~*~Faramir's Awakening~*~
Who would lie idle When the King has returned? From out of a tortured tide I drifted, and before my slow gaze I beheld a figure whose head grazed the heavens as a mountain peak, old yet young, gladness and mystery melded in its deep music. Wisdom and valour rose in his sight like mighty statues flanking a stream of beauty and mercy that flowed in infinite abundance, the joyous susurration of its waters singing in my veins. A mist of healing fragrance rose therefrom laving my mangled senses as the fingers of an infant, innocence bestowing as my pierced and lacerated form he lifted and cradled in a pallet of kindness until the renewal of my own small power came to pass. And from time to time from within his storied light the face of a wounded princess loomed over his shoulder looking to me with eyes of wanting and lucent gloom. Then as I watched longer I saw a stellar gate promising untold treasure and straightway I knew the password to open it was “friend”….