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The White Horse and the White Banner  by Chigger 39 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/7/2003
I am starting to worry. Hope Legolas brings back help of some kind.

Author Reply: You must remember that the Elves know almost nil about how to heal Men, and Elrond has already cleared out. Therefore, things must be taken step by step with this. The love of a strong-willed mother may be all Ceorl needs.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 11 on 12/6/2003
I think the puppy might steal the lead away from Ceorl. :) In any case, it is good to see that he is finally awake, and I certainly wish to see what is going to happen next.

Author Reply: I've been dying to get a wolf-dog and so I decided to give one to Ceorl. Why not? Still, Beleg's part will remain at a minimum in order to preserve Ceorl's place as the lead character. :) Thanks for the review.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/3/2003
Short, but sweet. :) Hirilian's character does seem quite different from when she first encounters Ceorl, and it was hard to imagine her in tears like that. Then again, that must be what happens when you're in love with someone. :) How long until Ceorl recovers?

Author Reply: Ceorl is still in bed, but his fate will soon be known. :) I'm glad you liked it. I, myself, have never been in love and I was hoping this chapter would not come off as corny since I know almost nothing about that which I write. ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/30/2003
Very interesting, though I'm not so sure the Rohirrim would simply forsake one of their wounded like that. I suppose, though, I shall have to wait to see what happens next. Thank goodness your updates come swiftly.

Author Reply: Let's look at it this way. They didn't want to leave Ceorl just lying there, but when you get a bunch of strong-willed women pulling you home, what are you supposed to do? Therefore, poor Ceorl and the poor horses were left all alone. I'm sure if the wives and daughters weren't there, Ceorl would have been taken home right away.

Next chapter will be up soon; but I'm still waiting for YOU to update. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/28/2003
Better and better. I can't wait for the next chapter. Here they are on their way home and you think everything is going to be fine and then, bang! He has a fever and doesn't know his own friends! Don't wait too long to update. Again, I must mention Fréa as I love that animal more in each chapter. You must have your own horse or horses.

Author Reply: Yes, we have been the proud owners of four different horses. The first two were a learning experience. The second two were better, but still difficult and *very expensive*! We had no idea it was so hard to keep a horse's hooves sound! Gee whiz! But, I'm sad to say, that we no longer have any pets (except one three year old brother). :)

I'm glad you're enjoying my little tale. I really had no idea where it was going at first, but now it's mostly planned out, so the next update should be soon. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/28/2003
You must love horses very much as you write them with a very special character all their own. I love Fréa! This is an amazing addition to your story. The horse is as much a part of everything in this chapter as the men. A very moving chapter!

Author Reply: I have always loved horses. *The good ones* have a quiet companionship that is really quite relaxing. There are few things I love quite so much as riding a smooth gaited horse across an empty field.

I see the horse as the livelihood of the people of Rohan and, pretty much, the live or death of the Riders of Rohan in so many cases. Therefore, I believe that each Rider would have a very good relationship with their mount, often resulting in mourning every bit as bitter as if their own family member had been killed in battle.

Thank you for your continued reading and reviewing. Both are appreciated.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/25/2003
I don't think he's lost his memory, just that he's gone fey, possibly from shock or infection, though this is Chigger's story so I can't say for certain. In any case, well done. I'll be anxious to see the next chapter.

Author Reply: Please forgive me for taking so much time to answer your review. But the truth is that just as I was about to dial up to answer you, our telephone wire was accidentally cut and we have been without a phone for five days. :(

Still, thank you for your review and you are quite right, Ceorl has not lost his memory (thankfully) and we hope he's going to recover. His condition is rather critical right now and the Healers are at a loss. :)

Next chapter is on its way!

coonzalasReviewed Chapter: 8 on 11/24/2003
oh no! he's lost his memory? that's just great. question: Beleg Cùthalion is who's namesake? Legolas'? how so?

Author Reply: As Eomer was nice enough to mention, he has not lost his memeory. But if you remember there were fragments of the arrow still in his shoulder which have become infected and the pain is excrutiating.

Coriel and I thought that, since Beleg was such a nice guy, that he might have been young Thranduil's hero in Doriath, so he might have wanted to name his son Beleg, but his wife wanted to name him after her father Dorlas, so they compromised. But that's just us.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/24/2003
Very nicely done, and I LOVE the editions you made regarding the soldiers holding each other back from rushing out to the wounded. Granted, I did make a suggestion of that sort, but only a suggestion. YOU turned it into brilliant work. :)

Author Reply: So glad you liked it. I was going to turn that part into a whole bunch of dialogue, but it just seemed to me that it would turn out better without it.

Thanks again for your help, and I hope to have the next chapter up soon.

Lisbeth K.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/19/2003
I don't think any of the speeches were too long esp. Ceorl's letter. They expressed each persons love. Ceorl's letter was so tender and romantic but still respectful. I loved this chapter. It gripped all of my emotions. Well done!!!

Author Reply: So glad you liked it! I'm not very good at love letters and such. The idea was forged in my mind from the French moive version of Cyrano de Bergerac, actually, if you want the truth. :) I didn't copy it, but I tried to write like he did. That was a great movie!

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