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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 29 Review(s)
PortiaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Oh, I *loved* this chapter! Legolas feeling like he'd slipped into the wrong position in line was priceless, but he handled it quite well. Anyr doesn't seem to be seeing the big picture at all, but at least he's not Solith. And you ARE evil, to send Tinar along with Annael and Legolas! But it made for a lot of amusement. The bits between Thranduil and Legolas were also sweet. And the part with the elf-maiden was quite cute. Indeed, Legolas, you've been hanging around with guys too long!

There was one minor typo, which I only noticed on a second reading and which didn't take away from the story at all, but I thought you might like to know:
" Moreover, the task that Thranduil had set for Legolas made it crucial for him to talk to talk to the settlement’s leader as soon as possible." You wrote "talk to" twice.

And I'm highly amused at your apology that the chapter won't be updated so soon, considering that you update ten times faster than any other writer. Not that I'm complaining!

Author Reply: I think that Legolas really feels like he's playing a role, like he's acting. It's a role he's entitled to play but he's not as comfortable in it as Ithilden would be or even Eilian, who had commanded troops after all.

Tinar made me laugh even if he is obnoxious. And I enjoyed giving Thranduil the chance to tell Legolas that he knew he would do well.

Thank you for telling me about the typo. I can't believe I missed it! It's easy to fix on SoA.

I was afraid readers would think I had died or something if I didn't update for over a week!

dr_seuss_is_coolReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
that was an awesome chapter
i love how Legolas is so responisble
i thought it great how Tinar got told off by Galivion
and how Legolas was so great with Rodien
i would love to see more of Legolas at this settlement
he really seems grown up here...i love it!
thanks for writing...have fun in San Antonio

Author Reply: Legolas *is* responsible, isn't he? He's a very good son to Thranduil, who deserves credit for raising him right. And Tinar certainly deserved to be scolded. What a jerk! One of my theories is that most elves love children. It seems like a very elfy thing.

Thank you for the review, Dr. S.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
I was waiting on tenterhooks for some disaster to strike - the anticipation is terrible! But Princely!Legolas sounds wonderful - I love his outfit. I'm glad Annael is there, and the quartermaster elf is very helpful. That's more than can be said for Tinar - he has no idea that this is no longer a fellow warrior, but is now the King's son. I loved his *telling* Legolas to look after his horse on the way back!

Do I sense love in the air? Legolas seems very taken with the maiden!

Enjoy your trip, Daw, and we'll look forward to an update when you return.

Author Reply: No disasters this chapter, unless you count Tinar. But, as you say, Princely!Legolas is learning he can do new things. The maiden's involvement needs to be seen. Maybe she'll prefer Tinar! Hahahahha.

Tapetum LucidumReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Four chapters to read in 3 days. Now I am spoiled. Sorry, You can't go to San Antonio. The Alamo is not as important as Eilian and Celuwen. The Mexican food is great!

I love that you had Legolas take some time to appear as The King's Son. I loved Jastaelf's The Scruff Factor and now find all of these elvish clothing customs very entertaining. Sounds like he is well appointed. Thranduil's good-bye to his youngest was very sweet and just what he needed to hear. If sending Annael was genius, including Tinar is orcish. At least he will add some excitement to the trip. The fact that Tinar thought Legolas wanted him to lead the group was hilarious. It brings back fond memories of songs sung about him in the north. I am glad Legolas did get some time with Annael.

It is strange to see our youngling acting so adult. He does know his job well and handled himself with grace - in spite of the mud on his boots. I liked how you handled the first settlement elf's request to unload the food. It is much wiser to have the leader see it all together. Tinar added to the tension of the situation and subtly undermined Legolas - very clever.

Thranduil will not be happy with the settlement's close association with the Lake-men. Unfortunately, his inability to provide them with everything they needed probably strengthened it. You are quite the diplomat! Legolas' little speach was smooth as silk. Even Amyr could not be affronted. Galivion's handling of Tinar was excellent. He needed a firm swat to his backside. The Prince's use of flattery (it will get you everywhere) came off sincerely and furthered his position. Playing with the kids is always a useful political strategy, though in his case I think it was more to impress Tuilinn. I guess he will enjoy his leave more than he imagined.
Great job! Hope you enjoy your trip!

Author Reply: Legolas did very well at his son-of-Thranduil duty. Of course, he's had years of having it drilled into him that he is sometimes his father's representative, even if he hasn't done it in this kind of situation before. I have to admit that including Tinar in this little group made me laugh. A buffoon is always handy on a delicate diplomatic mission.

The association with the men is an issue, yes. It will come up again. And I thought that Legolas deserved some fun on his leave! He's on a week long business trip, just like me. I will have to confine my fun to the food, I'm afraid!

When I come back, I'll have to push Eilian's buttons some more. Poor guy.

rikwenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Ah, what is it about the two brothers and settlement elleths? Has Legolas found a girlfriend at last, or is it just a reaction to being on the Southern Patrol as he thinks?
This chapter really showed some of the strengths of Legolas that you have been developing along. Legolas can give orders to others that are his peers and friends when he needs to, though I would have applied my boot to Tinar's backside to get the point across that this was a diplomatic mission and not a Sunday picnic. Legolas also managed to convey the information about the food stores without insulting the settlement leader and he definitely showed compassion and built trust when he refuses to take much of the stew to eat. It was funny though when he took the small child and tried to feed him the carrots. Is this like the mother who tries to feed the baby by pretending that the carrots are coming by the airplane spoon?
You have also thrown in another kink with the settlement elves interacting with the settlement of men as they have been. It is great that they are helping one another, but I think Thranduil is going to have something to say about that.
I wish it wasn't going to be so long between chapters this time, but I understand RL only too well and will anxiously await the next chapter.


Author Reply: I really couldn't say how long term Tuilinn will be as a girlfriend! ;-)

Legolas really shows the results of his upbringing, I think. He's been trained to think of himself as Thranduil's son with responsiblities to the realm. He can see a larger picture of things than most warriors can, just because of dinner table conversation he's been part of. Galivion tried to do the verbal equivalent of a boot to Tinar's backside. Legolas stayed out of it, which is probably the princely thing to do.

I was thinking exactly of that airplane thing! I needed an ME equivalent thought. This was the best I could think of.

I'll write during this trip if I can, but I don' anticipate having much time, I'm afraid. It's a dawn until dusk kind of thing.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Gosh, daw, you outfoxed me on getting this one up before I reviewed the last one.

Legolas did well with his assignment. These settlement Elves are a bit of a pain, I think. Anyr didn't seem to quite get it that Thranduil sent all he could without asking others in the realm to do without even more than they already were. I suppose Anyr thought the king had an endless underground buffet just waiting to feed them. I don't suppose it occurred to him that if they were having a rough winter then everyone else was, too. He's not related to Solith by any chance, is he? Though I will say, he was a bit more mannerable.

So there's a cute little elleth hanging around the settlement? Hm.m.m. Legolas is right; he's been hanging around with warriors too long. He could use one of those sizzling kisses like Eilian got.

If the settlement Elves are a dense lot, then Tinar is a reinforced brick wall. To be fair, the settlement Elves are probably not so much dense as they are isolated. Thranduil will be interested to hear how they have been doing business without concern for the other parts of the realm. But back to Tinar. What can I say?...he's Tinar.

Sorry I missed the last chapter, but I'm always glad to see an update from you. Have a good and safe trip to the sunny south...I hope it'll be sunny for you. We'll look to the south, on the fifth morning, at dawn, for your return. :>) Good chapter! Karen

Author Reply: You are so right. The problem with these elves is that they are isolated and don't have a big picture of things like Thranduil does. They just think very locally. Eilian's 'sizzle' has been building up for a long time with Celuwen. He and she are both about to burst, I think! So Legolas may not be in quite that category with Tuilinn, but she makes a nice change from looking at Beliond. Tinar makes me laugh. He's such a useful OC. I trot him out whenever I need a buffoon.

I'll have what fun I can and think of you all while I'm away.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Oh, the addition of those little lines were perfect. Poor Legolas! He has been isolated among warriors, cold, hungry, influenced by shadow and worried for Eilian. Tuilinn sounds like the perfefct thing for him to focus his attention!

Author Reply: Legolas really hasn't been among females much since he became a warrior. So he hasn't had time to develop any lasting relationship. And I know you want me to give your regards to Tinar, so I'll just pass them along even though you forgot. :-)

JebbReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
The son of the king indeed how proud Thranduil must have been and how well taught is his youngest son. A testimony to Thranduil's skills as a parent.
I like Galivion he seems able to offer both support and praise without being obsequious.
These settlement elves are very difficult to deal with it seems but there are compensations around to brighten the scenery!
I wonder if someone tried that carrot trick on Legolas when he was younger and if it worked on him?
Have a safe trip look forward to more when you return

Author Reply: Legolas has done well so far. What a good son he is to the king. I think Thranduil was a very good parent to this youngest child, despite all his duties and obligations. Thranduil is hard on his sons sometimes, but he also has a pretty good sense of what they are going to have to face as his sons.

Galivion pleased me no end when he told off Tinar. Someone needed to do it!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Yeep! Another chapter! Lucky me!

Whose boneheaded idea was it to send Tínar on a diplomatic mission? I am sure he's good for many things, but not diplomacy. But it was sure fun to watch him get his.

Legolas did well. He's becoming an expert in the art of framing not-so-good news well, a skill he will surely need in the future. "Think of the children," is all anyone really needs to say, although mentioning the king's own short rations was a good touch. Makes people feel good if they know that royalty shares their hardship. Kind of like Queen Elizabeth saying she was glad that Buckingham palace had been bombed because she could look the East End in the face.

Bubbles! I used to have a bubble frame like that. They're fun. Legolas is like Eilian in so many ways, perhaps he'll imitate big bro one more time and fall for a settlement gal.

Author Reply: I have to confess that when I thought of using Tinar on this mission, I laughed. He's so awful, just the person you would NOT want along on a delicate mission. But Legolas did well. I think he has quite a lot of sense, and though he's young by Elven standards, he also has years of life experience. Thranduil really should be pleased.

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