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Spring Awakenings  by daw the minstrel 29 Review(s)
caz -bazReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/22/2004
i'm a little obsessive about rabbit's. we have so many i go out shooting them which really is a bit mean but my father farms so it needs doing. intresting fact - if you don't have a knife you can skin a rabbit by using it's claws to rip open it's stomach - not that i've ever tried it. i'm full of disgusting facts.

pity your away i'll have to find something else to do like that massive pile of work on my desk.

it's getting really interesting. and somebody has a crush. tut tut tut your on official business Legolas.

till next chapter
caz baz

Author Reply: Well then it works out that Eilian slaughtered some bunnies! The thing about the claws is something I'm not sure I needed to know, although I might have my warriors use it some time in an emergency. It's just the kind of thing readers like!

Legolas is certainly admiring the scenery at the settlement. We'll see how things go with that.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/22/2004
Great chapter, Daw! Legolas really rises to the occasion, I think.

I'm glad this settlement leader isn't anything like Solith. Despite his not having expressed gratitude, he was appropriately courteous.

Galivion as a character is behaving just exactly how I would want him to, were I Legolas (or the King, for that matter)... knowledgeable (though Legolas is doing fine so far), business-like, and supportive. And not afraid to confront Tinar when needed.

Oh, and I sincerely hope that Galivion reports Tinar's insolence to his captain, if not the King. Surely insubordination is an offense deserving of beheading? ;-) Talking about a long-horn bull in a china shop... I think at some point, Legolas is going to have to give Tinar a direct order, and make it clear that disobedience or talk-back are not acceptable.

At least Annael was also chosen to go along... Although I wonder whether my speculation above (about Legolas behaving more like a commander to Tinar) means that he wouldn't be able to relax with Annael, either?

Thanks for updating before you leave, Daw, and hope your business trip goes well!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Despite having some peculiarities, Anyr is easier to get along with than Solith, I think. Of course, Solith might be easier for someone other than Eilian to deal with too. Solith really does believe that Eilian is bad for his daughter.

It's funny. I was tempted to make Galivion kind of pompous and maybe not used to being away from the palace, but he just wouldn't cooperate. He turned out to be sensible, strong, and carrying a concealed weapon! Nilmandra is also cheering for Tinar to get reported and assigned to doing scut work for the next century.

Legolas has to go back to being a fellow warrior with Tinar, which I think makes this whole situation doubly touchy for him.

Thanks for the review. At least it will be warm in San Antonio.

JustafanReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Yay for another chapter! Ah, I think Legolas did a marvelous job as a sort of ambassador of goodwill for the king. I especially loved the part at the end when he attempts to get the elfing to eat the carrots and where he admires the pretty maiden. Perhaps some of Eilian is rubbing off on him :P

Author Reply: He *did* do a good job. Thranduil would be proud of him. But then, he was given lots of prep for this task and is a compassionate person. I think Anyr could probably tell that Legolas does care about hungry people. And the fact that he's probably on the thin side himself right now maybe helped.

When I wrote that end part, I too thought he was being a little Eilian-ish, especially when he was eyeing the maiden's backside. I can imagine Eilian enjoying doing that and Legolas blushing when he realized he was doing it.

erunyauveReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Ugh - flooding has to be the worst of all disasters. I recall being quite grateful when I helped to pack up the remains of my brother's tornado-strewn house that everything was dry - one of their neighbors had already lost a house to flooding.

I really liked Anyr's attitude toward the river - very Wood-Elven, I think.

I think Legolas has made a bit of an enemy in Tinar - I don't think Tinar forgets easily, even though Galivion was perfectly right in telling him off.

Just what Thranduil needs - two sons involved with maidens in the settlements. I *don't* think that was his intention in sending Legolas on this mission.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you, Erunyauve. I was trying to make the elves' attitude toward the river as wood-elfy as possible, and you are the first one to mention it!

I think Tinar's problem is that he's stupid. I'm not sure there were really stupid elves, but surely there was a continuum. And Tinar is just incapable of learning, even from years of experience. Surely he gets kicked in the teeth regularly for his behavior. It's sad actually, but I prefer not to think about that because he's so much fun to have running around as a dense-as-a-brick character.

I suspect that Thranduil would be telling Legolas to keep his mind on his task, but then, Thranduil was young once himself, so you never know.

LeraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Two new chapters so soon! How very wonderful of you. Have a good trip. I hope it's warm there.

I was very excited to see Tinar. He's such a jerk but he makes for an interesting story. As long as it's not myself having to deal with an incredibly irritating person, it's quite amusing to watch someone else do so. Sorry Legolas. And what a true jerk Tinar's being. Is he trying to make Legolas's job a ton harder than it is? And was he really insinuating that the settlement elves were dangerous? And then to grumble about the chores. I'll bet the captain was able to spare him. And he's in the home guard. Hmm. How lucky for that little wife who needed lots of guidance. Whatever buddy.

Legolas seems to be doing quite well so far I think. Yeah, Anyr a little thank you might have been nice! But I suppose when you're that far from the kingdom, you might have misconceptions about how the royal family lives. And in truth government does exist to serve the people. It was very very mature of Legolas to realize that.

You're writing more politcs than you usually do. Are you trying to offset that wonderful love story you've got going on? lol. I'm enjoying Eilien and Celuwen's romance quite a bit, thank you very much. Much more so than I normally do in LotR fanfic. Maybe because we've known Eilien and Celuwen so long. They're real. They have lives. They're not just having a romance for the sake of having romance! Well, I guess they are, but...oh, never mind. I'm enjoying it!

That line in the last chapter where Eilien tells Celuwen "I'd go to the ends of Arda for you." That was so sweet and wonderful and I spent a long time yesterday wondering "When will the person who will go to the end of Arda for me come into my life?" Sigh.

Thanks for new updates. Be safe on your trip. What would your readers do if anything ever happened to you? Ciao and God bless.

Author Reply: Oh my goodness! I just fell off my chair laughing. I'd forgotten about Tinar's wife who needed guidance! Even now, I'm giggling. Ithilden probably thought he was doing her a favor when he transferred Tinar to the Home Guard. Oh my. I have to do something with that little fact at some point. Hehehehe.

Thranduil really drilled the idea of responsibility into his sons, and you can see Legolas living up to it. Eilian does sometimes, but I'm afraid he's having trouble keeping it in mind where Solith is concerned. And you can see how the settlement elves live rather isolated lives and might indeed have misconceptions about how the king lives.

You're right that I'm writing more politics than usual. I wanted Legolas to learn some leadership in this story, and the political situation was one I just needed to work out for myself. I tried to make it within canon, but I also had to fill in some gaps.

There is nothing sweeter than love, as Eilian and Celuwen would tell you.

KristyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Well, I must say Legolas is doing very well in his first diplomatic mission. I can't wait to see wht happens, will something derail him. Is the lovely Tuilinn Anyr's daughter, will Legolas say or do something amiss so that both the king's sons will have angry fathers on their hands? Or maybe something about trading with the Lake Men will cause friction. Hmmm

No, business trips are bad. You should avoid them whenever possibe and use that time to write more of this wonderful story. :)

Author Reply: Legolas is doing well so far, as you say, but there is quite a bit more of my outline to go yet so there have to be some complications! He was prepared for what he had to do so far anyway.

I would love to write this story instead of go on my trip but the trip will be OK too. I'll just think about the story during the boring parts of it.

Hisie LomeReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
I loved the battle of the carrrots. All else is your standard fare, excellent and very written. Enjoy your trip.

Author Reply: I think the elfling won that battle. I'm glad you liked the chapter. The trip will at least be someplace warm!

ElemmireReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
Thanks for another lovely chapter! Hope the trip goes well. :)


Author Reply: The trip will be OK. I'm glad you liked the chapter. Next one, Eilian and Celuwen are back.

ANAReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
A young lord indeed! Legolas was more lordly (does this word even exist?) than even Thranduil himself in this chapter. He has certainly come a long way from the elfling who was sneaking out of his room at nights and getting punished by his ada for it. You, oh, I mean Thranduil, have certainly raised him well. Great job! Now I guess I will have to hold my breath until your next post Have a good trip!

Author Reply: Thranduil did raise the kid right. He's ready to take on the role that his father asks him to in service of the Woodland Realm. But I miss the elfling. I think I have to write about him some more after I finish this story. I'll take my laptop with me and maybe I can even write while boring things are happening, but I tend to need it quiet, so probably not. :-(

nanethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/21/2004
I am very proud of Legolas. He truly is the young lord in this chapter! Loved the change in apparel-it sounds very princely. Knowing that you put those words into the young lord's mouth, I think you might be able to switch careers and become a diplomat. Very well done!

I think that Galivion is one of my favorite OC's that you have created. He gets the job done, is quick to offer praise when appropraite, and I adore the way he snatched Tinar over to the side for a "discussion" of the proper behavior towards a Thranduilion!

Have a safe trip, enjoy some room service,and occupy yourself during boring meetings by daydreaming about our favorite elf family!

Author Reply: Thranduil would have been proud of his son had he seen him in action. I don't think the king himself could have done this better. In my day job, I teach people to do tech and professional writing. We teach them to write bad news letters and I followed the formula here!

Thranduil chooses his advisors well. It was tempting to make this one kind of pompous but in the long run, he just refused to do it and turned out to be sensible and helpful.

I'll take your advice for the trip. :-)

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