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Okay, NOW Panic!  by Boz4PM 17 Review(s)
FondyReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
Aiii! *Claps hands and does a jig* This was just what I needed today. Poor Penny- I caught myself nodding in commiseration and thinking that I know exactly how she feels, and also thinking she is so lucky that she has such great friends.

And there's this clear sense of tension, because she may want her to go home... but I doubt any of the rest of us that have grown to love her do. XD (Sorry, Penny!) I know all this business about her dreams of her former life is going to come to a head sometime, and I guess my biggest question for her is... if she had the choice, would she really /want/ to leave this world forever, and return to her modern life? What would she have there waiting for her? I selfishly feel like the life she is living now is so much richer, so much fuller in purpose, than anything she had before. Auggh. *Scrubs eyes* The not knowing is keeelink me. ;p

"Had she been feeling less tired she might have pondered over why it was she felt quite so comfortable and free to be herself in Halladan’s company. As it was she just felt gratitude towards him and was still faintly smiling even as she fell asleep."

*Tries not to smile like an idiot*


Author Reply: *grins* Glad you enjoyed it. :D

if she had the choice, would she really /want/ to leave this world forever, and return to her modern life? What would she have there waiting for her? I selfishly feel like the life she is living now is so much richer, so much fuller in purpose, than anything she had before.
Penny would agree with you there. It's something she was struggling to come to terms with even back in Minas Tirith, and especially after speaking to Gandalf. While the grief has been more to the fore of late, there is also a lot of guilt there as well. She even spoke of it/referred to it in Lothlorien. Given the choice, she would stay, for all she's homesick right now. That's more a reaction against all the crap she's feeling right now more than genuinely wanting to go home.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
Well done. I was wondering how you'd handle that meeting...

I had half a notion that somehow Saruman's seeing Penny would put into his mind the notion of going to the Shire and despoiling the land as much as possible in the time he was allowed.

Author Reply: Thank you. :D

That's interesting - why did you think that? What would make him connect her to The Shire at all? Frankly, after the exchange between him and Merry in ROTK that in itself would probably be enough to have put the thought into his head if he hadn't already considered it. He all but directly threatens Merry to watch out for what will have happened to the place when he gets back there. I'd be interested to know you reasoning, though. :D

Vicki TurnerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
I absolutely love this story. Great chapter! I love that fact that Erestor is speaking to Penny in English. Figures he would pick up on it. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Author Reply: Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. Erestor actually picked up quite a bit of vocab/basic grammar while struggling to teach Penny Sindarin back in Imladris. He's the one that has been able to translate bits of songs she sung, after all. He is a linguist by nature (or that's how I've portrayed him) and not only picks these things up quickly, also has a love for/academic interest in the workings of language, grammar and linguistics.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
Really, it is sweet how they all try to distract Penny when she’s so depressed. It was touching that Erestor tried to talk in English with her. (And you’re right, if you did have Erestor talking like in the AN, I’d not understand much, considering my own knowledge of pronouncation is even worse! It made me giggle, though, it was so funny!)

Halladan is right, of course – she needs a bit of her own medicine, to talk about the things bothering her. It has to be a very trying time for her – her knowledge about Saruman and the Shire as well as the realisation she will probably never return to her time and family, plus the tiring travel ... all in all she’s coping very well with it.

Need I to mention how much I enjoy it that Halladan and Penny have become so close? Their silent understanding is wonderful to watch and has to be very valuable to both of them.

As for Saruman ... *sigh* I still regret he got away there (not only in your fic, but in LotR as well) to wreak havoc in the Shire. And I can understand why Penny didn’t want to be anywhere near him.

Thank you for another wonderful update!

Author Reply: Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. :D And I'm glad also that you think Penny's coping well, because I do too. On occasion some have said the angst is too much, but frankly she's had a HUGE amount to deal with from Rohan onwards, one thing after another if not several things all at once. Personally I would have cracked under the strain. It says much for the people around her that she has not.

el_estelethReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
Wonderful, as ever. I greatly enjoyed this chapter. It's a good development that Penny has explained to Halladan how she's feeling homesick. Homesickness is difficult when one has the chance of seeing home again, and even more difficult when one has no foreseeable chance of seeing home again. I'm glad Halladan is there to help her. Protective!Halladan is cute. :D

Very well-written. I enjoyed it very much.


Author Reply: Thank you. :D

Homesickness is awful - it's relentless and can be so bad as to be near paralysing, much like grief. To have both at once would be hard enough without everything else.

MopsyReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
Oh...this one made me cry. I loved it. And Erestor was adorable (as usual *huggles him*). Thanks for this story, Boz.

Author Reply: lol - glad that crying means you loved it. Hee! ;D And thank you for reading it.

DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 51 on 2/3/2008
I don't even know what chapter I last reviewed, and I do apologize for that. Having said that, I must say that this story is SO worth the wait between chapters. I does make it a tad difficult to keep track of, but if re-reading a previous chapter is what it costs me, so be it.

I am so in love with Penny and Halladan's relationship! Of course I would be happy to have them fall in love, but at this point, it is so pure and deep that romance just might ruin it for us. There is such depth of character that comes out as we watch them do their 'dance of friendship' as it were. There is such a closeness between them and a depth of understanding, and we learn a bit more about each whenever they decide to trust and open up to each other; it's incredibly refreshing. Halladan is so noble and just, a man's man of the time, and he cares deeply for Penny, well beyond the duty he was charged with by his father. He has become so 'real' in depth and scope, and I truly love the character.

And poor Penny... I would SO be like her in trying to protect Halladan from her knowledge because it would cause him grief, even though she understands that he WANTS to know and help her. She sees his pain and wants to help him through that, but doesn't want to add to it... gah! It makes my (and her) head spin! I'm glad she trusts him more and more with each passing day, and I truly look forward to seeing their relationship blossom into whatever you see fit. My best friend in HS was a guy and while we didn't have quite the trials and tribulations these two do, we were as close as P/H and it is a liberating experience to have someone of the opposite sex you can trust like that and not have any 'romantic' ties. Not that romance is a bad thing! LOL But you get it, I think.

I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter, and I love the constant angst level... but I do want to see Penny truly relax soon. Poor girl deserves it. Thanks again for all your hard work on a truly amazing adventure.


PS: I don't know if you have one anywhere, but I would love to see a Character list. Because of the time between chapters (and their length!), I sometimes forget people, or can't remember if they are elf or man... not that you need any more work, mind you. :)

Author Reply: Don't apologise! Goodness, even one review on the entire fic would be more than enough and much appreciated!

I'm thrilled that you can see in Penny and Halladan's relationship as I've drawn it something that is reasonable and realistic. That means a lot. Thank you.

And, yes, you're right - Penny is having to play a dizzying balancing act in so many ways. She needs Halladan to force her hand if only to preserve her own sanity, really.

Character list? Now you're the second person to have suggested that (though the first was some time ago now). I'd never really thought there was much need, but I shall seriously consider it now that two people have mentioned the same thing. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

Author Reply: Well, after soliciting opinions from quite a few readers, it seems the vast majority thought a Character List would indeed by a Useful Thing to Have About, thusly I have done one. I'll link to it in the next chapter, and have added links to the beginning of both Don't Panic and Okay, NOW Panic, but just FYI:

Here it is!

Hope that's the kind of thing you meant and will be useful to you. :)

(*hope the html works...*)

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