Pssst---it's a drabble!
White the heavenlight, with purpose unbroken revealing all that is actual, solid, given, tender, alive; a face raised in contemplation of skygems teaching no unholy variance; white page unwritten, undisturbed.
White the snowfall smiling at moonbeams blanketing all that is naked, frowning, jagged, sluggish, deflowered; a face lifted in shining surrender to kisses of whiteness saying, You are mine, child of beauty, undisclosed.
White the gleaming robe garbing your realness illuminating all that was ageless, standing, central, prolific, untinted; a face upheld like a cup receiving a draught of sweet coldness quenching all flames of false reason unproven.
White now the hand that brands your sham children divulging all that is swerving, synthetic, fallen, unthinkable, inert; a face bending from a towertop in colors of defiance refusing the daylight of quiet walking unfettered.