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The White Horse and the White Banner  by Chigger 39 Review(s)
EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 17 on 12/18/2003
Ah, and I thought they were going to get married in this chapter. Oh well, I suppose they will in the next. :)

Author Reply: *OK, here come some minor spoilers.* I'm going to pull a YOU. I know nothing about weddings, so I skipped that entire ordeal and they will already be married in the next chapter. But it will also be the last chapter. :( I'll be sure and post it tomorrow sometime. ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/17/2003
The first thing that sprung to mind when Narion was talking about love withstanding the test of time was Chapter 2 of Children of the Commoner, where Boromir III asked Eowyn II to wait and be sure she wanted to spend her life with him in order to make sure it was nothing more than a desperate crush. This is slightly different, of course, but I think you've captured the elements of love fairly well.
I'll be looking forward to seeing the next chapter. I'm afraid I still haven't thought of a good opening for the next chapter of CoTC myself, but hopefully I'll be able to update soon.

Author Reply: If Ceorl, as Hirilian pointed out, could love her even after his first impression, I doubt it's a desperate crush. :)

I remember reading that chapter knowing that, of course as all happy stories go, she would eventually marry him, but "when" was the question. Since then, the story has progressed rapidly, and I'm looking anxiously forward to the day you get the next chapter finished. :)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 15 on 12/16/2003
Well, the ceremony was certainly different from what I would expect, but it's certainly not anti-canonical, either. One thing, though, is that the King would probably not ask if anyone had any objections to Ceorl being a captain, because if there were objections, than it would show in the face of the public that the King made a mistake in choosing him, which wouldn't do to well for public relations, if you know what I mean. :)
I look forward to seeing the next chapter.

Author Reply: I'm glad the ceremony didn't come of as terrible. Like I've told you before, I dislike the fact that most Rohirric "ceremonies" are rather informal and toned down. :)

Next chapter should be up very soon. I just got done re-reading it and it might go up today or tomorrow.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 14 on 12/15/2003
Belecthor needs a girl firend of his own. LOL I liked it and it made me think a bit. Just after becoming engaged to a very important man's daughter, the offer of a Captain's position? Any connection in the works or has he earned it on his own merit? While her father seems to like him, I wonder if he might like him better in a higher station.

Author Reply: Like I told EomerofEastfold, I made him a captain simply because *I* liked him and *I* wanted him to be a captain. ;) But no, it was not any of Narion's doing (as far as I know). :)

As to Belecthor's girl friend, I have a loose idea and even tried to put it into a short story, but it was later chunked because the plot was horrible and certain parts of it followed Louis L'Amour's book just a little too close. (Louis L'Amour being my favorite Western author.) Therefore, all I know is that he does get married, as does Morwen, but I know her husband's name at least. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 13 on 12/15/2003
A ring with the help of Prince Legolas? Inspired! Her father is a wonderful character. Very strict, but very fair. I like him.

Author Reply: Surely a Prince of Elves would be better suited to pick out a good ring that a Man of Rohan, right? ;)

Narion was, actually, my first OC. (Coriel helped with the name.) Coriel wanted to come up with Faramir's descendants and so she came up with Narion's wife and kids. Then I took them and ran with them, coming up with Ceorl, his parents, his kids (and Hirilian's of course). So really, this story would never have been here without Coriel's *UMPH*, but she's not too happy with what I did to a lot of her chacters. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/15/2003
I couldn't get here for a few days due to Christmas issues, but it was worth waiting for. I am so happy that she loves him enough to stay with him. It was short, but it said all that it needed to say. Another great chapter!

Author Reply: Glad you enjoyed it. So many of my chapters seem to be rather short, but then, it's easier to write them that way. ;)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 14 on 12/14/2003
That must have been some impressive fighting then to be promoted to captain after one battle. :) Actually, I'm guessing it's because he managed to find and save Belecthor during the fighting, right? In the Medieval Period, if a squire saved the life of a knight in battle, said squire automatically attained the right to knighthood, if memory serves me correctly.
Anyway, I'm glad he got promoted. At least that way he'll be able to provide for Hirilian better. Sometimes, though, the way people say things or act it makes it seem like Ceorl is in his late teens rather than a mid-20 year old man.
Well, good chapter all the same. :)

Author Reply: I'm glad you could come up with a logical explaination. In truth, I will admit, it was simply blatant favoritism. :) I suppose saving Belecthor is as good a reason as any. (And better than some, such as the aforementioned favoritism.)

As to the way people treat Ceorl, what can I say? After all, I did put a note at the bottom of this chapter, didn't I? ;) Perhaps it's because Rohirric Men seem to live longer than modern Men. How long did Eomer live? A long time, I can tell you that right now. :) Poor Elfwine . . . hardly got any time as King because his dear Dad wouldn't die! ;)

Anyway, thanks again for all you do for this story, Eomer. It is very appreciated.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 12 on 12/9/2003
It certainly was an enjoyable chapter, but what to say, what to say. Hmmmmm. You didn't venture straight into the stereotypical male with Ceorl, which was quite good. I like how he is worried about how much her life would change if she married him. Using today as an example, it's much easier for men with secure financial futures to speak of the concepts of love and marriage. Good men, whether one will believe this or not, worry MORE about the well-being of their wives and children than they do themselves. I'm very, very happy, you didn't portray Ceorl a selfish jerk. Men's hearts are actually extremely difficult things to understand, even for me. :)

Author Reply: I'm glad Ceorl came of correctly. I give Hirilian everything I want, and I most certainly don't want a selfish jerk. :) Also, with a Dad and brother like mine, I haven't really been exposed to selfish jerks, so I wouldn't know quiet how to portray one. Not that I would want to or anything. ;)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 11 on 12/7/2003
I liked the fact that they let him bring the dog inside with him. Thought they might make the pup wait outside. Now the big scene between the young lovers?

Author Reply: I say that every Royal Household has royal hunting-dogs, and if they can get in, so can an Elvish Wolfhound. Especially one as protective as all that. :)

The aforementioned scene will be up today.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 12/7/2003
I'm glad she shared her secret with her brother and I also hope she tells her parents. She will need their support if this illness continues.

Author Reply: I didn't know how to put that in there, but between this chapter and the next, she did approach her parents and they now know all about it. I'm the kind of kid that doesn't want to leave home or rebel against my parents in any way. Therefore, neither do my characters. So the entire family knows of it now.

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