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Mind to Mind  by shirebound

Responses to reviews are located at the end of the chapter.

DISCLAIMER:  Of course. The characters don’t belong to me, I just get to think about them day and night.


“You have talked long in your sleep, Frodo,” said Gandalf gently, “and it has not been hard for me to read your mind and memory.”  Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring, ‘Many Meetings’


Chapter 7 -- Questions and Answers

Gandalf, with Frodo in his arms, and Elrond with Merry, rode back to camp on the horses they had left at the bottom of the slope -- with an anxious Sam following close behind on his pony.  Halfway back, they passed Galadriel and Elrohir.  Celeborn had sent Elves to help bear Elladan back to camp, but Elrohir tightly gripped his end of the sheet of metal on which his brother lay, sedated, and would not relinquish it to anyone.  The entire way back, walking slowly alongside the litter bearers as they smoothly traversed the muddy path, Galadriel walked beside Elladan, holding his hand and singing softly.

Celeborn met Gandalf, Elrond, and Sam when they arrived, and Gandalf passed Frodo, shivering even in his sleep, into the Elf’s waiting arms.

“All is prepared,” said Celeborn, walking quickly towards the tent which now served as the center of healing for the camp.  Gandalf and Elrond walked beside him, while Sam nearly ran to keep up.  They all noticed that one of the smaller tents was completely surrounded by Elves, armed and alert.

“They brought Saruman and his servant a short time ago,” Celeborn explained.  “His servant’s injured leg has been seen to, and food has been brought to them.”

“It’s more’n they deserve,” Sam mumbled to himself.

“What will you do with them?” Celeborn asked Gandalf, as the wizard held open the tent flap for them to enter.

“That remains to be seen,” Gandalf replied.  “Saruman cannot be permitted to leave until I learn what I need to know about what he has done to Merry.”

Elrond lay Merry down gently on one of the beds Celeborn had prepared.  “What of Pippin?” he asked, his eyes coming to rest on the small, curly-headed form on a nearby bed.

“He sleeps.  I doubt he will be strong enough to leave his bed for some days, although he will try to convince us otherwise,” Celeborn said with a small smile.  “He has a fever, but not nearly as high as Frodo’s.”  He could feel the heat radiating from the small body in his arms, and he lay Frodo on a bed next to Merry’s before unwrapping the blankets and beginning to remove the hobbit’s clothing, still damp and dirty from the cave-in.  “I have brought in warmed water to bathe Frodo and Merry, and perhaps it will also help to reduce Frodo’s fever somewhat.  We will keep him warm and watch him closely this night.”  He turned to Sam, who was watching Frodo anxiously.  “Sam, is that athelas I saw on the drying racks?”

“Yes sir,” Sam said.  “Elrohir and I found some this mornin’.  Will you need it?”

“Perhaps,” Celeborn said thoughtfully.  “There are many to tend.  It is good to have it at hand, in any event.”

Sam sighed wearily.  “Mornin’ seems so long ago, now.”

Gandalf put a gentle hand on the hobbit’s shoulder, and smiled.  “Wash and eat, Sam, and go to your tent for some rest.  You can return later and help us to---”

“I’ll be restin’ here, sir, if you don’t mind,” Sam said firmly.

Elrond looked up, suddenly, and left the tent.

“They are returning with Elladan,” Gandalf told Sam.


“Shhh, shhh.  Stay still.”

Elrohir lay a gentle hand on his brother’s brow as Elladan awoke.

“What---”  Elladan blinked as the blur above him slowly resolved into his brother’s face.  He tried to take a deep breath, but was met with pain and pressure.

“I know it hurts,” Elrohir said, concerned.  “I had hoped you would sleep through the night.”

“It is evening,” Elladan murmured, groggy from the sleep draught he had been given in the cave.

“Yes,” Elrohir replied.  “You are in grandfather’s tent.  Pippin told us of your plight, and we were able to reach you in time.”

“Pippin,” Elladan whispered.  “He was badly hurt, worse than he knew.  Is he well?”

Elrohir motioned, and Elladan turned his head to the left.  There, in a bed next to his, Pippin lay asleep, his bandaged arm resting atop the blankets covering him.  The hobbit’s face was flushed, and he tossed restlessly.

“His wound was grave, and grandfather says he nearly bled to death before he reached us,” Elrohir said quietly.  “He is still very weak, and is fevered -- but he will recover.”  He smiled at his brother.  “If all of the tales are true, he has survived blizzard, a tree of black heart, the ancient ones of the barrows, Orcs, trolls, and an encounter with the Dark Lord himself.  And, most distressing of all, long periods of short rations -- a sore trial for any hobbit.”  He was glad to see his brother smile back at him.  “Do not fear for him -- we are tending him as carefully as you.”

“And… the others?” Elladan asked anxiously.  He watched his brother’s smile fade.

“They are here, as well,” Elrohir said.  “Gandalf, father, and Sam rescued them from where they had been imprisoned by Saruman.  Frodo is very ill,” he continued.  “Saruman discovered that he was the Ringbearer, and tried to get information from him.  He seeks to forge another of the Great Rings.”

Elladan’s eyes blazed with anger.  “No!  He cannot be permitted to---”  He caught his breath as his sudden movement intensified the pain in his chest.

“Lie still,” Elrohir said gently.  He took his brother’s hand and let him feel the bandages wrapped about his chest.  “You have several broken ribs, and a rather amazing number of bruises.”  He raised Elladan’s head slightly and gave him water to drink, followed by a few sips of a potent, painkilling tea.

“Gandalf will see to it that Saruman does no more harm,” Elrohir assured his brother.  “However, Frodo was damp and chilled when captured, and denied water.  His strength was spent, much as yours was, in resisting Saruman.”  He shook his head worriedly.  “He burns with fever, and father is doing what he can.”

“And Merry?”

“I do not fully understand what has been done to Merry; he appears uninjured, but does not wake.”  Elrohir sighed.  “Saruman was not gentle in his treatment of the hobbits.”

“I should have protected them,” Elladan moaned.

“Elladan…” Elrohir sat carefully on the bed and took his brother’s hand again.  “You were trapped, and injured.  There is nothing you, or anyone else, could have done.”

He looked up, briefly, to where Gandalf and Elrond stood nearby, having a quiet conversation.  “Gandalf believes that Frodo may hold the key to helping Merry.” 

“What of Saruman?”

“He is being guarded nearby, along with his servant.  Gandalf has rendered them both temporarily mute so that no one else can be swayed by the voice of either.”

“His voice…” Elladan shuddered.  “I have never felt such… it was as if a serpent was winding its way through my very thoughts, replacing what I felt and believed with doubt and confusion.”

“That is the way Bilbo has described the voice of the dragon he encountered,” Elrohir said thoughtfully.  “Saruman’s servant is well named  ‘serpent’s tongue’.”

“I fought,” Elladan murmured.  As the tea began to dull the pain, the remaining sleep draught still in his system started to take hold once again.  “I knew… you would come…”

“I felt your distress,” Elrohir said with wonder.  He looked suddenly grim and tired.  “You are strong, my brother, but I feared that you might be lost to us before we could come to you.”

Elladan gave his brother’s hand a reassuring squeeze and tried to change the subject.  “Did you find your herbs?”

“Yes,” Elrohir smiled, “fortunately.  Little did Sam and I think that they would be so quickly needed.”

“Save them for the hobbits.” Elladan’s eyes fluttered closed as he grew drowsy.  “I won’t need… I’m just a bit… tired…”

“Sleep,” Elrohir whispered, “you are safe.  Sleep… that’s it…”


“Merry!”  Pippin came suddenly awake and sat straight up in bed, only to be overcome by dizziness so intense that he felt nauseated.  He scrunched his eyes shut as everything spun and blurred before him, and would have toppled back onto the bed had strong arms not guided him gently back down.  Pippin reached out for something to cling to, something to anchor him.

“I’m here, Mr. Pippin.”  Sam’s voice came out of the haze, and a small, firm hand clasped his.

“Sam,” Pippin whispered, “I had the most awful dream about Merry.”  He cautiously opened his eyes and saw that it was Elrohir who had steadied him, and was tucking the blankets about him again.  “What time is it?”

“It’s near suppertime,” Sam said.  “High time you woke and ate somethin’, Mr. Pippin.”

Pippin nodded, and Elrohir smiled and left to bring a light meal for him.

“Sam,” Pippin whispered, “what’s happened?  It’s evening already?  Where are Merry and Frodo?”

“They’re here,” Sam said carefully.  “Mr. Frodo’s pretty sick, and Mr. Merry---” He tried not to wince as Pippin squeezed his hand tightly.

“Something terrible has happened, hasn’t it?” Pippin asked anxiously.  He tried to twist around to see what was going on around him, and the first person he saw was Elladan, sleeping in a nearby bed, with Elrohir seated next to his brother.  “Is Elladan all right?”

”Thanks to you,” Elrond said, coming to stand next to Pippin’s bed.  “He has several broken ribs and must regain his strength, but he is healing.”  He felt Pippin’s forehead.  “You need to rest, Pippin; the dizziness may be with you another day, at the least.”

“Please,” Pippin said pleadingly, “what about Merry?  And Frodo?”

“Frodo is ill,” Elrond said.  “His…encounter… with Saruman has left him very weak, and we are waking him only to take liquids and nourishment.  It is difficult for him to stay awake.  Someone will be with him at all times, Pippin.  Frodo is very strong willed, as you know, and as soon as the fever breaks, the danger will have passed.”

“And… Merry?” Pippin whispered.  “Tell me, please.  I know something has happened.”

Elrond met Pippin’s worried gaze with compassion and wisdom.  “Saruman injured Merry, Pippin.  He sought information from Merry’s mind, and was not gentle.  Merry has been unconscious since we found him.”

“But…” Pippin tried to understand what he had heard.  “You can help him, can’t you?  Can someone call him back, like Strider did for him in Minas Tirith?”

“That is exactly what we hope to do, as soon as we understand more about what has happened.”

“Why did Saruman hurt them?” Pippin asked, with tears in his eyes.

“He sought information about the One Ring,” Elrond explained.  “He wishes to forge another.”

“Don’t let him,” Pippin whispered.

Elrond smiled at the hobbit’s simple wisdom, and took Pippin’s hand.  “We will not.”

Elrohir approached Pippin’s bed with a tray of food.  “Do you feel well enough to eat?”

“I want to see Merry,” Pippin insisted.  He tried to sit up again, and this time it was Elrond who steadied him as the room spun.  “Please,” he whispered.

Elrond nodded.  “I believe that would be good for both of you.”  Being careful of Pippin’s injured arm, he very gently and smoothly lifted the young hobbit and carried him to where Merry and Frodo lay.  He put Pippin down next to Merry, and propped him up with pillows while Elrohir brought the tray.

As hungry as he was, Pippin first took a good, long look at Merry, lying to his left.  His cousin had been bathed and dressed in clean clothes, and had the appearance of being simply asleep -- not grey and ill as he had been after stabbing the Witch-king.  Pippin sighed with relief.  “Merry,” he whispered.  He weakly reached out with his uninjured arm to stroke his cousin’s hair.  “I’ll watch over you, Merry, and you’ll wake soon, you’ll see.”  His eyes strayed worriedly to Frodo, who lay nearby.  Sam had returned to his master’s side, helping to keep Frodo cooled down with damp cloths as the weakened hobbit slipped in and out of sleep.

“Do you wish your cousins to wake, and find that you have starved to death, young one?”

Pippin looked up as Celeborn came to sit with him, and the Elf lord uncovered the dishes on the tray.  He had guessed correctly that, between Pippin’s injured arm and the weakness caused by blood loss, the youngster lacked the strength to feed himself, but hadn’t wanted to admit it.

“May I help you?” Celeborn asked, beginning to cut up small portions of meat and steamed vegetables.  “Perhaps you would enjoy hearing about how Elrond came to court our daughter.”  He smiled as Elrond’s back stiffened suddenly.  “My valor in courting a lady with four brothers was as nothing compared to…” Pippin was so immediately caught up in the story, he allowed himself to be fed without protest.  Celeborn wove his tale in a soft, gentle cadence until Pippin fell asleep, curled up next to Merry.  The Elf Lord covered the young hobbit with a blanket against the cool air of evening, and joined Elrohir at Elladan’s bedside.


Earlier, Elrond and Celeborn had gently bathed Frodo of the dirt from the cave, after which they had thoroughly examined him.  Like Pippin, Frodo had some swelling at the back of his head from being struck during the cave-in, and his wrists were raw from struggling against his bonds.  Frodo had awoken during the bath, frantic to escape the arms that were holding him, but the warm water, the Elves’ soothing words, and Elrond’s continued channeling of healing energies served to ease the hobbit’s slight delirium and relaxed him into a deep sleep.  Celeborn lifted Frodo out of the bath and lay him on one of the beds, soothing the abraded wrists with an herbal balm.  Frodo was then dressed in nightclothes and wrapped warmly in blankets.  Elrond had been briefly rousing the feverish hobbit at intervals to give him herbal drinks and spoonfuls of a thick, nourishing soup, but otherwise, letting him rest.

Sam looked up warily as Gandalf and Elrond approached his master’s bed.

“I must awaken him, Sam,” Gandalf said.

“Are you sure you can’t let him sleep some, Gandalf?” Sam asked fretfully.

“Sam is correct, Gandalf,” Elrond agreed.  “Perhaps in the morning---”

“This cannot wait,” Gandalf said firmly, seating himself on Frodo’s bed.  “The longer Merry’s mind is allowed to wander, lost and confused, the greater the risk.”

“Can’t you just… find out what you have to?” Sam asked.  “Without wakin’ him?”

“Yes, I can,” Gandalf agreed, “but I choose to gain Frodo’s permission to do so, if at all possible.”

Gandalf gathered up the ill hobbit and settled him against his chest.  Without waking, Frodo sighed and nestled comfortably against the familiar robes.  Elrond reached for one of Frodo’s hands, and gently rested his finger on the inside of the small wrist.

“Frodo,” Gandalf said softly.  He stroked the hot face with a gentle finger, and Frodo slowly opened his eyes.


“I’m here, sir,” Sam said.  He stepped closer to the bed so Frodo could see him.

“Gandalf?” Frodo asked, confused.  He looked around.  “Where’s Merry?”

“He is here,” Gandalf said.  “How are you feeling, my boy?”

“Hot,” Frodo sighed.  “Tired…”

“Forgive me, Frodo, I know that you wish to sleep -- but there are questions only you can answer to help me understand what has happened to Merry.  Can you do that?”


“Frodo,” Gandalf began, “since my encounter with Saruman at Isengard, he should no longer have the power to have affected Merry so strongly.  I need to know---”

“It’s his ring,” Frodo said at once.  “Didn’t you see it?  Saruman was boasting; he told us that he forged it in secret, and poured some of his power into it.”

“That is the answer, Gandalf,” Elrond realized.  “When you broke Saruman’s staff, he had already transferred much of his power to a ring, as Sauron did.  As long as his ring endures…”

“…his power endures,” Gandalf muttered, “or what is left of it.  I am a fool.  It was right in front of me all along.”  He looked down at Frodo again.  “Frodo, would you give me permission to share one of your memories?  I need you to recall everything Saruman said about his ring, and how he used it.  No, you needn’t speak -- just think about it.”  Frodo nodded, and the wizard lay a hand on Frodo’s brow as the hobbit closed his eyes and tried to remember everything Saruman had said and done, both to himself and to Merry.  After a few moments, Gandalf nodded thoughtfully.

“Frodo,” Gandalf said quietly, stroking the dark curls, “I never cease to be amazed by what hobbits can accomplish.  To have endured as long as you did against the voice of Saruman shows rare strength.”

“Gandalf,” Elrond interjected, still monitoring the hobbit’s pulse, “thinking about Saruman is quite draining for Frodo.  Please, that is enough for now.”

Frodo stirred and opened his eyes.  “Did you do anything, Gandalf?  I didn’t sense your presence.”

“Nor should you have,” the wizard said with a sad smile.  “Would that Saruman had shown the same concern for Merry.”

“I am sorry,” Frodo murmured, “but I’m so sleepy, I can’t…” He started to cough, and Gandalf rubbed his back gently until the spasm passed.

“No more talking,” Elrond said, taking Frodo from Gandalf’s arms and settling him back into his nest of blankets.  “I will get you something to drink that will soothe your throat, and then you need to sleep again.”  He shook his head warningly at the wizard.  “No more, Gandalf.  I trust you learned everything you needed.”

“I did,” Gandalf said, getting to his feet.  “And what I need now is Saruman’s ring.  We must destroy it.”

Elrond stood up as well, and and spoke softly to the wizard in Elvish.  “What then?  And what of your ring?” he asked.  “Will you be able to use Narya to reach Merry?”

“I believe it will indeed be needed,” Gandalf replied, looking thoughtfully from Frodo to Pippin, then back to Frodo.  “But perhaps it will not be I who wields it.”

** TBC **


Agent Pip:  You’re welcome!  I’m happy to rescue hobbits anytime, anywhere.

Ainu Laire:  Whew!  Thank you for bringing in wizard-doubles for the now-mangled and deceased Saruman.  I’m sure no one will notice…

Amrunofthesummercountry:  I’m enjoying showing the “softer side” of Celeborn and Galadriel -- this story is breaking new ground for me in many ways.  Oh poor Wormtongue!  He allied himself with a Power, but it turned out to be on the losing side.  I do appreciate your reviews, long or cut off!

angelsflame265:  Yay for the rescue!

ansothehobbit:  Yes, we must get Merry healed.  *busily gets to work on that*

aprilkat:  I do love it when Gandalf gets to be “wizardly”!  I suspect that there’s a lot more to him than he lets most folks see.

Aratlithiel1:  Waving your staff at your children and declaring them mute didn’t work??  *goes back to re-think Chapter 6*  :)  Ah, TLC… the best part of any story.

Ariel3:  Oh my, I’m so happy to be serving you such a tasty meal.  What a nice compliment!

AshNight2:  You make me feel so special!  Thank you.

Baylor:  It wasn’t until I started this story that I realized how little we really know about Gandalf “the White”’s increased power and authority.  I’m so happy you feel I’m writing him appropriately.

BellaMonte:  Oh Bella, thank you!  I do tend to lean more towards comfort than hurt (and therefore couldn’t let the rescue and cuddling wait another moment), but this story idea just wouldn’t leave me alone.  I’m so relieved it seems to be working.

Bluegrass Elf:  Ah, I get it!  You love the post-cliffhangers!

Bookworm2000:  That’s the allure of writing hurt/comfort -- getting to the ‘comfort’ part!

Carcilwen Greenleaf:  You’re so kind to let me borrow your hobbits.  And thank you for the help in healing them and tucking them into bed -- they really appreciate it!

Cellibella:  Thank you for the compliment!  To be honest, though, I really couldn’t bear it that Saruman held a knife to Frodo’s throat, even though I wrote it -- I needed to make sure that it was only for a few seconds, and that Frodo didn’t even know about it.  I’m just not cut out for all this angst, Bella!

ClaudiaofBree:  I’m glad you liked the “tricky, feverish dream” -- but Frodo saw right through it.

Connie:  Saruman didn’t “take” Merry’s memories, he just “shares” them -- and he wasn’t too gentle about it, the villain.

Elenar:  Thanks, Elenar -- I’ll take good care of Merry, I promise!

Elven Kitten:  Keep cuddling the hobbits, E.V. -- they’ll know you love them!

Elwen:  Oh Elwen, your lovely words always brighten my day.  And for you to compliment my Elrond, when I adore your Elrond so… wow.

EmeraldFaith:  The whole story is working up to the time when we get Merry better… soon, very soon…

endymion2:  Sorry, but I couldn’t let the rescue/comfort wait any longer.  I’m just not an author who enjoys prolonging the angst, I’m afraid!  (Oh good, you’re blaming Saruman for the “quick rescue”.  Whew.)

Erin-21.  Thank you, Erin.  And I agree -- my beta-mom is a cherished and invaluable part of my writing.  We make a great team.

Esamen:  “Better than TV”!  Thank you!  Actually, reading and writing fanfiction has just about replaced watching TV, for me.

Firnsarnien:  I think we should just send Elrohir off to the market so you can have some quality time with Elladan…

GamgeeFest:  I hope this chapter helped to clear up the “power source” mystery!

Gayalondiel:  I’m so glad you liked the “dream” sequence!  That was the last part of the chapter I wrote, and the hardest.

GTA Otaku:  Oh, the suspense.  I’m getting everything resolved as fast as I can!

Hai Took:  I’m happy you enjoyed the rescue.

hobbitfeet13:  I was originally going to have a longer Sam-Saruman scene, with Sam resisting “the voice” for the same reason as Frodo -- that he, too, had been a Ringbearer.  When I finally sat down to write it, though, that scene came out completely different than I had planned it!

Hobbit Lily Baggins:  Thank you for enjoying Sam so much -- he’s wonderful.  I really needed to end Chapter 6 with something “cute” after all that angst; I just couldn’t hold it in another moment.

hyperactive forever:  Cuddling!  I love it!  My goodness, a lot of you are fighting over the twins; I think I’ll have to let you all take turns with the elf-cuddling.

Iorhael!  Brave Frodo triumphs!  With a little help from his friends… :)

Jenni:  I love your enthusiasm!  I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story.

Lady Jaina:  I update as often as my schedule permits -- wish it could be even oftener.

Leia Wood:  Thanks, Leia.  (I wanted to respond to all of your kind reviews, but since you don’t list an e-mail, I’ll say “thank you” here!)

LilyBaggins:  Oh Lily, this made me laugh out loud.  “I don't even have to tell you what I liked best about the chapter, because I'm sure you already know.  Fever.  Sleeping in Gandalf's arms.  Worried about Sam worrying.  You know the drill.”  Since you were one of my teachers, I’m glad I learned my lesson well!

Lossenchristal:  I thought of expanding that Sam-Saruman scene to see what would happen, but it just didn’t work out.  Maybe someone else will write another encounter between them sometime, and we can see if Saruman’s “flattery” affects him.  I suspect you’re right, though -- if the Ring couldn’t do it, I doubt Saruman can.  Excellent point.

lovethosehobbits:  I just couldn’t bear all the ‘hurt’ -- I had to get to the ‘comfort’ part!

Lyta Padfoot:  Thank you so much for mentioning the end of Chapter 6 -- I thought it was time for some “adorableness” after all that angst.

MagicalRachel:  You sweetie.  Glad you’re enjoying “hero Sam”.  *hugs you back*

Naiade:  I like how you describe Frodo’s “loving strength” -- that’s certainly the way I see him.

Pearl Took:  “That wretch” really has a nerve, doesn’t he?  At least we know that Saruman comes to a tragic end (eventually).

Periantari:  Samwise the Brave!  Take that, evil villains!  And I’m glad you liked the “dream” sequence -- I like to think of new ways to begin (and end) chapters.

Pip4:  I love the “comfort stuff” the most.

Pippinfan1988:  That nasssty Saruman; but he can’t stand up against a real wizard, can he?

pipwise brandygin:  There’s just no stopping Sam when he sets his mind to something, is there?

Samwise The Strong:  Merry will need all the love you can give him.

Shire Baggins:  Frodo is incredibly strong and resilient.  Poor Saruman didn’t stand a chance with him and Sam on the scene.  :)

The Ninth Spelunker:  I honestly never know, in advance, how long my stories will be!  Thank you for wanting this one to continue for awhile.

TheOneDoghnut:  I’m updating as often as I can!  Thank you for reading.

Willow:  Sorry, but I couldn’t let the rescue/comfort wait any longer.  I’m just not an author who enjoys prolonging the angst, I’m afraid!  And I really enjoy exploring the abilities of Gandalf “the White”.  He has great power and authority that is rarely seen.


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