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Interrupted Journeys: Part 7 The course of love  by elliska 41 Review(s)
FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/25/2011
The encounter with the men went better than I, going off with Aewen....will see.

Author Reply: Legolas was relieved at how he worked out the problem with the traders. Unfortunately, he will b less pleased with how it works out with Aewen. That will be a little more trouble for him, poor thing!

Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 4/24/2011
This chapter seemed really well paced. There was time for character stuff, but it moved along and something interesting was happening all the time.

I liked the way we find out who originally made the various arguments and then gave up when Galithil and Maidhien ignored them and started on the same discussion again. I understand how that kind of obsessive repetition happens. When something big is on your mind--and her being sent not only away but also to someplace dangerous--is huge. I say again, "poor guards." This is going to be trouble.

Legolas was particularly funny when he thought that Eirienil "enjoyed immunity from being punched." LOL. I'm sure she does. And that phrase suggests events in Legolas's life that we haven't seen.

As much trouble as Galithil and Maidhien are, Aewen is bigger trouble at the moment! She has no fear, and Legolas is young, male, and in love. This little excursion into the dark would be problematic even if you don't have Bad Events in mind, which I suspect you do.

I liked the encounter with the spice merchants for a couple of reasons. The guards gave what I thought was perceptive advice and it clued me in as a reader to where the danger might lie. Then Legolas handled the situation creatively and well despite his surprise at being "Lord Legolas." The argument rang true on all sides. The spice merchant seems to be in all kinds of trouble, poor thing.

In the exchange about the axle, Brethil really came alive for me. I liked it that he says he could fix it, it's such a simple job. I could hear his scornful tone, and he convinces me that his confidence is well founded.

Also, I liked the awe the children felt at the sight of grasslands.

I was waiting for this chapter this evening, and I was well rewarded for my wait!

Author Reply: This was a tough one, because not a lot physically happens, but Legolas's mind is off in a bunch of directions, with the men and Galithil/Maidhien and, most importantly for him, Aewen.

I'm glad you liked Legolas's thoughts about Eirienil's 'immunity.' I giggled myself at that. Anastor and Legolas are friends, but Anastor has such a different attitude than Legolas is used to. I can see Anastor reacting with a good punch easily, and I can see him pushing Legolas (or especially Galithil) just a little far to earn himself a punch a few times too. :-)

Thranduil will be pleased with how the deal with the merchants turned out, but he is going to be far less pleased with other things. Aewen is leading Legolas into a lot of trouble, for certain. I definitely have Bad Events in mind. ;-) Poor Legolas and poor guards, indeed.

And I am so glad you liked Brethil too. I like him as a character and friend for Legolas. He is a good kid and he'll prove it as things go along.

I wish Legolas had more time to enjoy the grasslands. That must be incredible, really, when all you've ever seen is the forest. Kind of like seeing the ocean for the first time.

Thanks so much for the review, daw! Your comments really made my day, because this was a tough chapter to write.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/17/2011
I've been out of town visiting my son and was excited to find this chapter when I got home. Every section of it has conflict, which I thought was great. Even the bit about the two First-Years getting their just deserts (from Legolas's POV anyway) was fun.

Poor Tulus and Colloth. If only orcs were the main threat to their charges! Dannenion doesn't have enough fear or sense to know when he's going too far. I especially liked him going after Thranduil, and the king's threat to removing his hand if Dannenion didn't remove it from from Thranduil's face. Also how weary everyone in that room was when Dannenion showed up. They've heard it all before.

Maidhien certainly wasn't intimidated. Thranduil's assessment of her is right, I think. She and Galithil are well matched.

The last section suggests that the plot is thickening. So something is "wrong" about this guy searching for his SIL's murderer? And the only men around are the spice merchants? I see trouble!

Author Reply: Every section of it has conflict

You made my day with this comment. My little exercise for myself with this story when I went through it to post it was to add/cut/change things and break it up in places to try to keep up-ing the stakes and maintaining the tension better.

Yeah, orcs are more pleasant than Dannenion in many ways. At least they have the good sense to fear Thranduil. ;-) Dannenion is going to learn some respect. Not now, maybe, but soon. Thranduil has done this Hallion's way for a long time. His patience is at an end.

Maidhien is a strong little girl. She's got what it takes and she'll prove it.

I see trouble!
Yep! Poor Legolas.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/17/2011
Cyberspace ate down half of my first review... I was saying that it's such fun to see Legolas disgruntled by being requested to do something for his adar, and seeing Galithil as the level-headed one!

And a wonderful second chapter. Maidhien really knows how to handle her adar, doesn't she? I'm sure he will have to give up eventually. And poor guards, really!

Author Reply: Ain't computers great! Yes, Galithil is being very mature. He still enjoys a little thrill, but past events have toned down his desire to generate really outrageous ones himself considerably.

Maidhien definitely can handle her adar. We will see a lot of that in this story and other ones. Dannenion is not going to win this one.

I think being the guards in any of our stories has to be the worst job ever!

Thanks so much for the reviews! I appreciate them so much!

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/17/2011
another great chapter! Can't wait to

Author Reply: I'm glad you continue to enjoy! Thanks so much for the reviews!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/16/2011
Well at last I had time to sit down and enjoy! Just like the old times!

This is promising, elliska, I'm so thrilled! Legolas NOT wanting to go an assignment for his dad
Author Reply: I'm glad you like it so far! Hope you continue to. Yes, Hallion and Thranduil have to be wondering what's up that Legolas isn't as excited as Galithil. Well, they'll find out soon enough. :-) Thanks so much for the review. I appreciate them so much!

ziggyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/15/2011
I only check this site rarely now so I was so delighted to see a new story from you. It flows seamlessly from the last and it felt like I had never been away. Wonderful characterisations and a super plot- I am looking forward to this!

Author Reply: Thanks! I'm so happy you happened to check in and see it. And I hope you enjoy it. Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/12/2011
I'm so glad that you have posted! it is like the old times.

Poor Legolas and the other boys, why we, females, make their life so miserable? I remember those days, so much flirting and sending mixing signals. I have an older brother and sometimes I have to explain him what the girls really wanted.

I'm happy that all the gang is getting close, that is, until their parents start the conspiracy again.

Author Reply: I'm glad you are still reading! I certainly am glad to be back to posting again.

Poor boys, indeed. Dating is hard for girls too, of course, but somehow it seems harder for boys. They really do seem clueless trying to figure out how to approach girls. It's fun to watch. ;-)

that is, until their parents start the conspiracy again


Thanks so much for the reviews. I really appreciate them.

CandissDReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/10/2011
Great chapter! It's good to read about Legolas and the gang again :)

Author Reply: Thanks! It is good to be back at it. I have quite a bit of time now and I've been having a lot of fun again in Tolkien's world. Hope you continue to enjoy and thanks so much for the review!

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/10/2011
I was delighted to see this!!! Alas poor Legolas. He finally gets to be a grown up but it's at completely the wrong time. He has other not-altogether-childish plans. Can't wait to see what's next!

Author Reply: He finally gets to be a grown up but it's at completely the wrong time.

Poor thing indeed! I had so much fun writing that. It's so typical. You spend so much time wanting to be 'grown up' and it really isn't all it's cracked up to be when it finally comes at you. And naturally Legolas's plans are not destined to go well.

Thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate them!

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