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The Seeds of Time  by daw the minstrel 181 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2007
Poor Eilian. He might not be as shadowed as Gelmir, but he's certainly not far from it. That Shadow is so ... tangible, and polluting. And being in the midst of such a clutch of it as poor Fithral was dragged to a fate that left him so small ... it must have made his death so much worse than simple death in battle. The tunnels beneath the trees are such a likely - and horrible - idea. And I'm glad Eilian came independently to a decision that wouldn't infuriate Maltanaur. While he showed yet again how close he is to the forest - he almost smells shifts in the currents of air - and this must make its darkening hurt him. Yet he knows himself well enough to be genuinely glad not to be burdened with Ithilden's role.

His mother is so good for him. She asks him for support - even though he knows that she is also providing it - and he expands in her presence. It's not surprising that he got on better with Thranduil with Lorellin to act as buffer. And she knows to offer him Legolas, too. Her littlest adores his big brother and has total faith in him - and Eilian does need that.

Sad, though, that that little good boy already knows the song of mourning. Inevitable, but still sad. I love Legolas's literal understanding of what is explained to him. And his desire for his mother's stories. And his plans for Eilian. (Which might be more fun than Ithilden's plans!)

Lorellin is just such a big part of their lives. It's a wonder they managed to cobble themselves together again after she died - and no surprise that there were scars.

Author Reply: I couldn't bear to think about Fithral's death from Fithral's POV. It was bad enough from Eilian's. Actually, I feel the same way about Lorellin's.

Eilian is still young enough to need the support of his family, and I think he draws it even from Thranduil here. His mother's death deprived him of her support and also his father's in a way, because they couldn't really reach out to one another as well afterwards.

Death is pretty baffling to human children. I can't even imagine what it would be like for an elf child trying to make sense of it. Of course, they have that certain knowledge of re-embodiment in Valinor, but still.

Thanks for the review, Bodkin.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2007
Eilian's insights into his family were entertaining. I especially liked him not envying Ithilden's ramrod-straight back.

The scene where Fithral is pulled below is truly horrific. I think there must be nothing worse for a warrior (or anyone) than to see a friend taken by the enemy and be helpless to stop what's happening to him. I imagine that scene will haunt Eilian for a long time.

It was nice seeing Thranduil more relaxed with Eilian than we typically see him, even though Eilian was not really on his best behavior.

And yes, I am where I told you I would be :-)

Author Reply: I was sort of trying to map out Eilian's view of everyone in his family in that scene. He has a lot of respect for his father and brother, even though he doesn't necessarily get along with them all the time and sure wouldn't want to be them.

Fithral's death was about as nasty as I could stand to make it. Just for some variety's sake, I was trying to figure out where the orcs could hide other than a cave, and I thought about Vietnam and the fact that the Viet Cong traveled through tunnels. And then I got these really grim pictures of what could happen. I actually toned that down.

I thought Thranduil and Eilian probably did a little better together before Lorellin died. She prodded both of them into better understanding.

And yes, I am where I told you I would be :-)

Sucks to be you.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2007


Poor Eilian. And poor Fithral, too. What a horrible way to die, and how awful for the others to see him slaughtered before their eyes and be quite helpless. They must all know very well that it could just as easily have been one of them.

Despite his strenuous denial - or more likely, because of it - it's clear Eilian is suffering from Shadow, but it's hardly surprising. You did a wonderful job of conveying the pervasive evil. My skin crawled just like Eilian's as the darkness clung to them.

I hope someone will make Eilian see sense, and make him stay at home like Gelmir. Time spent playing with Legolas will help him enormously, and bring them even closer.

Author Reply: That death gave me the creeps to write and I actually toned it down a little. And yeah, it could have been any of them. It was just one of those things.

I figure Eilian is touched by Shadow but not able to recognize it well. I also figure he's better at dealing with it than most people are because of his naturally optimistic temperament. He may need less healing time than Gelmir does. And time with Legolas will definitely help him. The kid amuses me no end.

Agape4GondorReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/17/2007
Beautiful line - "You may lean on me any time, Naneth, though to me, it still feels the other way around."

And this one - humour in the midst of sorrow - "I do have some experience of combat, you know..."

"Eilian would be able to lead the search without his keeper's glare prodding his spine at every step he took."

I love how you write each of Thranduil's sons so very differently and yet I can feel that they are brothers. Very nice job.

One question - I thought Elves kind of 'dissipated' into the air when they died? Read it somewhere - but can't remember so I was surprised by the burning of his hroar.

Again - great chapter - suspenseful, fun, and serious at all the same time. Family dynamics, as always, are awesome.

Author Reply: I'm working on trying to develop a different narrative voice for each POV character. It's an interesting challenge.

As for elves dissipating, I think Tolkien tells us that Feanor did that so fast they found no body, and the fact that he comments on it suggests to me that most of them dissipated more slowly. As I recall, Glorfindel was buried after his death from Balrog burn. But like you, I think of their bodies as sort of drying out and dwindling.

In this case too, the only thing there was bones. I fear the orcs dined on Fithral.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/16/2007
Little Legolas's "I was good" was so cute and I needed it. I agreed with Eilian how sad it was that Legolas knew the song, even when he didn't understand why Fithral was there. Poor little thing. He will understand this concept all too well much sooner than he should.

Ok, the way Fithral died was just awful. I don't see how you could have made that nastier/scarier. But as usual, I loved Eilian's connection with the forest and I thought you showed that really well.

And Eilian and Thranduil are having a very rare moment here--you can really see Lorellin's influence. I almost feel sorrier for him than I do Legolas, seeing how important nana was.

Great chapter. Powerful.

Author Reply: The part about Fithral's death was the reason I decided to rate this PG13. It was about as grim as I could stand to make it. And it's sad that in this case, Eilian's connection with the forest causes him suffering because of the spread of the Shadow.

I had to really think about how Thranduil and Eilian would get along here, and I remembered once writing from Thranduil's pov that things between them grew troubled when Eilian was an adolescent and again when his mother died. So I decided that things were a little better at the time of this story. Nana helped. She helped Thranduil to help Eilian, and she served as someone Eilian wanted to please and drew comfort from.

Thanks for the review, Elliska.

ziggyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/16/2007
I love the way you do this with perspective and in this, it is the serious events viewed Legolas' child's innocence- he doesnt know what the horse carries but picks up on tiny details - Ithildne looking down at the ground etc- viewing events through other characters' eyes- like you did with your last story with the woman meeting Ithilden and co. ooh- his voice can sound like fur yummy.Sorry- all overcome for a minute!
And Eilian almost never argues doing warrior things! Almost.I think your protrayla of Thranduil is one of the best- it is symapthetic but doesnt let him off the hook, critical and challenging but also understanding. Like Lorellin herself. Hope this has a nice ending... but then, all this has that tinge of sadness becasue every time one of them says how much he needs her, you know she will not be there for much longer. Gives all this such a sense of depth and gentl humour has that slight edge of sadness.

Author Reply: Thanks, Ziggy. I always think of little kids as being sort of like dogs, not quite understanding, but sensitive to mood and picking up little clues the grownup doesn't even know he's sending.

I'm actually struggling a little trying to figure out how Thranduil and Lorellin would be as joint parents in this time of growing shadow, but when tragedy has not yet struck. And I want them both to be basically strong and good, but flawed. It's fun. :-)

PS. Ithilden is flattered. Flustered, but flattered.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/16/2007
Daw! I read this story, loving every minute of it and hating for it to end, until I came to the last and saw the best three letters in the alphabet...TBC! I would have left a one word review like that other person - YAY! - but I'm too gabby for that!

I liked meeting Lorellin and seeing the interaction between her and her family, especially Eilian. It is very evident how she acted as a buffer between him and Thranduil. Also, seeing things through the eyes of little Legolas was a treat - such a visual, tactile age! (He's so sweet - I hate what's coming...for all of them!) I particularly liked the pictures of the Queen with each son and how each pose reflected the personality of the child.

The whole chapter is bittersweet because you make it so very clear how the family is centered around Lorellin. Thranduil's poetry spouting made me want to cry - he will lose that lighter side of himself, won't he? The decision to take Legolas to the funeral of the fallen warrior is chilling - now I realize how he knew what would happen and it explains his reaction (from an earlier story) to his mother's funeral (I don't think he's allowed to attend hers, is he?). It is so very sad to know what is coming. Wonderful chapter, daw, and thanks for letting us get to know Lorellin. I can't wait to see more!

Linda (I love spring break, too, and it's almost over *sobs*)

Author Reply: I hear you about spring break. I can't believe it's Friday already.

I haven't written a multi-chapter story in a while, but this one needs a little space. Not much, mind you. Maybe six to eight chapters, although Nilmandra always says I underestimate.

Writing from a little kid's pov is interesting, especially since I want readers to understand things he doesn't, but what I hope really comes through is how Nana is the center of his world. Of course, he's about to branch out and make some friends too. :-)

Thranduil does lose that poetic side of himself when Lorellin dies. Poor guy. I like to think he got in back in Valinor one day.

I'll probably post chapter 2 within a day or two, depending on what my beta says, but then I have to go to a conference in NYC next week, so I'm not sure how speedy I'll be on this.

Thanks for your review, Linda.

ponypetterReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/15/2007
Well, this is different. I think we've seen snippets of Lorellin before, but we never got such a glimpse at how different everyone's life was when she was still with them. I thought at first Thranduil seemed overly warm compared to how you normally portray him (we don't normally see him so affectionate!), but I realized later how well it works. We still see his personality, in his expectations of both Eilian and Legolas, but we can see how the pressures of duty and doing right by his sons is softened by the partnership he has with his wife. I think it actually makes his personality in "later" stories even more realistic.

Author Reply: I do think this family's life was different with Lorellin around, and would have continued to be different if she lived. I think Thranduil would have been less burdened, despite the terrible times, because he had someone to share the burden with. And that poetic, soft side of him vanished when she died. Although I do think he's a gentler parent with Legolas than he was with the other two because with them, he could leave the nurturing with Lorellin and attend to developing their characters.

Thanks for the review, Ponypetter.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/15/2007
Ooo what a Spring Break treat. I totally did not expect to see this when I came back to SoA for more reading! And with Lorellin and not in flashbacks! Excellent!

Legolas is so sweet in this. So very young that he doesn't understand. That is actually very nice to see. And I thought it was a very effective POV for the sad goings on there. I also enjoyed seeing him see his future best friend. That was a neat touch.

But I loved this: "As I have already said, I trust your expertise," Thranduil said. "Do what you think best, but do it quickly please."

And Lorellin to the rescue. Perfect! I loved this interaction.

This is a great beginning. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it, Elliska. I haven't written a little kid POV for a while and I had to get into it again. But I've made so much of how Legolas's mother's death affected him, that I wanted to show how his world revolves around her. It's also fun to try to communicate things to the reader that Legolas doesn't understand.

And for Thranduil too, it's like the world just got better because she arrived.

So I'm having a good time. :-)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/15/2007
This is just wonderful. I love the Legolas who is still so young that he is only beginning to look outside his family - to whom his parents and brothers are all he needs - all of them revolving round the lynch pin of a small child's world: his mother. And of course Ada's rules don't apply to Nana - she's a great shining star in all their worlds. Legolas is so beautifully written - his point of view is so straightforward and focuses on all the really important things in his life - Nana, nature, boys, Nana, brothers, food, horses, Nana, a pony ... I love his response to the angry river and the spring trees. His very sensory response to the tones of Ithilden's voice is great. His admiration for both his brothers - and his instinctive recognition that Eilian finds it easier to separate elf from warrior than Ithilden, who is always on duty. And that Eilian doesn't usually argue when a warrior - only Eilian! (I hope he is just distressed at Fithral's death rather than feeling responsible for it.) Legolas has such total trust in and admiration for Eilian - and I can only see this brother having a talking horse. Ithilden wouldn't indulge in fairy tales for his little brother's amusement - not unless the child knew they were simply stories.

If Legolas doesn't yet know the way to Annael's house, I'm hoping he has a while yet before he loses his nana, because I've always thought they were friends before her death. - And, he doesn't yet even recognise Turgon ... well, Thranduil doesn't know his good fortune. But he'll learn.

I love seeing this world through Legolas's eyes - before the sun goes in.

And then - Lorellin! How wonderful to see through her eyes. Of course Thranduil is impetuous and poetic - he recognised her as soon as he saw her and began his campaign to win her heart. (I hope Lorellin's parents were there in Valinor when she left Namo's Halls - just as she was there when Thranduil gave in to the inevitable and sailed.) And, for all she has to control her good wood elf impulses to behave like his queen, I'm sure she is able to get almost anything she wants from her husband! While her advice to listen rather than talk - it's a shame that didn't stick rather more firmly in Thranduil's head. I think Eilian needed some pretty intense listening over his more difficult years. And she's still trying to get Ithilden to lighten up. If he didn't adore her so, he would find it truly exasperating to be on the receiving end of her mission to find him a bride!

I love the pictures - and they do show her sons' characters so precisely.

And I suppose it is a good thing that little Legolas, in his role as his father's son, should begin to build walls between himself and the hard outside world. We wouldn't want his mother's funeral to be his first.

This just catches him at that perfect point where the innocent, family-centredness of babyhood begins to look outwards and it's beautiful to see. But transitory. And we know where it's going to end up.

Author Reply: Thanks, Bodkin. I love POV as a tool to explore character and the way the look of the world changes. And I have so few chances to write about Lorellin, that I'm trying to include how she looks to her family and then how she and they look from inside her head too. If she had lived, this family's future would have been different. I can see both Eilian and Ithilden bonded sooner, not because she pushed them, but because she counselled them and smoothed their ways.

This story will NOT go all the way to Lorellin's death. It's there in the future, and if readers have read my other stories, they'll see it on the horizon and read these events in its light, but I haven't the heart to write about it. Still, it's interesting to see how knowing characters' future affects our reading of their present. I think that's one of the reasons I like writing about these pre-Quest years.

I hope to write some about Turgon. He's always a hoot. My big problem with him is my inability to just cut loose and let him have his head while not making the adults all into sitcom characters.

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