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Interrupted Journeys: Part 7 The course of love  by elliska 41 Review(s)
daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/10/2011
Yay! I can't tell you how happy I was to get the notification for this story. And it's set at such a wonderful time: young people growing up and trying to figure out what it means to care for someone, trying to sort out all those mixed feelings of love, jealousy, sex, and frustration. And also facing up to more grown up duties too, but that's not what's first in Legolas's mind apparently!

"Well that serves you right!" Langon's voice boomed from above him

True enough. Weapons training isn't a game, and I approve of Langon's attitude even if Legolas and his cousins don't. :-) I like the way Legolas is honest about his distraction, but with Langon watching, I suppose he's learned that honesty is not only the best course, it's the only one.

I had to laugh at the kids in the pool with their wet clothes. We're in the boys' POV so we notice only the girls, and it doesn't seem to occur to Legolas that his clothes are wet too. Maidhien on Galithil's lap must be an interesting experience for both of them. And the guards must be torn between amusement and dismay over what they might have to chaperon. Not that they'd interfere, I suppose, that being above their pay grade.

Aewen seems full of beans. It sounds like she's about to get her wish to go to the forest's edge.

Galithil grinned and nudged Legolas under the table with his foot. He derived a twisted sort of delight at seeing his uncle's temper when it was directed at Men or Dwarves

LOL. Oh, Galithil. I guess that's understandable.

I look forward to seeing Legolas rise to the occasion. But not without some pain first! Or maybe during. We'll see.

Thanks for posting, Elliska. You made my Sunday afternoon.

Author Reply: :-) It really is the perfect age to write about. So much potential for trouble!

Weapons training isn't a game, and I approve of Langon's attitude even if Legolas and his cousins don't.

Definitely. Of course, Langon is the one that Dolgailon would not promote to captain because even he is afraid of him, so... ;-) Poor Legolas. He really does need to pay attention though. Pity he won't.

We're in the boys' POV so we notice only the girls, and it doesn't seem to occur to Legolas that his clothes are wet too.

I had to laugh at this because it is so true. As is the part about Galithil and Maidhien! You have to feel sorry for the guards. Who would want to watch kids in their courtship rituals. That was bad enough to do yourself. To have to watch it! ;-)

Things go downhill for Legolas pretty steadily in this, poor thing. It's a hard age. :-)

Thanks so much for the review, daw! I really appreciate them.

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