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Home for Now  by daw the minstrel 34 Review(s)
BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Awww! Poor Flower Face and Celuwen. I'm glad that Celuwen finally apologized to Eilian and seems resigned to staying at the palace for a while. It would be terrible if Eilian had to go off to battle without clearing the air between them. Celuwen might be willing to gamble her own life, but I don't believe she would risk Loriel's safety.

Maybe Loriel will be able to given everyone's spirits a pick me up in the aftermath of Sinnarn's death. I love how she seems to be so perceptive. Eilian and Celuwen try to shelter her, but she picks up on everything anyway.

I also hope that Eilian and Maltanaur make it back home safely.

I particularly enjoyed Celuwen's parting comments about "ada's most precious belonging." That was sweet. I really enjoyed this and will be looking forward to more.

Happy Birthday French Pony! Hope you have a great day!

Author Reply: Thank you, BlueEyedElf.

I think you're right about Celuwen. I don't believe she or Eilian would ever take a chance on their kid's safety. They've seen a lot of bad things, including the death of Ithilden's son, so they know what can happen.

I think kids (and dogs) are amazingly perceptive about the feelings of people they love. They watch them and react to moods even when they don't understand what causes them. No wonder Loriel is unhappy. The stronghold is not a cheery place right now. But I'll bet you're right that they all brighten up a little when she's around.

One thing I'd love to write about some time is Loriel's romances. Eilian will have no trouble at all recognizing the wrong kind of guy because he used to be one.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
The impossible has happened. . . Eilian has turned into a grownup! He doesn't seem to have realized it yet, but that just means that we can all enjoy anticipating his shock when he does realize.

I love the chance to see more of Loriel. She's a sweet, tough little kid, though her wiliness is probably giving all the adults heebie-jeebies that she can only begin to imagine. But she has good taste in toys. I want wooden Elf warriors, too! If she ever did take an interest in knucklebones, she'd probably start beating the pants off of all her opponents. But she also has this very loving side, and she knows when her Ada needs taking care of.

I like seeing the hints that everyone is still adjusting to Sinnarn's death. They're not fully healed yet, but they know their duty, and they go right out and do it. And that is why we love them.

Thank you so much for this story!

Author Reply: Happy Birthday, FP. I hope you and your friend had a wonderful celebration.

You think Eilian is an adult now? Possibly so. Nimloth still has her doubts though.

I'm having a good time with Loriel. I haven't written little girls much, but she's a corker because I picture her with her father's daring and her mother's stubborness. Eilian has that whole-hearted loving streak too. It was one of the things that saved Legolas after his mother died.

I didn't want to go into Sinnarn too much, but wow, the stronghold must have been just thick with grief. Poor little girl.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Gosh, I love a good marital spat (Celuwen, you go, girl!) On the other hand, they're hard on the kids :-( Poor little Flower Face.

I deeply sympathized with Celuwen on this one, but as in all your stories, you did a good job of showing both points of view. Poor Eilian - now that he has Responsibilities, he is deadly serious about them. He and Celuwen are a wonderfully evenly-matched couple.

This exchhange between Eilian and Nimloth caught my eye for the way it very economically revealed these two characters' relationship:

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "What are you up to, Eilian? Are you sure Lady Celuwen will not mind?"

He extended his hands, palms up. "Up to? You wound me. I have simply decided my daughter needs to spend a little time with her parents."


Eilian grinned. No one could load that syllable with more meaning than Nimloth. "Go. Have a good afternoon and evening."

Her mouth curved in a reluctant smile. "Behave yourself." She pushed herself off the doorframe and went on her way.

LOL. Delightful!

Poor Loriel, though. In a way I suppose it was harder for the adults who fully realized what was going on, but it's always hard to see a little kid get her world turned upside down. Her frank admission that she liked the settlement better was sad. But wow - Eilian's trip with her down memory lane was wonderful. Again, because through your stories we've lived through all these characters' childhoods, there's a huge mental disconnect at the sheer vastness of time involved. That the childhoods Eilian remembers - his own and Legolas's - are so far in the past that their belongings have literally rotted. It was bittersweet for Eilian to take Loriel to his old room because I feel like I've been there myself, when the smells were not so musty and the toys were shiny and new.

The final scene was heart-wrenching. I felt horrible for both Eilian and Celuwen. I'm glad Loriel gave him Good Dog to watch over him.

Author Reply: Wow. You've been practicing your Reviewing Technique again, haven't you? :-)

I had fun writing the quarrel. These two have been friends since they were Loriel's age and I imagine this is not the first time Celuwen has told Eilian that he's not the boss of her. He's probably said the same thing to her. This is not Ithilden and Alfirin, with him centuries older and more experienced and her tempermentally willing to give in most of the time. If Eilian ever did announce he was Head of the Household, Celuwen is likely to tell him where to stick that particular little title. Although, one hopes she looks around to be sure Loriel isn't in the room at the time.

Nimloth probably still sees Eilian as a trouble-making kid. Which sometime he kind of is.

I had trouble thinking about the state the toys would be in. They'd probably have been even more dilapidated than I said because we're talking centuries here. But I told myself they were in a cave and being taken care of so maybe they'd still exist. I needed them. And it was fun to think about what Eilian had done with them.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Aw,it is so hard not to want more of that story,I love birthdays because its like we all share the presents Happy Birhtday again French Pony!!!

Author Reply: My beta said the story should be longer too. :-)

But the long weekend is over and I have to go back to work. Which stinks.

Glad you liked it, Elflingimp.

RadbooksReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Oh, very well done and so heartbreaking for all of them to be separated like that. But, I was so glad that Celuwen ended up staying home and, as hard as it might be, I do wish her parents would come and live in the stronghold. Both for their own sake and for Celuwen's sake.

As I got to the end of the story I was reminded of a picture I had seen this week of a father leaving for Iraq and saying good-bye to his wife and little girl. It was a touching picture and one we see far too often these days.

Thanks for sharing and I sure am glad that all these people are having birthdays! :)

Author Reply: Thanks, Radbooks. We're on the same wavelength because I thought about Iraq too. Even apart from the danger and the kind of experience they have there, soldiers miss a lot when they leave kids behind. I picture Eilian as adoring this little girl and she thinks the sun rises and sets on him. This has to be hard.

On the other hand, having Celuwen's parents living in the stronghold is a recipe for comedy. Even when Eilian is away, Thranduil is sure to be annoyed by Celuwen's father!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Loriel is a bright spot right now, especially given Sinnarn's death and the grief the rest of the family is in. I liked Eilian going through his chest and the memories of the things he played with, and the reminder that his wife was one of his playmates too.

Celuwen might think this is not where she wants to raise Loriel, but she may change her mind. Her parents might even agree with Eilian, for once.

Author Reply: Her parents might even agree with Eilian, for once.

Wouldn't that be a shocker? I don't know who would find that fact harder to accept, Eilian or his father-in-law.

I had fun thinking up the things Eilian might have played with and looking briefly at his memories.

Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
I have missed your stories. I think your OC's are my favorite. Hope to hear more from you soon.

Author Reply: I really miss my OCs when I'm not writing these stories, so I'm sure to be back. I'm spending time writing some original stories too, so that's why I'm not around much. Thank you for telling me you enjoyed this.

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
I am glad Eilian is aware of his own limitations as far as being the head of the family is concerned. Celuwen will never be a docile wife and if she ever becomes one, Eilian will probably disown her. But I can understand his frustration. With Sinnarn dead and more evils spewing out of the South, he doesn't need the extra worry of Celuwen heading off to the settlement by herself. Good thing she decided to stay put, at least for the time being. I am afraid I side with Eilian on this issue.

Though little is mentioned of Sinnarn's death in this little tale, the sadness is there. It must be bittersweet for every member of the family to see Loriel bouncing about in the stronghold, bringing both joy and memories of the elfling that Sinnarn once was.

Thank you Daw for another wonderful tale.

Author Reply: Oh yeah, I think Eilian was wise to hesitate before sticking his hand in that particular fire. I can't imagine what Celuwen's reaction would be. She's known him since she was a toddler and has probably never thought of him as the boss.

But Eilian has a right to worry. Their loss has been recent and terrible. I expect Alfirin in particular cringes at the sight of Loriel. I figured she'd have something to say if Celuwen did go to the settlement. Poor family.

Thanks, Manderly.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Oh I do love Eilian. I still can't get over the fact that he has a daughter. Though the story in which Loriel was first introduced was a real shocker. But hopefully, now that he has to go south, having a family of his own will make him act... less wild. and please, don't kill Eilian off! Thanks for the wonderful story and a happy birthday to french pony.

Author Reply: I look forward to writing about Loriel's boyfriends someday. Eilian will have a stroke. I have no plans to kill him off, although I suppose you never know. But Bodkin wrote a story in which he arrives safely in Elvenhome after the Battle Under the Trees. How can I violate that? :-)

GwynhyffarReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/4/2006
Parts of this had me laughing - like Eilian thinking he was the head of his household... technically or otherwise - but there was a thread of sadness. I loved Flower Face giving Good Dog to Eilian to keep him safe. Kids see and know a lot more than we sometimes give them credit for, but I couldn't help but wonder if it was her own idea or if Thranduil had suggested it. I can't imagine anyone is keen to see Eilian going back into battle again. Of course, he has a couple of very big reasons to keep his need for adventure reigned in.

Author Reply: Yeah, Eilian is a little deluded and Celuwen is just the person to tell him so.

I imagine Loriel can sense the atmosphere around the stronghold pretty well and it upsets her. I never even thought of Thranduil suggesting that she give Good Dog to Eilian, but I can see him doing it if he thought it would make Eilian more cautious or maybe just comfort Loriel.

Thanks, Gwyn.

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