found that a bit about Sam's doings had been left out of the posted version, so I added it back in. Just to let you know, he was fixing a meal while all this was going on.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 112 on 3/20/2024
Love the description of Legolas speeding away to "find the Sun" and Bill's accompanying thoughts. Frodo changing what he'd intended to say to spare Sam's feelings is so in keeping with his empathic nature.

Author Reply: The picture of Legolas running over the top of the deep snow struck me in my first reading of LOTR, at age thirteen, and has stayed with me since. Elves can walk on top of snow? Astonishing. Even more so to Bill, I'm sure, weighed down and trapped by heavy snow as he was, watching the Men toiling below.

And you're right, Frodo has always seemed empathetic to me, perhaps part of what generated such fierce loyalty in his cousins to engage in their conspiracy to guard and protect him, even Freddy, who stayed behind and nearly gave his life in playing his part at Crickhollow.

Thanks for stopping to leave a good word. I am doing my best to finish the puppy story, in honour of two Giant Schnauzers now, both of them indelibly inked upon my heart. I don't think I'll be able to finish before Panda leaves us, but there isn't much left to the story, so I will keep working at it until the last chapter is posted. And then (sigh, but only because I am grieving, and fanfic is but a temporary respite at the moment), it will be time to pick up another WIP, either "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor", or a Farry-and-Goldi story, or (and I know you'll be glad to know this one is progressing) "Thain".

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 112 on 3/12/2024
Thanks. I'll pass your regards to Dreamflower.

Yahoo took down all the list serves, all the groups, several years ago, but some were moved to another server. I was hoping ours was one of them. Without a list serve, I see no way for any of us to be able to contact our administrators anymore, and we really need to be able to do that still. If we can't email them anymore, not only will we not be able to ask if they can fix it so that we will once more be able to receive email notifications of reviews and replies, but no new members will be able to join us as story authors, either.

Author Reply: Thank you.

I found something at IO, though no recent posts (last messages in 2023); would that be the one you're thinking about?

(((((hugs))))) to you and DF.

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 112 on 3/11/2024
And now, it's only a matter of time until they get off that mountain and head to Moria! First, though, they've got to fight off wargs.

Author Reply: All too soon, I'm afraid.

Glad to hear from you. *hugs*

(What is the SoA listserve? Did it replace the SoA Yahoo group? Or maybe it was a Google group? I've been away so long, I don't remember. I just know I belonged to a group. Sigh.)

Thanks so much for stopping to leave an encouraging word! Please convey my best regards to DF. I think of her often.

ErulisséReviewed Chapter: 112 on 3/10/2024
Awwww! What an awesome chapter. Bill is so cute and wholesome. I love the nicknames he has for everyone, they really match with their characters and add a cool layer of nuance. I eagerly await each new chapter as always! 😁❤️

Author Reply: Bill is a lovely character, according to the glimpses JRRT provided of him. He is also a product of the company he keeps (cute and wholesome Shire-folk, that is). Thanks so much for stopping to leave a word of encouragement and share the parts you like!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 112 on 3/10/2024
Bill's thoughts, while still jumbled and confused, are becoming so poetic. He really is growing and evolving, and will have so much to teach the many horses he will meet later in life... when he finally returns to an easy life in the lands of sweet grass.

Author Reply: That makes sense, considering the company he's keeping! An Elf, a Dwarf, two Men whose traditions stretch back generations, and Hobbits who often seem to be spouting a song or poem ('Won't somebody give us a bit of a song, while the sun is high?' said Merry, when they had finished. 'We haven't had a song or a tale for days...' Fellowship of the Ring). Not to mention his beloved Sam and Sam's 'bit of nonsense' under the shadow of the Trolls' legs, 'out of his own head' (according to Frodo), Frodo's lament for Gandalf in Lórien, and Sam's small addition about the Wizard's fireworks...

Author Reply: p.s. If you sometime once again find yourself struck by the yen to write a little something, I would beg for a glimpse of the fab foursome at Cormallen as comfort reading. To be clear, I am not laying any expectations on you, for you have provided so many good stories that are on my list to go back and revisit (and I must thank you again for sharing your wonderful work with the rest of us). Covid laid me low last month, and while I'm slowly getting better, the lingering lack of energy is (hah, lame play on words coming up) so tiresome.

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