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Shadows of a Nameless Fear  by Budgielover 316 Review(s)
Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/12/2006
I've just caught up on the four chapters, and I can detect the signs of a story winding itself up for a classic Budgie adventure. I really don't like the sound of those men in the corner, no, not at all. I suspect that they will be the source of the nastiness to Frodo that you've hinted at...

In the previous chapter, you described a shining darkness coming from Frodo's neck. This sounds intriguing and am wondering where you're going with this. I'm looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Greetings, GH! This story did take a couple of chapters to lay the background (instead of leaping right into the action) but things are finally starting to get moving now. heh, heh, heh Chapter Five tomorrow night (barring the usual weekend craziness...)!

Lotrgirl1415Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/11/2006
I Truly love where this story is going..
I cant wait to read what happens next!

Author Reply: Hi, Katie! Thank you for your encouragement. I'll try to live up to your expectations!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/11/2006
Oh my god!
It was very nice to read four chapters in row, because there was no waiting time between the cliffhangers - until now ;-)

They have rope? And they want Frodo? Oh no!
Once again I'm really intrigued by your story.

BTW, it was a nice detail to mention the rat-catcher.

Author Reply: I'm so glad you caught the rat-catcher reference, Andrea! You know it refers to one of the "Making Of" documentaries on the RotK extended version DVDs. I'm still looking for the shop myself, not being quite fast enough to see it on the set. (I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that.)

And I think you will use that same perceptiveness to anticipate the direction of the next chapter... :)

girlofringReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/11/2006
oh, no you wouldn't! would you? Ah the wait!!!!!

Author Reply: Hullo, Girlofring! So good to hear from you! I was wondering if I should e-mail you the story, as I know your computer time is so limited, so am glad to see you found it. I hope you enjoy it and it was worth waiting for!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/11/2006
Poor Legolas - kicked by a hobbit and feeling it!

It seemed a good idea to let Frodo have some freedom, but it looks as if there are likely to be problems. Sullen-faced, dirty-handed, armed problems, too.

I hope Faramir gets back before the hobbits decide to leave the inn.

Author Reply: Now Bodkin, what 'problems' could their possibly be when a barely-recovered, recently ill Ring-bearer ventures into a partially destroyed city when there are already rumors of unrest? *cough* 'Sullen-faced, dirty-handed, armed problems...' Brilliantly put!

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/11/2006
Uh oh! Me smells trouble. I hope Pippin's uniform includes his sword this day.

The sedan chair idea was kinda cool ... different for the hobbits to experience. Although I have a distinct feeling that Frodo will be soon needing a litter instead. :)

I really liked the part when Elrond is describing the various damages that can be inflicted via a kick from a hobbit's foot ... the ruptured organs, etc. Working in a hospital, I always enjoy those little medical details you throw in.

Your desrciptions of Frodo's reactions to the throng of adoring people of Minas Tirit was very well done. I felt like I was there and could see just how uncomfortable this little hobbit of the Shire, who'd never left his home before despite wanting adventure, would feel being gawked at by so many. It was nice to see the people keeping their respect for him and Sam, however, and Mikah acting as a bouncer was a fine example of this.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

Author Reply: *grins* You have a good nose, I think...

I'm glad you enjoyed the scenes you mentioned. It always fascinates me to find out what people resonate to - in your case the tiny bit of medical detail. I usually plot my stories in advance, including chapter ends, but you would be surprised how much that outline varies according to what people respond to. Thank you for your review!

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/10/2006
OH no! i do not like those strangers! ::Frets fro Frodo :: :(
Faramir ought not to have left them...

I liked this Legolas quote:
“I have never been attacked by a hobbit before,” Legolas mused, rubbing his stomach carefully. “I shall have to treat those large, hairy feet with more respect.”
lol! i love your humor that is interspersed in this with the action and the h/c. :)

And i love Merry's suggestion about the sedan chair! lol

I can't wait for more. :)

Author Reply: You are so encouraging, Periantari - thank you! You won't have to wait long - chapter five is finished but for a bit of polishing, and six is well on its way. Soon, I promise!

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 3 on 5/10/2006
awww angst at the last part and all throughout...
The part where Frodo was on the edge was so scary--
i'm on the edge of my seat right now so i'm going to just continue on.
And i love merry's outburst because sometimes i feel it unfair too--but then again hobbits are resilient beings-- and i love them so much for what they sacrificed fro Middle Earth--especially Frodo.

Also love that bit about Frodo thinking of his parents and the stars--lovely imagery during that part of the chapter. :)

Author Reply: "Both the sweet and the bitter," to quote Arwen's speech to Frodo as she gives him the Evenstar. I agree with you; life (and certainly fanfiction) is most unfair to the hobbits. I'm glad you liked Merry's outburst - I wondered if anyone would believe that scene. It rings true to me ... but I wasn't sure how others would accept it. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed both the scene and the story.

PeriantariReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2006
I love Frodo h/c... =)
And i love the humor you put in this as welL! =)
“Infuriating,” Aragorn said briefly. “It is a battle to treat his wounds and a war to make him take his medicine. I encountered less opposition at Pelannor Fields.
lol! I so really enjoyed that line from Aragorn--Characteristic of him and also characteristic fro Frodo to not want anyone to worry and hard to get things out of him.
Everyone is so loving fro Frodo that it's really great to read the last part about all of them discussing Frodo.
I especially loved this Sam line:
“Begging your pardon, sirs,” Sam broke in, “but you oughtn’t be talking about forcing Mr. Frodo to do anything. He’ll talk or he’ll not, as he feels like it. I’m hoping he’ll talk to Mr. Bilbo when we get back to Rivendell,” he added in a softer voice.

and Pippin care! these little details. :)
Sam broke off suddenly and turned away from them, tears glittering in his brown eyes. Wordlessly, Pippin wrapped his arms around his friend and hugged him.
awww Sam! ::goes to huggle him too:

and the line about Sam thinking that grass is good for Frodo and to let him go out again--i really liked that too. :)

::goes on to read more:: =)

Author Reply: I would love to take a poll, Periantari, and see how writers shape their stories. I always say I see it happening before me - I am just recording what I see. It is especially satisfying when readers tell me they see it, too. Of course, we know our hobbits and the entire Fellowship so well, we know how they think and act and speak ... and love stories that give us the opportunity to stick a toe into their world...

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 2 on 5/10/2006
That was a highly unexpected turn of events.

Author Reply: To which I reply ... good! When things get too predictable (beyond the burning things down and blowing them up, I mean), it is time to take a break!

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