~*~Elegy for Boromir~*~
Be at peace, son of Gondor… Farewell, my fallen comrade too soon you lie at rest when this flailing earth had sore need of your stance. There was a legend in your gaze, a torch in your being, an anthem that muffled the clamor of the hungering in your soul. Would I could have stilled it with the hearty bread of friendship without the shameful help of shaft or blade! How came such a small Thing between us? So often did my eyes ride on your strength; your words rolled bloodied maps before my sight, banners that drooped like hair of widows, children who played with charred horse bones and the feathers of felled doves that chalked the streets in trampled snow. Then I heard victorious hymns, smelled white blossoms from a branch that maidens plucked to strew your path amid the metal fervor of warm bells that once knew only silence grey as thirst. Your laughter was as the splashing of a stifled bath that burst afresh from the bosom of a haggard land. Now all are stilled. You lie as a tree ripped down in the summit of its fruition, in the shadow of a spiked and jealous tower. Vainly will your city keep her vigil. Vainly must I weep for the kinship bonds of gladness that should have been our own the fragment of my heart you tore from me. But I shall strive with what I have been given to bear your torch, staunch the wounds of those for whom you undertook this mission, strew your path and pen a joyous epilogue for the parable of your ruin. Brother, close your eyes, let your spirit drift as a sail upon the wind that finds its truest rest on white forgiving shores. Dream in peace.….