Walk no more in the shadows, but awake…. I see you, stumbling, hands outstretched groping for slimy walls that crumble at your touch and fall away, leaving nothing but a grey fog, grey sky, grey sea, grey ground that shifts and lurches mockingly beneath your helpless shoes. Neither sound, nor smell, nor taste nor touch, not even pain, only the endless pall of utter solitude. Your lids would close, preferring the belly of downright darkness to this obscene cloud through which skulled visages leer in unabated slander.
Then at last, a faint light flickers; a star, it seems, blooms in the inert veil. A fair face peers out whispering your name in seductive accents warm as a dovecall bidding you turn from the endless sea of self beckoning your steps to the harbor of the void. Heed it not, brother. Turn your eyes before you. See where a boat of radiance has reached your grisly island. To be sure, your passage will not be smooth. Pain and sorrow will greet your disembarkment; your head may turn back to that siren voice that promises a gentler bed. But heed not that counterfeit call. Come breathe the silver air. A victorious haven waits where loving hands will ease your tired brows, glowing eyes would smile on your return, shoulders of healing lean to catch your tears. I have no gleaming promises for you, no citadels of shining no prophecies of delight; I can lay no petaled path beneath your broken feet. I can but show you the gemmed and singing range where the beacons of hope spread their beams throughout the fragrant slopes where joy dwells. My heart tells me your true home awaits you there if you would build it, knowing that a battered land still has sore need of your industry and gifts. Come back to the light. Take my hand; ‘tis but a step into the dawn…..