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The Enemy Within  by daw the minstrel 57 Review(s)
PSWReviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/9/2016
Hmm. Looks like someone's switched her loyalties (as it were). This is likely to go over well... Also, Legolas will not be pleased if he finds out Eilian went fire-jumping right after sending them home. :-P By that point, though, it seems no one may be happy w anyone else anymore... I'm curious if Thranduil will manage to stay outside of this tangle...

I would also like to just say ... Anneal's such a good, good kid, and a good friend. Where would Legolas be without him? He has always been one of my favorites. :-)

Thanks so much for writing!

Author Reply: I love Annael. I've always thought it was to Turgon's credit that he chose Annael and Legolas as his friends rather than seeking someone as wild as himself.

I think Thranduil needs to make an appearance in the next chapter and find out what's been going on.

DotReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/7/2016
Seriously, what's up with Hoth and Jardin? I'm intrigued...

Lovely to see Miriwen and Aerlinn. Girls being girls and boys being boys, no matter what race they are!

"Oh good," Hoth said. "Three extra coins for us."
Legolas snapped his glance Hoth's way. What was he talking about? Camil had made a gift of the charm.
"Hoth!" Camil scowled.
"Am I mistaken? One coin for men, three for elves?"
Now that's interesting. Camil is clearly up to no good. Hoth may act like an arse but I'm willing to bet he has his reasons for being so disgruntled and he's definitely taking offence on his mother's behalf. Ok, so he shouldn't have have gone after Miriwen when Legolas obviously likes her. But at least someone gave the poor girl a bit of fun.

Woohoo, Turgon has arrived! That usually promises all sorts of trouble. Legolas is hilarious at this age. He could convince himself of anything, even when his conscience wants him to think otherwise. Personally, I wouldn't be trying the you said I should be a good host line on Thranduil...

Oh, Eilian. Who's this idiot elf draped in Camil's goods? Someone really could have been shot.

"I know something much better than dancing." Turgon glared at Hoth. "Something very Wood-elfy." Part of me is groaning and part of me is just plain excited to see what happens next!

Author Reply: he shouldn't have have gone after Miriwen when Legolas obviously likes her. But at least someone gave the poor girl a bit of fun

That made me laugh. The girls are a bit more ready to be asked to dance than Legolas is to ask one. Though Miriwen probably wouldn't have approached the boys without Aerlinn dragging her. It's a painful age, much more fun to read about than to be.

Legolas is indeed talking himself into trouble. That internal dialogue sounds so plausible until it all goes wrong.

Thanks for the review, Dot. Always nice to see you.

NanethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/6/2016
Always a delight to find a new story from you-heaven knows, I've read the older ones so often that I could quote most of them! This is a perplexing story so far. Can't wait to find out what is going on. My favorite part has to be Legolas at court. Such a bored teenager!

Author Reply: It always makes me feel good to know people find these stories re-readable. I guess whatever satisfaction is getting doesn't come from plot suspense.

Legolas is adolescent enough to feel entitled to his boredom in court, but not quite ready to ask Miriwen to dance. Next time, he thinks, and that could be right.

Good to hear from you, Naneth.

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/4/2016
I do love teenaged Legolas - he is really at the in-betweener stage. And at the moment he is in between impressing his guests, wanting to impress Merilwen, wanting to do what his friends want to do, avoiding both brothers and Thranduil... That is going to need such a juggling act that I really can't see him keeping everything in the air for very long.

And I am very curious about what the merchant is up to, why people are arguing more than seems usual, and why the story is called The Enemy Within!

Author Reply: When you spell out what Legolas wants in a list like that, it does seem daunting. And yet, each thing seems so simple and obvious to him as it comes up. Why can't he have those things?!! He's lucky he has adults who are determined to keep him from going too far wrong, though he's not very grateful at the moment.

Thanks for the review. Always good to hear from you.

asms2Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/3/2016
Hoth seems to be enjoying getting under Legolas' skin. He knows how to stir the pot. And here comes Turgon into the equation! This should be fun. I wonder what he has in mind :)

It's interesting to see how Legolas is trying to be impressive to his guests while attempting to avoid detection from his father and Eilian. lol. I wonder if Jardin and Hoth notice his 'discrete' avoidance techniques.

The merchant seems to have dispersed this goods quite well this party. I wonder what he is up to/what his motives are.

I can't wait to read more!!

Author Reply: Good analysis of Hoth. He's in some emotional pain, I think. Now, Turgon just plows ahead with no doubts whatever! He's very useful to an author.

Also a good analysis of Legolas. He thinks he's thinking, and he's old enough to be testing his wings a little. We'll see how it comes out.

NoorReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/3/2016
Oh dear....things can only get worse! My only consolation is that Gelmir is in many of your later stories so can't be killed off in this one.... Thanks Daw. Can't wait for next chapters.

Author Reply: I box myself in by jumping around in time sometimes! Still, it's nice because readers seem to be willing to pretend to be more worried than they really are sometimes.

Thanks for reviewing, Noor.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/2/2016
oh, god, Turgon. If there was ever any doubt this situation was going to go and archery is also a great mix LOL. I'm still trying to work out these kids and what they have to do with whatever their old man is up to. And I hope someone catches up with Legolas before he carefully rationalizes his way into a Very Big Mistake. Don't wait too long to update, daw!

Author Reply: I like getting into Legolas's head and going along for the ride as he convinces himself he's not afraid to ask a girl to dance for instance, and is showing the Mannish boy and girl around for only the best of reasons.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/2/2016
Another new story!? YAY! And congrats on having your book published- so exciting!
Oh teenager Legolas, I almost forgot about him lol. And why do I have a feeling that this wood elfy thing is going to end up bad? Can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Well, I'm excited about the book being published! As always when I write about characters, I wind up loving them quite shamelessly.

Teenager Legolas is a hoot to write about. He's still not quite ready to ask a girl to dance, though he wants to be ready. And he can almost convince himself that he's just being a good host, though he's careful to slip away when Thranduil isn't looking!

PSWReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/2/2016
Hmm... I still think they already know who Legolas was. But in any case, ivory trinkets and arguments abound. Somehow they've managed to spread them all over very quickly. This is definitely a concerted effort, and I feel like the daughter is in on it -- not sure yet what I think about the son. I'm anxious to see where this is going and what is the goal of this. I get a bad feeling, but am not sure exactly what all will fall apart and when.

It took me a minute to remember where things stood w Miriwen at the moment -- apparently this is before all the drama ... :-P

I'm so enjoying this -- thanks so much for writing.

Author Reply: When I jump around in time on these stories, I often have to read what I wrote to remember where the characters are. Legolas's romance with Miriwen isn't really off the ground yet. He kisses her for the first time at Ithilden's wedding, and we're obviously a ways away from that! (Much to Thranduil's dismay)

Legolas is taking advantage of his unexpected night out. :-)

I'm glad you're enjoying it. You've given me many pleasant moments of reading too.

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/31/2016
Oh-ho - there is something a bit 'off' with this merchant.

And poor Ithilden; Gelmir to worry about, and Eilian should he hear that Gelmir is missing, and the BIG difficulties courting Alfirin afford him!

Author Reply: Ithilden has a tough job. Of course, he thinks of himself as a tough guy, but it still wears on him. He needs Alfirin!

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