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Home for Now  by daw the minstrel 34 Review(s)
NoorReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Thank you Daw for such a poignant soon after Sinnarn's death.
I was back at work today after a week off so it was wonderful to find a story from you!

Could I request a happy story with Sinnarn and his uncles when he is an adult?? Perhaps the firejumping you mentioned??

Thanks again - your own characters are a joy!


Author Reply: In the US, today is a holiday so I go back to work tomorrow. Boo!

I think I probably do need a happy Sinnarn story. He's a funny kid, in love with excitement like Uncle Eilian, intelligent like his father, and burdened by a cynical streak he gets from his adoring grandfather. I just need endless time.

Thanks for telling me you enjoyed it, Noor.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
*Sigh* I still love Eilian so much! He's changed a lot now that he has the responsibility of a wife and child, but he's still Eilian. I can understand him being desperate that Celuwen and Loriel stayed safe in the stronghold - but I sympathise with Celuwen too. No wonder they argued.

There were some typically Eilian touches in this story - the vicious-sounding orc arrow; his reluctance and surprise in offering Celuwen's parents a refuge. But in the end, Duty takes over, and they do what they have to do :(

Author Reply: It's interesting to try to make Eilian still be the same wild child and yet have him grow a little too. His care for his wife and daughter are an anchor point for him, I think, just as his care for little Legolas used to be.

Thanks for the review, Jay.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
I'd like to see Eilian trying the head of his household authority out on Celuwen. He might have the right - but I hope he has the wisdom to know it would be much, much more sensible not to attempt to use it. Or he would be far safer in the Southern Patrol than at home.

Mind you, I can see exactly why Celuwen needs to go home and make the adjustment for herself. And why Eilian is terrified to let Flower Face out beyond the Stronghold. And so can Celuwen really - especially once she knows the Southern Patrol has been overrun and it's back to the trenches.

The atmosphere in the Stronghold must have been ... thick with grief. Thranduil's dearly beloved and precious grandson, Emmelin's (fairly) newly-wed husband, Ithilden and Alfirin's only chick. Horrible, horrible time. Not the place for Loriel, really. Far too much sorrow.

But seeing FF play with her Ada's toys was great. And I'm glad she sent Good Dog to look after him. GD might prove almost as useful as Maltanaur.

Lovely story, daw. And FF is a good addition. Make sure you look after her!

Author Reply: Look after, Flower Face? You'd better believe it! I sooo look forward to writing about her adventures in romance and ada's concurrent adventures in conniption fits.

I suspect Celuwen would tell Eilian right where to stick his head of household orders, although she might put it more nicely than that. And really, that's not the nature of their relationship anyway. They've been equals, partners, rivals, friends since they were little. That's not going to change now that they're also lovers and parents.

I can't imagine how grief-stricken the royal family was after Sinnarn's death. I had to just hint at it because I couldn't bear to write it head on. Much better to have Loriel pawing through Ada's old stuff.

Thanks for the review, Bodkin.

rikkiReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Ah, the perfect ending to my vacation to come online and find a new DAW story!

Even though she knows its for the best, Celuwen has to really be hating to give up their little cottage in the forest and move into the palace where everyone seems to still be mourning Sinnarn's death, there's no privacy when you are on call to the king and as Loriel says *no windows by my bed*. Moving is hard and especially when it is almost like becoming refuges. It was sad to see Loriel missing her oliphant. But when Eilian takes her back to his old room and shows her some of his toys, I really had to laugh at the drum and the knucklebones.

I feel for Eilian having to leave his family and face danger in the southern patrol, especially since Sinnarn was killed and now the patrol has been overun. Probably will be the one time that Malathur is not holding his breath with some of the chances that Eilian normally takes. Knowing that Celuwen and Loriel are waiting for him are going to make Eilian a lot more careful.

A great story of love and sacrifice. Happy birthday to French Pony also. Too bad there are not more birthdays to celebrate since it brings out such lovely stories. Hope your original writing is going well.

Author Reply: Thank you, Rikki.

Everyone in the stronghold had to have been on edge, and kids are pretty sensitive, so I think Loriel would have been keeping an eye on them all and fretting. Also, my own kid was not so big on change. He liked to know what to expect, so I think just the change had to be hard, topped off by having Eilian get ready to leave her.

But I did have fun thinking up toys and events for Eilian's childhood. Writing about him entertains me vastly.

The original writing is making me pull my hair out, but I persevere. I never did know when to quit.

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