~*~Elrond's Farewell~*~
You dance tall in a shaft of joy that magnifies your beauty thousandfold, your bridal gems as dewdrops on a glowing rose taking voices in the concord of your light. You hover as a single planet that stars scarcely dare approach and I can but engrave the image upon the stark and aching vessel that is my heart, to preserve it through countless ages bereft of your motion and bliss.
Newborn, you emerged as the glimmer of a perfect eon; at your first smile I saw the spark of infinity and careless majesty and ineffable longing in your star-stippled eyes but also a universe of blades piercing my fatherhood for the duration of my breathing. My heart was a fragile pitcher balanced on your shoulder as you whirled and capered in your maiden dance, holding it with negligent tenderness until another came and took your hand then finally unwilling you let me fall as I always knew I should. And now we part for eternity, and all I have left is the painted glory and the small solace of your happiness to hold in my damaged arms.
So must it ever be, as you will learn for yourself, my daughter; although I would have spared you, you would have none. Your feet now bleed as they step on my shards, yet your dance goes on, as I would have it so as long as it may. Each piece glows with pride in your courage, yet burns with the knowledge that someday you will be as I am now, lying shattered in the intricate wake of heedless feet above you.