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The Tenth Walker  by Lindelea 704 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 111 on 1/25/2024
Oh, but I love this, Lindelea. Love the idea that swimming is not mentioned in polite society within the Shire, and possibly by the Hobbits of Bree as well!

Your birthday present is posted, by the way! Take care and God bless.

Author Reply: I loved my birthday present! Thank you so much.

I suppose that Brandybucks have no problem talking about swimming, but then, you probably know what they say about Brandybucks (but not in polite company, of course!).

Hugs. I hope this note finds you well. Sorry if I sounded inebriated when you telephoned; just chalk it up to Covid brain. I'm getting better by fits and starts. Today, I feel as if I could sleep the day away. (But I'm hoping a nap will help so I can read some fanfic on my "want to read" list...)

God bless, and take care.

ErulisséReviewed Chapter: 111 on 1/15/2024
Oh man. This story is by far one of my favorites in fanfiction for LotR. I can’t wait for the next chapter! 💗

Author Reply: Thank you! Hearing that news is so heartening. I have posted the next chapter and am now working on the one after that. Think good thoughts that the words will continue to flow...

KathyGReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/14/2023
Oh, boy! The time is coming when poor Bill will have to leave the Company and somehow survive the trip to Bree, where he'll eventually be reunited with Sam. How will Bill survive, I wonder?

Author Reply: The Muse has some surprises up her sleeve, and no mistake! I'm sure Gandalf's 'words of guard and guiding' will be a great help.

Thank you so much for stopping to leave a good word. Blessings to you and DF. I keep beaming get-well wishes in her direction...

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/13/2023
Yeah! Still carrying on. I was excited to see the note you gave the other reviewer that you have the story outlined up to the Gray Havens and back home. I suspect that for Frodo, teaching cousins how to swim to help "drown-proof" them may be his way of gaining control over the river that took his parents. You draw closer to the time when our couragous Bill will be on his own, with only Gandalf's blessing for comfort. I will still be following.

Author Reply: My writing pace is about as slow as a hobbit plodding up Caradhras in the teeth of a blizzard, but I keep plugging away. While I'm dreading Bill's separation from the Company, I'm also rather delighted with some of the turns the story will take. (Crossing fingers that the writing will continue to flow.) Thanks so much for stopping to leave your thoughts! I appreciate your vote of confidence.

SueReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/10/2023
AT LAST: My Bill is back. I know we are close to saying goodbye (unless he continues into the wild while his friends go underground as I hope). I enjoy this tale so much, thank you so much for not abandoning it and us.

Author Reply: (Your review appears to have posted itself twice, so I'm adding a p.s. here that I forgot when I hit "Submit Reply" in my previous reply.)

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts!


Author Reply: p.p.s. The story is outlined all the way to the Grey Havens and back (at least in an Epilogue), so I'm hopeful it will take full form in the coming days.

SueReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/10/2023
AT LAST: My Bill is back. I know we are close to saying goodbye (unless he continues into the wild while his friends go underground as I hope). I enjoy this tale so much, thank you so much for not abandoning it and us.

Author Reply: At last, indeed. This chapter has been sitting on my hard drive half-formed for months. Since I am focusing more on self-care these days and avoiding stress as much as possible, and fanfic is "comfort food" of sorts, I hope to keep writing on a more regular basis. Think good thoughts.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/10/2023
I hadn't thought that the subject of swimming might not be considered proper for polite society, but I can now well imagine it. And that Pippin mentioned the subject in front of Frodo would most likely to have embarrassed Eglantine in particular, considering how Frodo's parents died.

Ah, yes--Sam would most likely have preferred "burrowing" to "swimming" in making his way through the drifts.

How thoughtful our Bill has become!

Author Reply: I was rather surprised myself that Merry did not hush Pippin's talk about swimming but went along with it instead - until I remembered that Frodo had taken pains to "drown-proof" Merry by teaching him how to swim, probably a typical practice at Brandy Hall to protect little ones living on the banks of the River and whose society included boating and using a Ferry to cross to the main Shire. So I put that part into the chapter (Frodo teaching Merry, and Merry teaching Pippin). (For my OCs, it's something of a running joke that Hilly, as a Took who eventually sailed away on a ship, didn't mind the Thain's swimming lessons half as much as the rest of the escort, lol!)

Author Reply: p.s. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! (I need to go back and read that other chapter you mentioned in your review reply, but Someone is nudging my ribs and staring at me with large, pleading puppy eyes, so I had better close the laptop for now and feed the menagerie.)


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 111 on 11/10/2023
I do love hobbits and their way of lightening the most dire of situations with. What a delightful conversation. I never thought about anyone skimming down the mountain in Boromir's shield!

When I was growing up in the 1950s-60s, Pennsylvania snowstorms brought very deep drifts that my brother and I would indeed have fun burrowing through. It's a nice memory.

Author Reply: I remember Wisconsin snowstorms during that time frame in the same way you've described them. I seem to remember burrowing in deep snow and building snow caves out of drifts when I was a very small child. I understand now that it could be dangerous? (if a snow cave collapses on a small child) ...but that possibility never crossed our minds.

I remember overhearing someone telling about stealing garbage can lids (when all garbage cans were made of silver metal (tin? aluminium?) and coasting down snowy hills on them long before snow-saucers were invented. (Maybe they were the inspiration for saucers?) I also seem to recall a fanfic that had hobbits coasting down the Hill on a shield that was usually displayed on the wall of Bilbo's parlour or perhaps his study, though the details are fuzzy. (I might even have written that scene myself and forgotten about it, but I don't want to take credit in case it was someone else's idea, LOL.)

Boromir makes a wonderful foil for hobbit humour, doesn't he? I just re-read recently Larner's story about Frodo taking revenge on Boromir for discarding mushrooms from his stew, and it was just as funny as the first time I read it.

Thanks for stopping and taking the time to share your thoughts!


tariReviewed Chapter: 31 on 9/4/2023
What a wonderful chapter. I love your description of Glorfindel and his horse was a nice addition.

Author Reply: It was both fun and intimidating to write Glorfindel. I'm glad his description worked. It made sense to me that his horse would be as noble and fair as the Elf lord himself.

Thanks for stopping to leave an encouraging word!


tariReviewed Chapter: 25 on 7/19/2023
It's been too long since I read this delightful story. Wish I could remember the other stories I was reading.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for stopping and taking the time to share your thoughts! Now that the snows are flying again, Caradhras seems to come more clearly to mind. I am hoping to finish this one sooner than later. At least I am not allowing myself to be distracted by NaNoWriMo this year!


Author Reply: (I realized belatedly that you were commenting on events that took place long before Caradhras. I hope my reply was not too confusing.)

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