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Mind to Mind  by shirebound

Responses to reviews are located at the end of the chapter.

DISCLAIMER:  Of course. The characters don’t belong to me, I just get to think about them day and night.


“It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.”  Elrond, The Fellowship of the Ring, ‘The Council of Elrond’


Chapter 8 -- Choices

“Elrohir, will you accompany me?”

Elrohir, still sitting by his brother’s side, rose instantly to his feet.  Gandalf retrieved his staff, propped against a nearby table, and he and Elrohir left the tent.  As they walked to where Saruman and Wormtongue were being guarded, Gandalf gave a warning.

“Elrohir, if at any time I tell you to leave, do not hesitate, but leave at once.”

“I understand.”

The Elves guarding the entrance to the tent stepped aside as the two approached, and one spoke quietly to Gandalf.  “As you ordered, sir, we have not given them any lanterns -- lest they start a fire within, as a diversion.”

Gandalf nodded his approval, and entered the tent followed closely by Elrohir.  In the dim light, Saruman -- who had been restlessly pacing -- whirled to face them.  The remains of a meal could be seen on a table, and Wormtongue sat on a cot, eyeing the visitors with a mixture of fear and hatred.

“You may speak,” Gandalf said, motioning his staff toward Saruman and Wormtongue.

“So, you have come to gloat over my imprisonment?” Saruman asked harshly.  “Do you truly think these Elves can hold me, should I choose to leave?”

“Surely, Saruman,” Gandalf said mildly, “you must agree that your accommodations are somewhat better than those you arranged for me.”

Saruman now ignored the wizard and looked at Elrohir disdainfully.  “Always you have someone dangling at your tail, Gandalf; can you do nothing without an audience to admire your tricks?”  He softened his words abruptly.  “How fares Elladan?  It grieved me to see anyone so injured.  My strength has been drained of late, no thanks to Gandalf, or I would certainly have tried harder to free him.”

“You did nothing for him,” Elrohir spat out angrily.  “Do not speak his name again, or I will kill you.”

“You heard him, Gandalf,” Saruman said instantly.  “This one, or one of his misguided comrades, will kill us as we sleep.  I insist you let us go.”

“Peace, Elrohir,” Gandalf said firmly.  “Do not let his serpent’s tongue cause you unease.  Saruman…” he faced the ex-wizard grimly, “there is a matter to discuss.”

“He tries to trick you, master!” Wormtongue burst out suddenly.

“Tricks, Master Wormtongue?” Gandalf asked.  “I need them not.  I have come to offer your master a choice.”

Saruman eyed the wizard warily.  “Which is?”

“You will surrender your ring -- voluntarily, or it will be taken from you.”

Saruman glared at Gandalf with eyes that glittered with rage.  “Never.  It is all I have left.  You would not deprive me of one last heirloom?”

Gandalf gazed at him calmly, unmoved by his words.  “Remove it, or your finger will be removed.”

“Let me do it, Gandalf,” Elrohir stepped forward, his hand inching toward the hilt of his knife.

“Hold,” Gandalf said quietly.  “Saruman, as you now share the memories of the hobbit you used so carelessly, you recognize Elrohir as the brother of the Elf you left for dead in the cave.  I do not think he will show you any more mercy than you showed his brother, should you delay another moment.”

“The hobbit I ‘used so carelessly’?  So that is what you tell yourself, Gandalf,” Saruman said suddenly.  “Does this belief soothe your own guilt?  If anyone treated the hobbits carelessly, it was surely yourself.  You drove off four Nazgûl and rode, like a coward, to Rivendell, leaving your precious hobbits at the mercy of the five deathless ones who pursued them.  Did you turn back to help them?  I know that you can communicate with the Ringbearer regardless of distance; so at any time when he was suffering in Mordor, you could have eased his grief and torment by letting him know that you lived.  Did you do so?”  Saruman stepped forward, his eyes glittering.  “You dragged a young hobbit -- a mere child -- almost to his death in the siege and burning of Minas Tirith.  Do not speak to me of careless or unfeeling treatment.”  He smiled as a look of uncertainty crossed Elrohir’s face.

“The knowledge you have gained from Merry’s mind will not avail you now, Saruman,” Gandalf said calmly.  “I am not answerable to you for either my actions or my motivations.  What was done, was done.”  He held out his hand and stepped forward.  “Your ring.”

Saruman, breathing heavily, looked from Gandalf to Elrohir, trying and failing to calculate a means of quick escape.  There were no allies in this camp, save his servant; and they were surrounded.  A new day might bring new hope, but for now...

With a sudden, spasmodic movement, Saruman pulled the ring from his finger and threw it at Gandalf, who calmly bent to retrieve it.

“Come, Elrohir,” Gandalf motioned the Elf to precede him out of the tent.  “We must make haste.”

“What will you do?” Elrohir asked curiously as Gandalf strode quickly to the perimeter of the camp.

“The One Ring could only be destroyed in the fires that forged it,” Gandalf said grimly, “but not so this ring.  Saruman’s knowledge is formidable, but his ring can be unmade here and now.  Even so, it will take more than our camp’s small fire to undo his craft.  Shield your eyes.”  They had walked beyond the sight of anyone in camp, and Gandalf flung the ring to the ground and pointed his staff at it.  Elrohir heard the wizard speaking words of a tongue he did not recognize, and behind his closed eyelids, a brilliant light suddenly flared.  A  fearsome cry of pain -- and rage -- burst from the prisoners’ tent, then all grew silent.

“It is done.”

Elrohir heard Gandalf’s quiet words and opened his eyes.  Nothing could now be seen of the ring save a blackened, misshapen lump of metal, which lay smoking on the ground.  He had many questions, but did not ask them; the affairs of the Istari were beyond his knowledge, and he was content to leave it so.

“Has Merry been freed of Saruman’s power?” Elrohir asked anxiously.

“It will be possible now to reach him,” Gandalf said as they walked back to camp, “but it may not be a simple matter.”

“What is to be done with Saruman and his servant?”

“That remains to be seen,” Gandalf said thoughtfully.  “Perhaps he should be judged by those he has harmed.  We shall see.”  Once back at the healing tent, he immediately moved to the bed where Merry lay, with Pippin still asleep next to him.  “Elrohir,” the wizard said quietly, “it is time to move Pippin back to his own bed.”

“I will take him,” Galadriel said.  She gently picked up the sleeping tween, who murmured something only she could hear.  “You will see him soon, young one,” the Lady said softly, and carried Pippin back to his bed.  Gandalf sat next to Merry, and lay his right hand on the hobbit’s brow.  A shudder ran through Merry’s body, and he cried out as if in fear.

“As I suspected,” Gandalf sighed, instantly stopping what he was doing.  He looked around at the concerned faces surrounding the bed.  “We must talk, all of us.”  He caught the eye of Sam, who was awake and watching him from a bed that had been placed next to Frodo’s.  “Sam, this concerns Frodo.  Would you join us?”

Gandalf left the tent, followed by Celeborn, Galadriel, Elrond, Sam, and Elrohir, while attendants stayed with the other hobbits and Elladan.  He led the group to a grassy area, out of earshot of the camp.

“Elrohir,” Gandalf spoke quietly, “you know, do you not, that your father bears Vilya?”

“I do,” Elrohir replied.  “He told me, as well as Elladan and Arwen, many years ago; we greatly honor him for it.”

“What you may not know is that Galadriel bears Nenya, and I…” Gandalf held up his right hand, and both Sam and Elrohir noticed, for the first time, a ring upon the wizard’s finger.  “I am the guardian of Narya.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Elrohir bowed deeply before the bearers of the Three.  Sam just stared, awestruck.

“Sam, do you remember Frodo’s reaction, in the cave, when I first approached him?” Gandalf asked the hobbit.

“He thought you were Saruman,” Sam replied.

“That is correct,” Gandalf said wearily, “and so does Merry.  Saruman’s grip on his mind has been broken, but in his confusion, Merry does not recognize me and will not hear my voice.  The image of Saruman still in his mind is so strong and fearsome, that it remains -- even now that the source of Saruman’s power is gone.”

“What can we do?” Sam asked.

“Someone else must contact Merry and bring him back to us, Sam,” Gandalf explained.  “Someone he trusts, and loves.”  He sighed.  “Only Frodo can do it.”

“Gandalf,” Celeborn interjected, “what of Pippin?  His love for Merry is equally great, and certainly Merry would come if he called.  He, too, is weakened by injury, but is certainly stronger at this time than Frodo.”

“I have thought long on this,” Gandalf explained, “and it is possible that we will ask Pippin to do this if Frodo is not strong enough.”

“How can either of them contact Merry’s mind?” Elrohir asked.

Gandalf turned to him.  “When Pippin and Merry were in the hands of the Orcs, Pippin “saw” Aragorn pursuing them -- he knew it without a doubt.”  He looked thoughtful.  “Within this youngster are abilities greater than he knows.”

“Then why not ask him?” Sam asked.  “Gandalf, Mr. Frodo might not want to wear another ring, ever again.  Not even yours.”

“I know,” Gandalf agreed, “and if he will not, then we will ask Pippin.  But Frodo is the best choice, Sam, and Narya’s energies have faded sufficiently for him not to be overpowered by them.  This ring, of which I have long been guardian, can be used to bring new strength and purpose to another.  Merry will respond to it, and Frodo can help him to wake.  Wearing Narya, Frodo’s own mental abilities -- much strengthened of late -- will be more than enough to bring Merry back to us.”

“Gandalf,” Elrond spoke for the first time.  “Your reasoning is sound, but there is a danger for Frodo.  Perhaps the Three must work together in this.  Vilya and Nenya together can calm and steady him.”

“You don’t mean to have him wear all three?” Sam gasped.

“No, Sam,” Galadriel smiled.  “He will need to wear only one.  But Gandalf,” she said, troubled, “the strength Elrond and I channel into Frodo will be temporary.  When withdrawn, it may be that his efforts to guide Merry back to us will cause him to be even weaker than he is now.”

“That is the risk,” Gandalf agreed.

“And still he must agree,” Elrohir added.

“He will,” Sam sighed.  “Mr. Frodo would walk clear back to Mordor if it meant helping Mr. Merry.”

“We have no time to lose,” Gandalf said.

They re-entered the tent, which the attendants had now lit with softly-glowing lanterns against the deepening twilight.  Gandalf, Elrond, and Sam went to Frodo’s bed, while Elrohir moved to check on Elladan.  Galadriel drew Celeborn over to Pippin’s bed, where she motioned to the young hobbit and spoke quietly to her husband.

“Frodo’s fever is at least no higher,” Elrond said, laying a gentle hand on Frodo’s flushed face.  Frodo was no longer shivering, and had fallen into a deep sleep.

“The same cannot be said for Pippin,” Galadriel said, joining them.  “Celeborn will give him a mild sleep draught, then open and drain a small area of infection that has developed in his arm.  By morning, he should be much improved.”

“We then no longer have a choice,” Gandalf said firmly.  Once more he sat on Frodo’s bed and gathered the sick hobbit close against him.  Sam stood by, looking unhappy.

“G.. Gandalf?” Frodo said sleepily, opening his eyes.  “What time is it?”

“It is evening,” the wizard said gently.  He took the cup that Elrond handed him and gave Frodo more of the restorative tonic with which Elrond had been dosing him at intervals.

Frodo drank thirstily.  He tried to sit up and look around, but fell back limply against Gandalf.  “I feel so weak…”

“Contesting the will of Saruman is no small feat,” Elrond said, taking back the empty cup.  “Once your fever breaks, you should quickly recover.  The tonic has eased your cough, and your strength will soon return.”  If allowed proper rest, he thought.  Gandalf, catching his thought, looked up and met the Elf Lord’s gaze.

“How is everyone?” Frodo asked.

“Pippin is sleeping,” Gandalf told him.  “His arm was injured in the cave, and Celeborn has been tending to him.  You can see him in the morning.  Elladan is…”

“Elladan is much better, Frodo,” Elrohir said, coming to join them.  “Several ribs are broken, but Elves heal very quickly.  He is awake, and already impatient with being bedridden for just these few hours.  My brother is distressed that he could not come to your aid when Saruman captured you and Merry.”

“How could he possibly have done so?” Frodo asked wonderingly.  “He is lucky to be alive at all.”

“I agree,” Elrohir smiled.  “Perhaps you will be kind enough to reassure him of that tomorrow.”  He bent to kiss Frodo’s forehead, then moved away.

“Sam,” Frodo said worriedly, “you look so tired…”

“Don’t you be worrying about me, sir,” Sam declared.  “I can rest anytime I like.”

“But you haven’t, have you?” Frodo then twisted around so he could see Merry, lying nearby.  “Gandalf, what about Merry?”

“It is Merry we must discuss,” Gandalf said.  He proceeded to explain to Frodo that Saruman’s ring had been destroyed, and Merry might now be reached, and awakened.

“He will not hear me, Frodo, for he believes me to be Saruman -- as you did at first,” Gandalf continued.  “I believe he will only return if he is guided back by one whom he loves and trusts.”

He removed a ring from his finger and held it up before Frodo’s eyes.  The deep red gem glittered in the light from the lamps, and Frodo caught his breath.

“Have you been wearing that all this time, Gandalf?” Frodo asked.  “How did you conceal it?”

Gandalf smiled.  “The Three conceal themselves, Frodo, in response to the mind and will of those who wear them.”

Frodo looked up at him.  “You want me to call Merry back, don’t you?  Using that.”

Gandalf shook his head in admiration.  “You see very clearly, my dear hobbit.  I suspect you could awaken some quite remarkable abilities, given time.  We could teach you many things.”

“Perhaps we will someday have that time,” Frodo whispered.

“Perhaps we will,” murmured the wizard.  “But for now…”  Frodo reached out for the ring, but Gandalf withheld it.  “Frodo, listen to me.  Although I fear to delay any longer, this act is not without danger for you.  Elrond and Galadriel will give you what strength you can bear, but---”

“Yes,” said Frodo firmly.  He reached for the ring again, and Gandalf slid it onto the middle finger of his left hand.

“It doesn’t shrink,” Frodo said, curling his fingers into a fist so the ring wouldn’t slide off.

“In time it would adjust to you,” Gandalf smiled.  “The One Ring alone adapted itself instantly to its bearer.”

“What does it feel like, Mr. Frodo?” Sam asked curiously.

“It doesn’t…” Frodo shook his head.  “I don’t feel anything.”

“Narya awaits your will, Frodo,” Gandalf explained.  “It will shine brightly before Merry, reminding him of who he is, and how to return to us.  But you must first reach out to him, and assure him that it is safe.”

Frodo nodded.  He had never felt so weak, and the fever was making him dizzy and almost unbearably drowsy.  He longed to sleep… but Merry needed him.

Gandalf lifted Frodo and carried him to Merry’s bed, laying him down on his cousin’s right.  Galadriel and Elrond stood ready.

“What do I---”

Gandalf smiled and took Frodo’s left hand, laying it -- and the ring -- across Merry’s forehead.

“Just call to him, Frodo,” Gandalf explained.  “Picture his face in your mind, and let him know that you are with him.  Let him know that it is safe to return.”

Frodo nodded and closed his eyes.  Elrond lay a hand upon Frodo’s brow, and Galadriel took the hobbit’s right hand in hers.  He immediately felt himself awash in light -- blue, gold, and white.  He felt light, buoyant, held securely and strengthened.

“Merry,” he whispered inwardly.  Merry

** TBC **


Agent Pip:  Thank you so much!

Ailsa Joy:  “Carrying your characters on stretchers of words” -- Ailsa, what a lovely thing to say!  And oh yes, sleepy Frodo... I loves him too.

Ainu Laire:  I’m getting confused with all the real and substitute wizards running about!

Anso the Hobbit:  I’m barely scratching the surface, in this story, about Gandalf’s powers; hopefully, other authors will go into more detail than I have.

aprilkat:  Oh my, I doubt I’d be even a fraction as good a healer in RL as I am in the virtual world!

Aratlithiel1:  Oh, thank you for knowing that I’ll take good care of all our sweet hobbits.  I try!

Arwen Baggins:  Yes, Saruman’s ring is canon.  In FOTR, at the Council of Elrond, Gandalf says, “But I rode to the foot of Orthanc, and came to the stair of Saruman; and there he met me and led me up to his high chamber.  He wore a ring on his finger.”  Later, Saruman tells Gandalf, “For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!”

Auntiemeesh:  Thank you for highlighting Frodo’s Gandalf/Saruman confusion in Chapter 6; as you can see, that’s a major source of worry for Gandalf in this chapter, regarding Merry.

bandosax15:  Frodo die?  Not in one of my stories!  Just relax… relax… that’s it…

Baylor:  Thanks to you, to many of us, Pippin will now always be our “brave falcon”.  And this story may be darker than my other ones, and the cliffhangers more numerous, but I can’t hold a candle to Budgie’s gift for ending a chapter in evil ways.  She is truly a master.

Camellia Gamgee-Took:  I’m giving a lot of thought to the Elrohir-Elladan relationship; I’m so glad it’s coming across well.

Carcilwen Greenleaf:  I’m glad Chapter 6 felt “sweet and adorable” after all that angst!

CelliBella:  Thank you; I may do angst well, but I’m sure relieved when the ‘comfort’ part of a story begins.

Connie:  Go ahead and hug the hobbits, Connie!  We won’t get in your way.  (We might stand in line behind you, but we won’t get in your way.)  And you can see that you anticipated my idea about Pippin -- and I still think you (or someone) should write about it!

cpsings4him:  It was definitely time for the comfort part to begin!

Elenar:  Thank you for liking that line about the “short rations” -- I wrote it almost at the last minute, and it made me smile.

Elven Kitten:  Cuddles cuddles cuddles!

Elwen:  I’m so glad that the peaceful feeling I wanted to bring into Chapter 6 really worked.  I thought we all deserved it!

EmeraldFaith:  Merry’s had such a smile on his face all this time -- I suspect he knew you were hugging and comforting him.

endymion2:  TLC lovers are never satisfied!  And I hope you like the resolution of “who gets to wear Gandalf’s ring” -- I tried to make it logical.

Esamen/Karen:  Wow, thank you so much!  I’ve never written such a “dark” tale, or one with so many things going on in so many places amongst so many people!  It’s definitely stretching me as a writer -- how kind of you to mention it.  And I’m so relieved that you can visualize a scene described mostly through dialogue -- I don’t consider “description” to be my best thing, so I have to rely on dialogue to tell the story, for the most part.

fadagaski:  I’m so pleased to know that my updates cheer you up!  What a nice thing to know.

Gayalondiel:  I’m happy to open fic-doors for folks -- step right on in and enjoy yourself.  And I’m still amazed that people are complimenting how I write Elves.  Just amazed!

Gentle Hobbit:  Oh yes, Frodo has a quick mind and great perceptions, fever or no fever.

Giu:  Thanks, Giu!  I’m glad you’re still enjoying the story.

gershwhen:  I try always to keep Frodo strong, no matter what else I may do to him.  He’s one of a kind, that Baggins.

Hai Took:  I like Elves taking care of the hobbits, too; as a switch, maybe someday I’ll write a story where hobbits are taking care of the Elves!

hobbitfeet13:  Believe me, there’s no need for me to have anyone kill Saruman in this story -- so many of you are already lined up to do it for me!

Hobbit Lily Baggins:  Thank you, Lily.  I did indeed want to infuse Chapter 6 with “concern and love”.

hyperactive forever:  I get the point!  Yes!  The twins are yours, always have been and always will be!  And I’m so glad you’re happy with all the Elladan-comfort.

illyria-pffyffin:  I am sorry that the Merry-mystery has been drawn out for so long, but we’re definitely getting close to the resolution.

Iorhael:  Ah, but Saruman’s had it on his finger the whole time; Gandalf just didn’t connect Saruman’s ring with his power.

Jenni:  Thank you so much.  I don’t know if my characters are ‘canon’ or ‘real’, but they’re the characters that live in my imagination, and I’m so happy to be giving them life.

Lady Jaina:  Thank you!  I was so relieved to finally get to the “comfort” part of the story.

Leah Beth:  I agree with what you say about Sam -- such a steadfast, loyal, nurturing, courageous, and practical hobbit; Rosie was very lucky!  And believe me, there is nothing more meaningful that anyone has to say other than, “I’m enjoying your story and look forward to more.”  Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me.

Leia Wood:  I adore hobbit comfort and tending, as well.  So very much!

LilyBaggins:  My biggest fear with this story (well, one of them, anyway) was that the whole plot would seem implausible.  I really appreciate everything you said, Lily.  And, well, if we can’t have Aragorn in this story, treating Frodo with gentle respect and care, Gandalf makes a good substitute.  Almost.  :)

Lindelea:  I wish there was more opportunity in this story for humor, but whenever there’s an opening -- I take it!

Lossenchristal:  The idea that someone else might wield Narya didn’t occur to me until I was well into writing Chapter 5.  I’m learning to welcome these unexpected ideas!

lovethosehobbits:  I swear I don’t know how all these cliffhangers sneak into my stories.  *swats at cliffhangers ineffectively*

Marigold:  Thank you so much.  I know you wanted Gandalf to pick someone else to bear Narya, but I hope you feel that his choice was logically made.

Mariole:  I suppose Chapter 6 did end in a ‘hook’, didn’t it?  How about that… :)

melilot hill:  Yes, it’s certainly time we “rescued” Merry -- hang in there for one more chapter, Mel!

Melylott S. Banks:  I wonder why we love the TLC and sweetness so much? (Probably because the characters go through so much -- no thanks to the fic authors -- and they really deserve the comfort-part of a story!)

Pearl Took:  Your review for Chapter 6 gave me an idea for this chapter, Pearl.  Many thanks!

Pippinfan1988:  And I’m enjoying how much you’re enjoying the story!  What a pleasure to have folks to share it with.


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