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Crickhollow March 1420  by Anso the Hobbit 46 Review(s)
pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/11/2006

Merry is very suspisious of berilic being there, but of course he is right, his parents worried about them, after everything that they've been through.
Berilic is a good cousin, but also curious of what happened...

great job...

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/4/2006
Wasn't sure what the date was, but is it the anniversary of the destruction of the Witch King? Or is he having sympathy feelings for Frodo? His anniverary with Shelob is about due, after all.

Author Reply: It's March 1420 so that would be the answer to all your questions I think. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/27/2006
I looked forward to this one while at work today and it did not disappoint me. This is getting very interesting. I do think that Merry is about to have a very bad time of it. I hope that Pippin is ready for it when it comes. I was a bit sorry to see Berilac leave because he was trying so very hard. Great story and I am looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Berilac did after all leave his newborn at the Hall and he has a rather urgent errand now don't you think? I am glad it didn't disappoint you because there is lots more to come. :)

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/27/2006
I don't think 'enjoying ' is the right word for this Anso but it is a good read.

Author Reply: Um... thank you? Glad you stopped by.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/27/2006
Poor Merry! How embarrassing thia is going to be for him, in addition to the fact that for the first time, an anniversary is creeping up on him!

Berilac is a wonderful cousin. I hope he goes straight to Saradoc with his concerns!

Author Reply: Oh Berilac is going straight for Sara, don't you worry, lol. And guess who's going straight for his son after that? ;) Glad you enjoyed!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/22/2006
I was pleased to see a new story from you posted. I like your Berilac. I do think he means to help if only Merry will let him. He seems very concerned about his cousin. Glad that Pippin was feeling better by the end of the chapter as I do think that Merry is about to need some help himself. Lovely beginning!

Author Reply: Thank you! The problem is Merry letting people help him, isn't it? :D

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