~*~To Be Alone~*~
To bear a ring of power is to be alone......and yet in aloneness is growth; to diminish is to know the peace of home and even breathing. Thrusting is all. You gaze into the pool of knowledge, and see your own face swollen your eyes as cups of rain the warping of your smile cracks the window of shivering innocence. For the path of striving no map has been drawn you outline it with the ink of your veins and with every cut you gain the sky which grows ever closer as you pierce its mystery and the trees become mere stalks at your feet. You make counselors of stars but lose all humble flowers. In your swamp of solitude you learn to float, or sink into the dragging mire where tempting shapes show claws of black charity.
But if you will, you may climb to a luminous platform no other can reach and all cities look up waiting for you to rename their streets replant their fields and teach their armies the patterns of victory until they praise with one accord the importance of your size. And you wonder why you were born for this, why the weight of a planet dangles in your keeping. I can but tell you: your growing is so that others may retain the sweetness that is born of standing no higher than the swinging gate of earthly dreams. Let them walk blindly between your feet thinking your tears are summer rain. Someday you will know once more the joy of smallness thousandfold as your burden crashes into a fiery chasm and friends are the true stars that will kiss your face to rest.