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Shadows of a Nameless Fear  by Budgielover 316 Review(s)
Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/10/2006
I wouldn't have eaten that sea slug either ! Nice that Aragorn remembers Boromir.

Author Reply: Hullo, Linda! That sea slug scene is from an actual experience in my past life ... I wasn't given a choice and wasn't as fast thinking as the hobbits. I was re-reading the SOA quote of the day today, about Arwen's choice to accept mortality, "both the bitter and the sweet." I'm sure that's what Aragorn was thinking as he looked around his High Table, and at the empty seat there.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
Oh no! I see the signs--four unguarded Hobbits, Faramir not near enough to help, three obviously suspicious characters who are armed and by their own account want Frodo. They'll have a struggle, though. Oh, I hope they don't get him!

On a lighter note, of course Pippin would charm the whole city! :) That was so cute that everyone wanted to give him treats! :)

I love Mikah! He reminds me a little of one of my best friends' father. :)

Please update soon!
God bless,

Author Reply: *laughs* Yes, Your Majesty, the writing is on the wall. Chapter five is done but needs a little polishing, and six is half done. You shouldn't have too long a wait!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
Pippin was piled with so many sweets and treats he could scarcely walk. He accepted each little gift with heartfelt thanks, and beamed back at the circle of charmed, happy faces shining at him. Frodo turned to Merry for an explanation. Merry grimaced, but his eyes were glowing with pride. “He’s their Periannath,” Merry said.

“I think it best if I carry you back.” Frodo stiffened, and Sam winced. Sitting on either side of Faramir, Merry and Pippin tried to unobtrusively inch away from the soon-to-be unfortunate Man.

Awww. This is so full of wonderful things. But Budgie, not... not ruffians!? *hides*

Author Reply: Yes, ruffians ... and worse. But good things to come! (Er ... eventually.) Thank you again for letting me know what parts you like - you would be surprised to know how much that helps me shape a story!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
Oh, dear--kidnappers--I mean Hobbitnappers! Alas and alack! Trouble is back! Sam had best begin keeping an eye out. And what skullduggery are these not-so-fine fellows planning? Do they desire gold or goods or political advantage of some sort, or what? And who is sponsoring them, we wonders?

Okay, waiting for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Yesssss ... we wondersss, we does... and who is behind it all, Precious? Not who you think... (See what you started? It's contagious.)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006

It's fun seeing someone else's take on the perils of fame for our four lads in the City after the Quest--but I am quite certain, knowing you, that the plotters in the corner mean a good deal more harm than my con men did in "Chance Encounter"!

I am glad Frodo does not remember what happened the night before--he would have been completely mortified, especially if he found out about kicking Legolas. I loved the line about hobbit feet. Yes, I think a hobbit kick would feel pretty bad!

And I like the way Gandalf manages his conversations with both Frodo and Aragorn. I am wondering what our good old wizard is up to.

I really like the way Merry takes charge here, and the way he has never ceased conspiring for Frodo's sake. And Faramir is great as well. But I think he will be sorry that he had to leave them in the inn...

Author Reply: Ah, the webs we weave... I agree, Dreamflower, poor Faramir will be very sorry he left the hobbits. And my villians don't have a single redeeming feature and are about to do something utterly despictable. Thank you for enjoying Merry in this fic - even though he is about to make a big mistake. Oh, I often wonder who has the most fun - we writers or our readers?

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
Ooh, a cliffie you evil author, you! :-) Post soon pleeeese! This is wonderful reading.

Author Reply: TO which I reply ... heh, heh, heh. I'm so glad you are enjoying the story!

eilujReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
Oh, dear. You're going to kidnap that poor hobbit *again*?

Author Reply: Erm ... yes? Of course, it's not me, you understand. As I have explained to the Frodoll sitting on my desk, it's nothing personal. It's just so much fun. My Frodoll is looking terrified and planning an escape with Samdoll.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/9/2006
Oh, I am *so* glad you are posting the rest of this here! I loved the beginning of it, at the Exchange site, and now I get to the rest.

You really have built up to this, from the more-or-less light and humorous tone of the first chapter, to the building up of Frodo's distress in the next, and finally his actual peril in this one...

Some of the touches I loved were Merry saying his mother would be able to handle Frodo--and Gandalf's agreement! Sam's attempt to get Frodo to come in for "Mr. Bilbo"! And Frodo's instant response to the thought that Pippin was in trouble--yes, that would do the trick! Brilliant!

But I truly love Merry in this--his insight, and his love and loyalty for Frodo really do shine here!

I am very much looking forward to the rest!

Author Reply: I am so glad you are looking forward to this story! We do love the hobbits' time in Minas Tirith, don't we? Well, the groundwork and backstory has been laid, so we can get to the action. On with the fun (for everyone except Frodo and the hobbits and the Fellowship and Minas Tirith, of course ... but you can't please everyone. :D ).

songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/9/2006
Merry's comments made me breathless for a moment there. I'd never really looked at it that way, but from his perspective, it makes perfect sense. Good character piece, from details like Pippin's using his "little" voice to the reactions everyone had.

Author Reply: I am not sure why, but I have always seen Meriadoc as the least 'easy-going' of the hobbits, quick to take insult and fiercely protective of the others. I was surprised and delighted to see MovieMerry adhere somewhat to that vision of BookMerry that I have had for years. I think Merry would have felt as 'my' Merry did - he loves Frodo too much not to.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/9/2006
Ohhh, I'm loving this story so much (as you know!). The mischief in Chapter 1, the slow-building illness and distress, the love and concern of everyone around Frodo, the comfort and TLC yet to come...

*happy dance*

Author Reply: I am so glad you are enjoying it, and not groaning in horror. As promised, there will be lots of comfort and TLC, but the 'hurt' must come first. I hope you do continue to enjoy it, even through what's coming... (Poor, sweet Frodo ... even the Frodoll on my desk is looking horrified...)

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