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The White Horse and the White Banner  by Chigger 39 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/17/2003
I thought this entire chapter was beautiful and very touching. I wouldn't change a thing. The letter was amazing. Everyone should get a letter like that at some time in their lives. I also loved the way you used the scene from the movie with your reference to the women and children in the caves. I kept picturing Peter Jackson's son as I read the father's tale. LOL Very well done.

Author Reply: I actually have a kid down in the caves picked out to be Aldor. He's a real cutie pie and looks to be about the right age, big blue eyes and all. I don't know which one is PJ's son, but I know his daughter was one of the little hobbit kids. I'm not sure when "Aldor" is shown, even though we just picked him out . . . last night was it? Or the night before? My memory has been going lately. Maybe I need more sleep.

Hang in there, and thanks for the feedback!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/17/2003
Poor, Legolas! His life has been filled with great loss. I never think of what it must cost the elves to be immortal and to see everyone go before them but this chapter has made me wonder if it would be worth it. Oh, and on a happy note, I am enjoying the fussing with the hair bit. LOL

Author Reply: I'm not very good with Elves, so I'm glad you liked it. I thought long and hard about that scene and it's good to know that it came off right. Much of his memories are based on what Coriel has done with his history, but I like what she's done, so I went ahead and put it in there.

I would think that even Elves would have to redo their braids now and again, right? I have a hard enough time keeping mine in while just sitting around the house! How much harder is it when you've been riding at breakneck speeds all day?

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/17/2003
Legolas bringing elves to the battle! Sounds like a plan that will work. I like the way he is not impressed by his own title and would just as soon be simply, Legolas. Good job! I am glad I found this.

Author Reply: I'm glad you found it too. As much as we object to having the Elves fight and die at the Battle of Helm's Deep in the movie, seeing Elves in battle is always so much fun! I just couldn't resist!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/17/2003
Oh, yeah! It's Prince Legolas! This is getting very interesting. One of the few stories that I am reading that doesn't have Hobbits in it and I am enjoying it. Can't wait to find out what they talk about on the road so gotta go and read more.

Author Reply: Legolas is only in here because Coriel insisted. No, actually, I really like Legolas, but I have a hard time coming up with things to write about him as I relate better to the race of Men. So his appearance was more than welcome. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/17/2003
Any chance of an appearance by Prince Legolas? Noticed he's been mentioned and am now wondering if he will turn up in future chapters. I am glad to see that I was right about the Lady. I like her. She has spirit and will keep things interesting. The guardsman has excellent manners also. A real gentleman! She should rethink this thing a bit. LOL

Author Reply: Hirilian is rather a firebrand, really. She takes after her father's mother a great deal. Ceorl was created to be a gentleman in every sense of the word. Hope you enjoy the rest!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/17/2003
I just found this one and I am really glad to have stumbled across it! You should have let me know you were writing something. I am putting an alert on this so that I don't miss a single chapter. I'm guessing that the sister and the lovely rider from earlier are one and the same. How am I doing so far?

Author Reply: Sorry if you found that confusing, but yes, the lovely rider from earlier was Hirilian, Eowyn's granddaughter.

I'm glad you like it. I really only wrote this story because I was out of ideas for Westerns. The fact that I had some nice characters to work with and an idea from a Western helped too. I hadn't intended for it to get this long, really. Hope you like the rest of it.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/14/2003
Another well done chapter. I agree that some things seemed a bit long, but I also realize the need for information. My only advice is to try to cut anthing redundant, even similar, out. For instance, Aldor only needs to mention he was 5 once.
Anyway, it is good that you go to such lengths to give us even the tiniest details. It's much, MUCH better than reading a story like "He went there. He fought. The end." I had many instances like that in "A Commoner Amongst Lords," and I am still working on fleshing those parts out.
I will be looking forward to future chapters. Don't ever give up writing, though, whether for lack of reviews or otherwise. I've gotten 6 total for ACAL, 1 for "Children of the Commoner," 4 for "Love and War," and I won't even go into my others. I know it's tough, believe me I know, but don't give up. At least you have people at home that support you. That's a luxury I don't have.

Eomer of Eastfold

Author Reply: I thank you, Eomer, Third Marshal of the Riddermark, for your kind words. I tried extremely hard to show that Ceorl and Aldor were very close. In a world of split homes, I wanted my characters to be a close and loving family, even closer than my own. I also thought it would be interesting to see the Battle of Helm's Deep from the point of view of one of those cute little kids down in the Glittering Caves. I thought of having Legolas also interact with Aldor as a little kid, but let's not get carried away. Hey, maybe Aldor even saw Eodreng!

This chapter spent a lot of time on my floppy-disk in its blah, skeletal form before I went back through and "put some meat on its bones." I try very hard not to write those "He did this, he did that" stories. Dialogue is so hard to write, though! I never thought putting words in someone else's mouth would be so difficult.

The next chapter is in its very, very early stages. I really don't know what's going to happen in the middle, or when it will be posted. The beginning is almost finished, but that's about as far as I've gotten. Five days into the battle, and there's still quite a bit to go.

AmanielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 11/12/2003
I couldn't tell if Coriel put in anything or not, but I bet you did most of it yourself. You're a pretty good writer! I haven't really been reading anything from the men side of things. It's a refreshing idea. I also had a question concerning Legolas and Hirilian. I was thinking they had some sort of brother-sister type of relationship, but let me know if I am wrong. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters! Do you know when they'll be ready?

Author Reply: Thank you for the feedback! This story has been slowly peetering out due to lack of feedback. Legolas and Hirilian have a brother-sister kind of relationship, but for the most part he's just a very good friend.
As to the other chapters, I really have no clue. My main problem is that I'm writing them in rather mixed up order because I have great ideas for later in the story and have to get them down right away. As it is, I have the next chapter written, I just need to go through and edit it. My characters tend to ramble in this next one.
Thanks again! :)

Lisbeth K.Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/7/2003
I loved it.It was well written and didn't drag on.I can't wait till its finished.

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