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bullet Lords of Gondor Last Updated: 7/17/2022
Boromir survives the attack upon Amon Hen and attempts the journey home to Gondor before war with Mordor breaks out. replika klockor Third Place - MEFA 2007 Award Category: Genres: Alternate Universe: Incomplete
Rating: PG Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 59 Published: 2/9/2009
bullet Linaewen's Inklings Last Updated: 12/3/2016
A place to post my shorter pieces -- drabbles, fixed-length fics, vignettes, and maybe even some poetry from time to time! A new chapter added!
Rating: G Reviews Status: In Progress Chapters: 15 Published: 3/11/2014
bullet Following the Dream Last Updated: 11/12/2016
Boromir and Faramir wrestle with the decision of what is to be done after they both receive a summons by means of a mysterious, riddling dream . (Written for the 2016 Back to Middle-Earth Challenge, from a 2015 B22MeM prompt -- Boromir preparing to leave for Rivendell for the council.)
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/12/2016
bullet He Escaped in the End Last Updated: 11/6/2016
One of Tolkien's themes is to present his characters with an opportunity to turn from the path they are following and choose a different, better way. How did Boromir respond to such an opportunity when it presented itself?
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/6/2016
bullet Change of Plans Last Updated: 11/6/2016
Dűrlin offers sage advice to young Boromir Repliche Orologi and Faramir as they plan an adventure.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/6/2016
bullet Power to Protect Last Updated: 11/6/2016
Finduilas and Denethor explain a Mettarë custom to young Faramir. Written for the 2015 December Challenge: Yule Fic Exchange. The recipient, tallulahred, requested a story featuring Finduilas preparing for Yule and a three year old Faramir.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/6/2016
bullet Attack in the Night Last Updated: 11/18/2015
Boromir is attacked in the wilderness as he seeks a road to Rivendell. Written for the LotR Community Animal Friends Challenge.osmrtnice smrtovnice osmrtnicama ljubuški Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/18/2015
bullet Marshland Last Updated: 8/8/2015
Boromir rests during his journey north and does some fishing.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/8/2015
bullet Waiting by the Water Last Updated: 8/8/2015
Aragorn tarries briefly on his way to save Minas Tirith, and meets someone unexpected.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/8/2015
bullet Feet That Wander Last Updated: 8/8/2015
Tom Bombadil sets a wandering stranger upon the right path. Entered as a submission to the "Tales Unheard" challenge at HASA. First Place - MEFA 2008 Award Category: Races: Cross-Cultural: General
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/8/2015
bullet Fennas Haradren Last Updated: 6/7/2015
Captain Boromir and his chosen men seek the hidden outpost of Fennas Haradren, hoping to solve the mystery of why there has been no word from the Rangers posted there. First Place - MEFA 2008 Award Category: Genres: Adventure: General
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 6/7/2015
bullet Lessons in Leadership Last Updated: 2/8/2015
Merry seeks advice on how to cope with his feelings of inadequacy. A character study written for the 2014 Potluck Challenge at LotR Community Challenges.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/8/2015
bullet Broth With Herbs Last Updated: 2/8/2015
Dűrlin serves up some tasty broth for an ailing Boromir. A recipe!fic written for the 2014 Potluck Challenge at LotR Community Challenges.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/8/2015
bullet Time With Maps Last Updated: 2/5/2015
Merry learns that time spent with maps is time spent wisely. Written for the 2014 Potluck Challenge at LotR Community Challenges from a Bunny Hutch prompt where one of the hobbits gets a chance to have a private conversation with an Elf of Elrond's household.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/5/2015
bullet A Yuletide Toast Last Updated: 1/2/2015
Aragorn and the hobbits recall a past Yule and how it was celebrated.osmrtnice smrtovnice osmrtnicama ljubuški umrli ljubuški Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 1/2/2015
bullet Good vs. Evil in the Lord of the Rings Last Updated: 10/8/2014
An essay comparing good and evil in Tolkien's trilogy.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/8/2014
bullet No More Shadows Last Updated: 3/17/2014
An old man is unexpectedly drawn back out of despair to new hope.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/17/2014
bullet Their Places Exchanged Last Updated: 3/10/2014
Gandalf reassures Pippin that Denethor does not wish Faramir dead. Written for the Fanon Busters Challenge at LotR Community Challenges.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/10/2014
bullet Haven Last Updated: 2/2/2014
Boromir and Faramir look out from the walls of Dol Amroth and talk about Elves. Written for the One Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Challenge at LotR Community Challenges.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet A Hearty Meal Last Updated: 2/2/2014
The men of the Nardol outpost have appeared previously as characters in my WIP Lords of Gondor. A recipe!fic written for the Special Occasions challenge at LotR Community Challenges.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Harsh Words Last Updated: 2/2/2014
As Faramir prepares to depart for Osgiliath, he finds himself regretting the harsh words that have passed between himself and his father.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Fear of the Shadow Last Updated: 2/2/2014
Thranduil admits to himself that he is afraid. Written for the 2014 "Sun, Shadow and Smaug Fundraising Challenge" at Henneth Annűn Story Archive.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Treasures Last Updated: 2/2/2014
Dís receives a special gift from her childhood friend Balin. Written for the 2013 December Challenge: Yule Fic Exchange. The recipient, Iavalir, requested a story featuring Dís and Balin as small children and playmates, before Smaug attacked their home.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Cut Off Last Updated: 2/2/2014
Boromir mourns the loss of something given to him by his brother. A Double Drabble as counted by Jarte and Word.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Without a Pocket Hankerchief Last Updated: 2/2/2014
An essay about deriving encouragement from Bilbo's example in dealing with sudden change. Included in the August 2013 rolex imitaciones perfectas Non-fiction Challenge at the LotR Community.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Proud and Stern of Glance Last Updated: 2/2/2014
An essay in defense of Boromir's character.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Remember Today Last Updated: 2/2/2014
Faramir bids his brother farewell as Boromir leaves upon his quest. A fixed-length ficlet of 110 words.replique audemars piguet
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 2/2/2014
bullet Dreams of Boats Last Updated: 7/7/2013
Faramir tells Boromir of a disturbing dream.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 7/7/2013
bullet Wrong Room Last Updated: 5/29/2013
A wrong turn into the wrong room leads to an unexpected encounter. Written for the LotR GFic Community's "In Springtime All Things Seem Possible" AU Challenge.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/29/2013
bullet Bearing the Warrior Home Last Updated: 3/18/2013
Boromir's journey home and the boat that takes him there.IWC replica
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/18/2013
bullet First-Day Blessing Last Updated: 3/18/2013
Boromir and Faramir celebrate the coming of the new year together at Cair Andros.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 3/18/2013
bullet A Suitable Arrangement Last Updated: 2/18/2013
A young woman of Harondor contemplates an uncertain future. Written for the February 2013 LotR GFic Challenge, "The Dark Side of Love."
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/18/2013
bullet Astray on the Road to Bag End Last Updated: 2/2/2013
Thorin Oakenshield gets lost on his way to Bag End. Based on Thorin's comment about losing his way in Peter Jackson's film, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey." Written for the January 2013 Hobbit Story Pledge Challenge at HASA.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/2/2013
bullet Kingsfoil Last Updated: 11/16/2012
A young girl of Lossarnach gathers healing herbs by the River Erui.disfraces de anime
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 11/16/2012
bullet Morning Vigil Last Updated: 10/8/2012
Boromir waits for news upon the walls of Cair Andros. Written for the LotR GFic Community's "Seventy-five" Challenge.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 10/8/2012
bullet Reading Tolkien Chronologically Last Updated: 8/18/2012
A method for reading Tolkien's legendarium in chronological order.replica breitling
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/18/2012
bullet The World Ahead Last Updated: 8/18/2012
Boromir must decide which road to take in his journey to Rivendell. Written for an anniversary challenge where the element was a line from Tolkien's song, "Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red."
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 8/18/2012
bullet Going Home Last Updated: 7/12/2012
Boromir is impatient to be on his way back home. Written for a challenge where the theme was "The Longest Day" and the prompt was the song "Going Home."
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 7/12/2012
bullet Hoarded History Last Updated: 6/8/2012
Teglon is chief archivist at Minas Tirith's Hall of Records. One day, an important visitor comes to the archive in search of an ancient scroll. Written for the Story Pledge Challenge and the "Oh, the Library" nűzgul at the Henneth Annűn Story Archive.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 6/8/2012
bullet A Son to Be Proud Of Last Updated: 5/26/2012
Boromir contemplates the relationship between his father and his brother as he prepares to leave upon his quest.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/26/2012
bullet Mint Green for Healing Last Updated: 5/12/2012
Boromir has been ill and is in need of a healing cup of tea.
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Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/12/2012
bullet Evil Undone Last Updated: 3/19/2012
When Frodo is severely wounded in the orc attack upon Amon Hen, the Fellowship must choose another Ringbearer to continue the Quest in his stead. Written for the Lord of the Rings Community Big Bang Challenge as the back story for my one-shot AU, A Great Evil Unmade.
Rating: PG Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 14 Published: 9/19/2011
bullet Too Young Last Updated: 2/25/2012
A mother deals with an obstinate son who is unhappy about being considered too young for an important task. A fixed-length ficlet of 400 words (as measured by Microsoft Word).
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/25/2012
bullet Gone Missing Last Updated: 2/25/2012
When Merry and Pippin go missing in Minas Tirith, Frodo and Sam enlist Aragorn's help to find them.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/25/2012
bullet Something Hot Would Go Down Nice Last Updated: 2/25/2012
The hobbits are tired of eating cold food on their journey and start daydreaming about how something hot would go down nice. A recipe!fic written for a challenge.imitaciones relojes espańa
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 2/25/2012
bullet Reforged Last Updated: 6/8/2011
While seeking answers to a troubling dream, Boromir meets someone he had almost forgotten.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 6/8/2011
bullet Boots Made for Walking Last Updated: 5/30/2011
Merry and Pippin help Boromir solve the problem of his worn out boots.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 2 Published: 5/30/2011
bullet On the Subject of Brothers Last Updated: 5/30/2011
Boromir has a conversation about brothers with Merry and Pippin.jaeger lecoultre replica
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/30/2011
bullet Green Grows the Holly Last Updated: 5/30/2011
The Fellowship finds the means to celebrate Yule at the beginning of the Quest.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/30/2011
bullet The Burden of Sons Last Updated: 5/30/2011
Legolas contemplates the burden of responsibility placed upon himself and his companions by their fathers, and makes a vow.
Rating: G Reviews Status: Complete Chapters: 1 Published: 5/30/2011
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