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A Cat in King Elessar's Court  by Agape4Gondor 386 Review(s)
shireboundReviewed Chapter: 5 on 2/16/2008
LOL, maybe Pippin can teach some of the "rug rats" to treat certain felines with the respect and affection they deserve. :)

Author Reply: I don't think Pip will have the time - matters progress rapidly and he is bound to stand by his new lord, Denethor.

TariReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/3/2008
Why couldn't a cat cry? This is Middle-earth. I love this little guy so much he almost makes me want to get a cat. Almost, but not quite. There are no cats like him.

I shall have to keep looking for new chapters since SOA doesn't alert us to new posting.

I look forward to the next chapter.

Author Reply: Oh Tari! I'm finding the same yearning.... I can't - the kids wouldn't be able to visit - very allergic!!!!

And SoA does send alerts - look around - you'll see how.

TariReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/3/2008
Three cheers for the cat. I wish he would throw it into the water.

Author Reply: I'll whisper it in his ear next time I go to feed him! Glad you're enjoying this!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/3/2008
There's no question that animals can grieve. They may not think precisely as we do, but we share so many feelings.

Author Reply: My own dog went into such deep mourning when my husband passed away that I had to get another dog to keep her company. So, yes, I believe they have feelings... the tears were the problem. Most folks think that it is because of a piece of dust or dirt or some such in the eye that causes this phenomenon. I'm thinking that perhaps they really 'can' cry.

Thanks for the comments.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/2/2008
I was so relieved that the cat finally got his supper! It's lovely to see his admiration of Pippin and how he communicated it to the Steward.

Author Reply: I loved how Denethor reacted. He seemed, in the book, to be slightly taken with the Took at their interview... I just carried it a little further!

And yes - Alqualonde thanks you for your concern where his well-being was at risk. He too was grateful for the feast!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/2/2008
I adore cats and I completely approve of tears as a show of emotion for your darling cat. Besides, I have a feeling this is a very unique cat and with cats that's saying much. This line was so true to the breed, (I loved him, in my own way.) And so they do. Denethor is very lucky in his friends.

Author Reply: Ah! Bless you, GW... Denethor needed more friends like Alqualonde to get him through the War of the Rings - which started for Gondor back an age!!!

InklingReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/2/2008
This is a fun read, Agape! I like this hard-working feline with a "great knowledge of Middle-earth’s history." And your note on cat tears cracked me's the kind of thing I would have obsessively researched too! (What I really wonder about is the drooling hedgehog!) Well, this is a special cat so why shouldn't he have the gift of tears as well?

Author Reply: I am an inveterate researcher - which somestimes drives me up the wall. Alqualonde was quite content with me just posting that he was led to tears - however, I had to make sure there might be a 'possibility' that cats actually did cry real tears! And the hedgehog... well, you can decide for yourself on that one!

Thanks for the comment! Most appreciated.

StefaniaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/2/2008
Wow. Alqualonde has plenty of "catitude." He reminds me of those Egyptian statues of cat gods. I'm curious to see how his story pans out.

- Steff

Author Reply: So am I, Steff, so am I. Cats can be very close-mouthed! And I really like the Egyptian reference... reminds me of how Tolkien envisioned Minas Tirith as being slightly Egyptian...

Psst - Alqualonde asked me to remind you that 'curiosity killed the cat' - be forewarned!

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/1/2008
I quite agree a cat finds food important!I loved the cat's thoughts on Shadowfax.It is creepy to think a cat could be a spy!

Author Reply: I have been creeped out by Beruthiel and her cats for a long time. I'm glad this one was raised with a little more 'independence' than his ancestors! If you noted - Alqualonde never calls Denethor 'my lord.'

SarasratiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2008
Just realized the cat is a 'he.' Whoops.

My grandma always says that she thinks of cats as girls and dogs as boys. Guess it rubbed off on me, haha.

Author Reply: No problem - it wasn't until this chapter that I myself found out!

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