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The Seeds of Time  by daw the minstrel 181 Review(s)
DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/14/2007
“She is dead, Eilian. Nana is dead. And Ada burned her. He would not let me see her, and then he burned her. How can she come back if she is all burned up?”

Gosh, I always read that differently than you meant it until you explained it just now! No wonder the child was traumatised!

Author Reply: Wouldn't that be terrible? I can't bear to think of it.

DotReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/14/2007
I love Spring Break!!

I was just thrilled to see a new story from you. And good lord, it’s Lorellin! I know you’ve written Legolas as a child lots of times but I’m so impressed by how you’ve captured his voice at this age. You really let us see the world through a child’s eyes. We see what he’s seeing but at the same time we can make sense of things that he can’t.

I love the descriptions of the river. They’re wonderful. And Lorellin seems to have the same easy charm that Eilian does. The guards certainly seem fond of her :-) I thought it was a nice touch that she seems to know little details like Tolas having a problem with his roof.

Legolas’ world really does revolve just around his family, doesn’t it? Clearly his mother makes everything right in his world but even the thought of seeing his brothers seems to entice him more than the sight of other elflings. And he did not know the other boy at all. LOL!! Is that Turgon? Legolas’ family will be so pleased when he befriends him.

Sometimes Ithilden's voice sounded the way fur felt, but not now. Now it stung like nettles. Ooh, excellent description! I love how he differentiates between what makes him feel good and bad. And that first part made me melt a little…

"Your adar is lucky to have you managing things so competently, but you must save time for me too. I miss you when you are off seeing to your patrols." Tsk. There’s a line between sweet-talking and guilt-tripping, Lorellin. I think Ithilden could have a point, though, about the way she’d manage the troops. Every male in Mirkwood would want to be a warrior! Poor Legolas, of course, takes the whole thing literally. I’m cheerfully ignoring the foreboding music in the background at the idea that neither Legolas nor Thranduil want Lorellin to go away :-)

I just loved the little moment between Lorellin and Eilian that Legolas didn’t quite understand. I was beginning to wonder who the missing rider was. He looked sad, so Legolas took his hand. But Legolas will still offer comfort where he thinks it’s needed. That was a real aww moment. I particularly like the way you show the slight increase in tension in this scene, with Eilian and Ithilden’s reactions and the way no-one seems to notice Legolas when he’s used to their attention. But you made me smile when Legolas thinks about Eilian in his roles as brother and warrior. Though those lines will become a bit more blurred in future, I think… And I notice he doesn’t see quite so easy a distinction in Ithilden! LOL at Legolas frowning at Maltanaur! Those two are just not going to be pals.

Rogue never talked to Legolas the way he did to Eilian, but he listened, and Legolas hoped someday he might decide to talk while Legolas was there. ROTFL!! Has Eilian been spinning tales for his baby brother?!

I’m rolling my eyes at Lorellin and her matchmaking. She’d drive me scatty if she was my mother. But I’ll forgive her because I rather suspect she was rambling on to stop Eilian thinking too much and she did make him laugh… ;-)

I really enjoyed the second part of the chapter. Lorellin’s POV brings something so new to the story. And wow, what a glimpse of Thranduil we get! The Thranduil I know would have put Sathien in his place with just a look long before he followed him. I don’t recall Sathien – does he appear again or can I assume he failed in his Elf Path duties at some stage and got eaten by a spider? And oh my gosh, Thranduil spouts poetic nonsense! I love that side of him!! That’s one of the saddest things to me, that this part of him disappears. Hmmm, I bet that’s where Ithilden gets his inclination to write romantic songs.

Very interesting discussion about Legolas attending the funeral. Thranduil’s right, I think, but it’s sad to see such a duty expected of a young child. And really, I doubt anyone would expect them to bring Legolas. But then, I suppose you’re never too young to learn what it means to be the king’s son :-/ It’s doubly interesting because Thranduil doesn’t let Legolas go to his mother’s funeral. But then, he’d hardly have stood respectfully silent at that. I’m half dreading the idea of Thranduil and Eilian having a talk, even though Lorellin is around to try and make Thranduil understand their son. It’s just that if Eilian is touched by shadow as well as grief, who knows what’ll happen. Well, you do ;-) A warrior has to channel his grief and anger into action against the enemy, rather than let it eat his heart. I think he’s right there, though. And even though I’m avoiding thinking about what happens to Lorellin, I thought that was nicely in-character line considering what we know he does as soon as her funeral is over. It was good too to see a real discussion about their sons rather than Thranduil angry or Ithilden tiptoeing around trying to talk about Eilian or Legolas.

I really loved following Lorellin’s thoughts – from Thranduil to worry about what they suspected, to her baby being plunged into duty, to her own role and back to Thranduil again. Her own father had ridden away with Oropher when she was too young to remember him, and her mother had never learned to live happily without him. She had waited only to see Lorellin settled in the Stronghold before she sailed West, hoping to find her love waiting for her. LOL! I know I shouldn’t laugh at that but I did because so many people have been wanting to know for so long about Legolas’ grandparents and you’ve just calmly slipped in the fact that they’re long gone! Granted I’d suspected it since it’s cousins and aunts who seem to be around but still, it made me laugh.

When you came down to it, the difference was that Thranduil had been raised to send his sons into danger as his father had sent him, while her every instinct was to protect them from any harm that might threaten a hair on one of their heads. Oh, now that’s wonderfully well expressed. And they both suffer, I think. But I’m glad she realises that Thranduil worries about them even as he does send them into danger. I’d have hated her if she didn’t… Thranduil, of course, will find it a lot harder to let their last child go.

You have to smile at Legolas’ childish delight. He’s a good tonic for Eilian because he loves unquestioningly. Lorellin might treasure and understand her middle son but Legolas just adores him.

TBC Hurrah!

Author Reply: I love Spring Break too. It's major problem is that it isn't long enough. However, it's warm enough that most of the snow is gone from my yard so it really does feel like spring.

One of the things I was excited about with this story was the chance to write from Lorellin's pov and thus get to know her a little better. I decided she thinks in terms of her family a lot, and also, of course, she's a wood elf--less wise and more dangerous, as Tolkien says. So I knew it would be different seeing through her eyes, but I was surprised by how different Thranduil when she saw him. I didn't even really think about it until reviewers commented and then I could see they were right.

And Legolas, of course, is still so small that she's the center of his world. At first I had him not going to the funeral, but Nilmandra pointed out I was talking about the duties of the king's son and this would probably be one of them. Poor baby. Did I really not have him at his mother's funeral? I'd have to go look. I thought Thranduil kept him from seeing the body but took him to the funeral where it would be wrapped.

The unknown child is indeed Turgon, and now I have to think about how to introduce him well and show why he fascinates Legolas.

So a matchmaking Nana is not your idea of a good time? Come on! Ithilden needs help. He's not Mr. Smooth, you know. If Lorellin had lived, he and Alfirin would have been married before Alfirin got up the courage to call him by name. :-)

KateReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/14/2007
I'm speechless! Not only did you start another story, it’s “In Progress” and, best of all Nana! (I’m doing a ridiculous looking dance right now…)

I absolutely loved this chapter. I’ve always been interested in Lorellin and how they all interacted with her. Some of my favorite lines were:

“He thought maybe Ada's rules did not apply to Nana because, after all, she was Nana.”
LOL! I’m imagining Ada telling Nana she couldn’t talk to the guards…

“And he did not know the other boy at all.”
Turgon has yet to be unleashed on the royal family?! This should be interesting.

The bit about if Nana became the Troop Commander was funny and sad. You’ve done an amazing job of showing just how much they all need her.

The interaction between Legolas, Eilian and, Ithilden was as always a joy to read.

“Eilian must still be doing warrior things then. When he was being a warrior, he almost never argued.”
I had to smile at that. I would bet that Thranduil sometimes wishes Eilian was a “warrior” at home.

Aww, Nana matchmaking for Ithilden. Does she suspect at this point that Eilian and Celuwen will bond?

I love the interaction between mother and sons but Thranduil steals the show. The love between these two… It’s so different, seeing this side of Thranduil, I really enjoyed that.

“"If you want to help Eilian, you will listen to him, not talk to him."”
I like how you brough up this line. I’m looking forward to the interaction between Eilian and Thranduil with Lorellin there as a buffer.

“His tense posture eased. "His naneth is the hearth at which I warm myself when the world grows cold. I will not hear a word against her."
She laughed. "When I first came to know you, I think it was your capacity for poetic nonsense that surprised me most."” Can I second that?

Wonderful. My intention was simply to read one of your older stories, I had no idea you started a new one. I’m so happy you did! I’ve missed reading about your OCs! The way you’re writing this is fantastic. I liked the commentary by Legolas but I particularly like it from Lorellin’s point of view. You really haven’t done that before, have you? Her insights add a very interesting element. The bit about the drawings was great.

One final comment,

“Her own father had ridden away with Oropher when she was too young to remember him, and her mother had never learned to live happily without him. She had waited only to see Lorellin settled in the Stronghold before she sailed West, hoping to find her love waiting for her. Lorellin prayed it had been so.”
I’ve wondered what happened to her parents, thank you for explaining that.

As always, looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Oh you're the first reviewer to comment on Turgon's initial appearance! Yes, Legolas is about to make a new friend. Not until chapter 3, I think, since Adar and Eilian have to talk first.

Sometimes jumping around in my time line is a pain because I've boxed myself in, but sometimes it's useful. Because readers know what happens to Nana, and that it happens soon, they read all this differently, I think, so it's sad when Legolas says he doesn't want Nana to go away all the time. Poor baby.

When I made notes for this story, I had to sort through my faulty memory and try to remember what the state of affairs was between Eilian and Celuwen. She's gone to live in the settlement with her family and their romance doesn't bloom again until after Nana dies. But Eilian and Celuwen were tentative lovers before she left, and I'll bet Nana knew it and approved. If she'd lived, those two would have been bonded much sooner. Nana would have taken care of Celuwen's father!

It wasn't until I read reviews that I realized how different Thranduil is with Lorellin. No poetic nonsense for the boys!

And no, I haven't used Lorellin's POV before. One of the things I didn't realize when I started writing was what a powerful thing POV is. Being inside her head makes the world look quite different.

Thanks for the review, Kate.

White WolfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/14/2007
I always smile when I see a story with your name on it. I know it will be a treat involving this wonderful elven family you've created.

I love little Legolas stories, especially when he's this young. I particularly like this one, because it not only includes Lorellin but is from her POV. It's so obvious why her family loves her so deeply and vice versa.

I'm looking forward to more.

Author Reply: People think writing about kids is easy but I find it tricky. It's so tempting to sentimentalize, and it's hard to get the language patterns right. Of course, I guess elflings learned to talk early so they may have mastered things like complex sentences early too.

But I've made so much of how he suffered at his mother's death that I wanted to show how, for him, the world revolves around her. To a lesser extent, it does for the rest of them too.

Glad you liked it.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007

Its nice to see a story with Lorellin in it. You can see how everyone adored her, and you see a different Thranduil in it one who very much loves his wife. Of course, as a mother she is worried about her children and would protect them. You can tell she tries to calm the waters between Elian and his father. And little Legolas is adorable here, and his nana wants to protect him from all harm. Loved the comparision of her looking at the pictures done of each of her sons and how different in personality they were.

great read...please update soon...

Author Reply: If Nana had lived, I think this family's future would have been easier. Shadow would still have spread, but home would have been a less tense place sometimes for all of them.

I've been trying to figure Nana out and one thing I decided was that her family was central to her, so she's protective and thinks about them a lot.

JessReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007
Fantastic. I think I am not the only one that was thrilled to see that "TBC" at the end of this chapter. Lorellin's POV is proving to be very fascinating so far, she definately provides some intriguing insights into the other characters that we haven't really experienced yet.

By the way, would you happen to know offhand which story of yours contained a flashback to the few days immediately following Lorellin's death? I hope I am not imagining this, but I seem to remember a scene with Eilian returning home after from patrol after hearing of his mother's demise only to find Thranduil and Ithilden have already left to hunt down the orc behind the attack. I think he stopped for a momenent with Legolas also, before taking off after his father and brother. I have been skimming through your other works but can't seen to find the scene I am thinking of.

Author Reply: Thanks, Jess. I haven't written a multi-chapter story in a while. Not that this will be terribly long, but then my stories almost never are.

That scene is well hidden. It's in chapter 4 of "See the Stars," the first story I ever wrote. Not too long ago, I looked at that story and let my finger hover over the delete key for a while before deciding not to do it. I think I've learned some stuff about writing since then!

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007
Awwwwww, I'm so glad you decided to write this. As sad as coming events may be, it's so nice to see Thranduil et al together and appreciating each other - even with poetic nonsense... or rather, especially with poetic nonsense. I really enjoyed the interaction between Thranduil and Lorellin. They fit each other well and she is a good balance to him - and he to her. I like her glaring at Thranduil. I like her suggesting that he needs to listen and not talk. Maybe he needs to talk with and not at. hmmm. I also liked the reference to the drawings of her with each of the boys when they were small. It's always nice to see links to other stories.

Author Reply: From reading some of the reviews, it's only just occurred to me how different Thranduil looks when he's with her. He's not spouting poetic nonsense at the boys! And they keep their glares to themselves, if they know what's good for them. This part of him disappeared when she died.

I like linking to other stories too. They all feel like one big story to me.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007
I can't decide which was my favorite line - Lorellin telling Ithilden to chill out or telling Thranduil he had a gift for spouting poetic nonsense. It's cool that you're writing in her POV.

Author Reply: I love POV. It's a means by which I can surprise myself. I'm still working on Lorellin's though she feels familiar from the way her family remembered her. When I write about the sons, they don't get to see Adar's poetic nonsense side. :-)

vaskeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007
Yay, another story with your wonderful charcters! My favourite part was seeing Lorellin interacting with her sons. My second favourite part was the story's 'in progress' status...

Author Reply: I'm excited about writing from Lorellin's point of view because I haven't done it before. To me, she and Eilian are alike, and she sometimes finds Ithilden as maddening as Thranduil finds Eilian. I hope you like it.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/13/2007
What a wonderful surprise to see a new story from you, Daw, though I guess I shouldn't be as I remember you mentioning that you were working on a new storyline a while back. All the same, my heart did a little happy flip when I saw this.

Baby Legolas and his nana, all in the same story. This can't get any better! Other than a few brief glimpses, we've never had this double treat before and I am looking forward to reading every word of this story.

Author Reply: A couple of years back, I was moaning about how I couldn't write from Nana's POV because I needed Legolas in the story (that was back when I wouldn't do an all OC story--good times), and JastaElf suggested I write about this time frame. It seemed so obvious when she said it! Anyway, I put it on my list of possible stories and here it is. It's fun trying to figure out how Nana would think and react to Thranduil, her children, the situation of the Realm. I hope you enjoy it.

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