Inspired by Gimli's description of the caverns of Helm's Deep..........
I have learned the beauty of that which was strange, buried, alien, chilly, gemmed. I have learned to descend and breathe the untried air and acclimate my eyes to the richness of dark worlds to see gardens, clouds, mansions, fair hands, lanterns, dancers far below the light; to dive for pearls where water is not, to drift and dream in wakeful splendor, wishing not to rise until my heart has been filled with colors the sun has never touched, and revel in the leafless glory that has been hidden from every winking star.
And I have learned the freshness of that which once was acrid, foreign, barricaded, aloof. I have learned to ascend and stretch in your untried shine and acclimate my soul to the richness of your valor to hear poetry, longing, bells, laughter, history, praises melded in the fore, to smile in the fluency of our walking, two beings who once stood at blade's edge wishing not to cross into the spheres of each other's glowering, but now bear friendship's colors and rejoice in the distant singing of waves that shall bear us to chambers yet unknown.