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More Dangerous and Less Wise  by daw the minstrel 86 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/21/2008
First chapter was OK, but when you get to the point of telling the story about Thranduil, the way you switch back and forth from one time to another left me a little confused. It was hard to follow. It'd be a more enjoyable read if you just wrote one story or the other without trying to flip back and forth between two stories.

Author Reply: Oh I suspect you're right! I'm juggling a lot here and it can be a challenge both for me and for readers.

Thanks for letting me know your reaction.

curiouswombatReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
I am really enjoying this 'cross-over fic'...

It is a sign of how good your writing is that I find myself worrying, particularly about Eilian and Legolas' nana, even though I know that they live to fight another day.

Author Reply: What a great compliment! One of the difficulties of putting fanfic characters in danger is that we know quite well, for instance, that Legolas is not going to die, not unless the author is writing AU, and I don't. So it can be hard to create tension.

LOL about this as a cross-over.

nessie6Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
Ahh love it!

"He supposed they could tell the captain they'd decided to go for a swim. He might believe that. Laegcened tended to think Wood-elves did inexplicable things as a matter of course. "

--Honestly? lol, does he really think Wood-Elves are THAT silly?

"Beliond brightened. "We should take him to Thranduil. He may have talked about backing away, but I could tell he was angry by the way his teeth were grinding. This will cheer him up no end."

--for some reason, this makes me a bit sad, because now Beliond is like the crabby old man of the group. Poor guy. He seems so care-free here.

Stubby should've never kicked Thranduil. He's asking for whatever's coming for him. Stupid dwarf.

I loved how Beliond thought Thranduil would make a great leaader because of his plan on framing the dwarf :D Yes, that is a quality an Elf-King must have :)

Beliond's astonishment that he had disgusted a dwarf was funny too!

Aaaand the branch breaks XD It was all Stubby's fault, obviously! Oooh, I hope they don't get caught! I'm just as eager as Eilian/Legolas is for Beliond/Maltanaur to finish the story!

Glad you updated! Can't wait for the next one!

Update asap!


Author Reply: does he really think Wood-Elves are THAT silly?

LOL. I think Maltanaur may be being unduly optimistic here. The captain has spent enough time around Wood-elves to know that an innocent swim is probably not what these three were up to.

Beliond is young and hopeful here. Life kicks him around some after this--what with Dagorlad, his son dying, his wife sailing. And then he spent all those years alone too much as one of Thranduil's spies. Legolas is good for him. Thranduil did a kind thing when he trusted Beliond with his son.

Writing from the keepers' points of view is so much fun, especially Beliond. He thinks so differently than I do!

NalediReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
Oh I am enjoying this! It must be a real eye-opener for Legolas and Eilian to hear about their elders behaving in a less than responsible manner.

I've been having a giggle about the names the Elves have been assigning the Dwarves. First we had Stubby, now we have Fist-pounder. I'm just waiting for Grumpy and Dozy to make an appearance :)

Author Reply: Oh man, I struggled with names for the Dwarves and finally resorted to the ones you have. I figured Thranduil and his buddies wouldn't know their real ones and I couldn't just keep saying "the Dwarf," "the other Dwarf," "the other other Dwarf." I'm glad it's amusing because it sure was practical.

I suspect Eilian and Legolas are indeed blown away by this picture of their father and his friends. Thranduil is going be really annoyed! LOL

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
Daw, this is priceless, I have been laughing while reading, in my work! if they fire me because I'm having too much fun, it is the wood elves fault...

You should write fanfics more often, I for sure, miss you a lot (I have been reading fanfics since 2003 and I miss the good ones). I know that you are in your way to become a famous writer, but your Mirkwood stories are the best of the entire fanfiction world. So, do not forget us when you have your novels published. (Post here when this happen, I'll buy it in a second)

You know what I found most funny, this phrase: Laegcened and the Dwarves apparently thought alike. Poor Laegcened...and it show how suspicious are both races. Ah, when Beliond was surprised because he has disgusted a Dwarf...priceless.

So, falling from a tree...I can't wait.

Love how Beliond and Maltanaur have different versions of their adventures and how they feel sorry for Thranduil, a sindar and a prince, a poor repressed elf...Thanks, you have made my day, I'm glad to read a happy story.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you like this, Fantasia. Looking at it now, it seems structurally flawed to me with odd tonal shifts, but I'm still having fun writing it. I miss these guys when I'm gone too long, and I, too, needed a happy story.

Re reading at work, Scarlet Pendragon reviews me sometimes and she read "A Spring of Joy" at work. You may recall that's the story in which Sinnarn buys it. Well, she burst into tears in her cubicle and her boss showed up, all concerned, to ask what was wrong. SP said she got word a friend died, and her boss gave her the rest of the day off. Maybe you can get that for laughing too!

The LOTR fandom does seem to be dying back. There are still good writers but far fewer than there used to be. Or maybe we're just harder to please. I know I am. I've seen most scenarios repeatedly by now whereas at first I was just enthralled by anything grammatical.

Believe me, when/if I sell a novel, I'll shout the news everywhere I can!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/21/2008
I am so far behind. Still fighting with my DSL and something blocking the Internet. I seem to be here at the moment, but I could be mistaken.

Fun beginning to the story, almost like a comedy of errors and mishaps. Boy, talk about going to pot. The fun, I suspect, is just beginning. Beliond may return from his little jaunt with Eilian to find Legolas is relatively calm and level-headed in comparison with his older brother and Eilian may return with a new appreciation for Maltanaur. All the while, little brother is going to get the real scoop, one bored wounded warrior to another.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, which is up, along with Chapter 3. I've had so much trouble with this darn computer, I have to move along right now, but I'll be back. Really enjoyed this first chapter.

Author Reply: Karen! We miss you! This has gone on far too long.

I'm glad you enjoyed this. When I put Eilian and Beliond together, I thought that would be make some sparks and there are some, but oddly, what happened was that they started to look a lot alike. Both are too Wood-elfy for their own good sometimes.

Get someone to fix your DSL. Enough is enough.

CesReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
I reviewed this over on (CAH), but had to come over here and let you know again how much I am enjoying this story. Love, love, love all these characters!

You almost want to feel sorry for Stubby and his friends, but since they brought it on themselves they must face the music that Beliond and Maltanaur (and eventually Thranduil) make them do!

And yes, I do have soft spots for Laegcened and Maldor! Don't ask me why, but you do write them with some humor and it just leaves me wanting more! Maldor especially - you just have to write him into a story with Beliond and Maltanaur discussing their charges - and doesn't Maldor still owe Legolas over the snowball incident in 'Battles Won?' *whistles innocently*


Author Reply: Legolas was a little kid when that happened! Maldor blamed Eilian anyway, which is as it should be.

Truthfully, I figure Laegcened didn't survive Dagorlad. But as one reviewer pointed out, death was probably a relief. He'd been trapped between Oropher and a bunch of wild Wood-elf warriors for far too long. LOL.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 11/21/2008
Oh, this is wonderful! I'm reading it and giggling like an idiot. Who'd have thought Beliond - and Maltanaur - and Thranduil, for heavens' sake - could be so reckless?

I love your use of metaphors: 'Beliond should have squealed like a cat deprived of its mouse.' LOL! (Though the cat wouldn't squeal - it would give a loud, angry meow. Trust me, I know.)

I like this comment about Maltanaur too: 'he had to admit excitement was singing through his veins.' Now doesn't that sound like Eilian as well - no wonder he understands his charge so well!

Author Reply: I've been having fun making these guys Wood-elfy--more dangerous and less wise, as Tolkien tells us. Beliond and Maltanaur are training Thranduil. :-) They all sober up as they get older and survive the Last Alliance, but for now, they're young and living in unspoiled woods.

Maybe I needed a better animal than a cat. Hm. I don't know. I've been watching the puppy cam and the pups do squeal, mostly when someone bites their ear.

Thanks for the review, Jay.

DotReviewed Chapter: 2 on 11/20/2008
Well. Beliond just goes right ahead and does whatever he wants, doesn’t he?!

Legolas was completely to blame for that. Heh. And Eilian’s eagerness to go while Maltanaur was injured had nothing to do with it! Still, he should put Legolas to work anyway. That’s what baby brothers are for.

Eilian and Beliond work well together. I suppose any seasoned warriors would but still, I like the way they fall into a pattern immediately. I guess it helps that Eilian is used to someone watching over him and Beliond is used to doing the watching :-)

To Mordor with his overbearing older brother anyway. Oh come on now, Eilian. Don’t make me cross.

I’m laughing at Eilian calling Beliond annoying and wondering how Legolas puts up with him – he’d want to be careful or Beliond will decide to teach him a lesson! Oh well, for now he seems happy to tempt Eilian by dangling bits of information about Thranduil and Maltanaur in front of him. Yay, a story!

Poor Thranduil. He clearly hasn’t a hope in trying to be careful and obedient around Beliond and Maltanaur. Though I suspect he’s a lot easier to persuade to mischief than Ithilden is. You know, when I got to "I am not at all sure this is wise" I yelped with happiness. I’ve so missed your Thranduil!

All three Dwarves were snorting like bulls, although, to be fair, perhaps that was their usual way of breathing. LOL! Good old Beliond. His disappointment at not being allowed use his sword was hilarious too.

Oh! No-one does imperious and bored like Thranduil. If I was one of the Dwarves I’d be legging it out of there now.

"The one who didn't even have the nerve to join in the sword play earlier." Uh-oh.

"What's more, Lord Oropher didn't mean it." LOLOL!! Too right, Beliond.

Hornets swarmed out of the ruined nest, and since there wasn't always justice in Middle-earth, they came after the closest targets. Whaaat??? Well, that’s not fair! Oh, and the image of Thranduil running off with the other two behind him and them all jumping into the freezing river – I’m still laughing here. And Thranduil and his “muffled shrieks” had me in hysterics! I bet they’re sorry they ever set foot in Lorien.

Ok, I want to know what happened the poor Dwarves in the present-day story.

And what Maltanaur’s crack-brained idea was.

And if Beliond’s version was really the way it happened because I suspect Maltanaur might have a different view.

And if Thranduil really managed to behave that sensibly around those two ;-)

Author Reply: You know, it's funny, but once I had Eilian and Beliond together, it seemed to me they wouldn't clash as much as I originally thought they would. Not in the short term, anyway. They turned out to be oddly alike.

Young Thranduil is really interesting to write. I want his personality to come through but he's not in charge and he has a--um, impulsive perhaps is the word, father. Yet he chose to hang out with Wood-elves and make them his people. You're probably right that he's more persuadable than Ithilden. But then, as I say, he had a different father.

The stuff about the Silverlode being extremely cold comes straight from FOTR. One of Galadriel's people warns the Fellowship not to set foot in it because it's so cold. I had a lot of trouble figuring what Lorien would be like this far in the past. One source I read said that Galadriel brought mallorn trees to the woods there so I couldn't even use them.

I have the next chapter drafted. It's just waiting for Nilmandra to be well enough to beta read.

Thanks for the review, Dot. As always, you're the best.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 11/19/2008
Sorry, sorry, sorry, homework done and here I am... So this is what you’ve been up to in between getting depressed about the publishing industry :-)

I loved the opening – launching us straight back into this world and leaving me wondering what on earth they were up to! And yes, I did grin along with Eilian when Beliond called Legolas a fool only about five sentences in.

After ProperAdult!Legolas, this is probably my favourite age that you write him. You capture his voice so well – he still has remnants of that sulky-and-sassy attitude left over from when he was a younger (when he’s not being a competent warrior, of course) but in a way that would make you smile instead of getting annoyed with him. LOL at him shaking water on Beliond!

But uh-oh – that doesn’t look good if the Dwarves left clothing behind like that. Poor Legolas. My heart went out to him when he made that effort to stay calm.

I can’t tell you how much I laughed at the next scene – Legolas busy wishing Beliond could be more like Maltanaur and in the meantime Eilian scrambling desperately at the tree before being flung off. And Legolas shouting “watch out!” waaay after the event! *snort*

"Sorry," [...]"I should have been more careful." Hmm. Now why does that sound like it just popped automatically from his mouth?

"I am a Wood-Elf," Eilian said, which would have been more reassuring if he had not just fallen out of a tree. ROTFL!!

But hang on, the ledge just gave way on Legolas and Maltanaur?? Who have you been taking lessons from in making life awkward for your characters? Jay? Nilmandra? Meckinock?

"Did it occur to either of you that a moment of caution might have saved you from injury?" Legolas frowned. Maybe his brains were more scrambled than he realized. Surely someone had already said that. Heh. Beliond and Maltanaur make a wonderful double-act.

"Your adar occasionally behaves rashly too." Ooh tell me, tell me! Eilian and Legolas might not believe him but I do!

I love watching Eilian around Beliond. Legolas is so convinced he has them all figured out and is so busy thinking Eilian has the best deal that he misses a lot in the interaction – but Eilian is far more aware! Not that I’m saying he’d intentionally try to rise Beliond. But it’d be a nice bonus! And he lets all the grumbling roll over him instead of getting frustrated like Legolas does.

but partly he was drawn to the excitement of pitched battle like a moth drawn to the flame. Ouch. Less of the flames, please.

"Beliond could go with you, Eilian. Oh yes! We all want to see that! I can think evil things as much as Legolas can.

I have to say, I’m not surprised Beliond went in the end. I mean, Eilian’s logic makes sense (though it always does at the time) but Beliond has that desire for a thrill too, even if it’s buried a little more deeply than Eilian’s.

And yay, Maltanaur is going to tell the story!

I’m thoroughly enjoying this. I’ll be back soon, probably tomorrow, for chapter two :-)

P.S. Very clever chapter title!

Author Reply: You know I'm interested in voice right now and this story is a good chance to do some of that "practicing" I blogged about. I'm glad you found Legolas convincing because I've always had a harder time with him than my OCs. When Nilmandra beta read, she said I was closer into Legolas's head in this than she's seen me before, so that felt good.

And the chance to do humor again was welcome too. It let me be a little less restrained than I normally am and that came out in the snark, I think.

But I may have bitten off more than I can chew in this story because now I'm rolling my eyes at trying to do justice to both the Thranduil story and the "present." Ah well. Maybe it's my homework. :-)

Thank you, Dot. You leave just the best reviews.

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