For Farawyn....:):):)
King Theoden deals with the problem of trying to console his newly orphaned niece....A triple drabble!
~*~Orphan Eyes~*~
In your sea-colored eyes I see the stillness that follows the storm which has wrecked a craft too new and unformed to be yet sea-worthy. I hear neither cry nor reproach nor pleading, nor questions; I see only depths unfathomable, as you stand with furled hair, with clenched hands and heart staring down at white flowers scattered over silent mounds that rise and flow in grassy billows far and wide. Your world now lies therein, a sunken treasure: silver, gold, pearls, riddles gleaming galleons, stilled ballads, vanished legends which I alone discern in the bottomless wells of your unseeing eyes.
In mute abandon they ask of their King: Why did she leave me? Why would she follow my father into the deep? My need surely was greater than his. A girl caught between child and woman has sorest need of mother's counsel. Was she disappointed in her wild lass who found her greater joy in the song of her quick blade and racing her brother on wind-glazed plains than in learning the dry arts of household matters? Whose eyes will smile upon me now as I reach with upturned face and hands to catch the bright rain of maidenly blessings?
And what boon now can your King grant stricken before a sister once tall and singing, stilled by death's favorless lust? How can he cast hopeful blossoms into your orphaned eyes when they wither at his slightest touch? He can but try to guide your feet to their truest palace among the great ones who may instruct you in the ways of valor and renewal, and hope time may teach you to smile once more and unearth fresh treasures so an old man might call you daughter and find his true royalty in the sunlit tide of your sea-colored eyes.