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Fear  by Ariel 48 Review(s)
MerlynnodReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/12/2004
Your story is so incredibly beautiful! :D

The characterization of Frodo is perfect...and Primula and Drogo are just as I had imagined them. :) Drogo very like Bilbo in so many ways, Primula delicate and ladylike, but determined and strong all the same...just the sort of stock Frodo would come from. :)

The comparison between Frodo's childhood and Dody's is perfectly wrought, and very, very believeable...In the beginning I was quite prepared to see Dody as the "villian" of the story, but you revealed him to be pitiful and in so much need as the story progressed. And now, by this chapter, his own strength of will and true good character are beginning to shine forth and as a reader I can't help but pull for him. :) He reminds me of Merry in some way...I can't really describe it, somehow or another though. :)

I can hardly wait for you to continue the story, and I'm bookmarking it for future readings. :)

Beautiful story, masterfully written. :)

Author Reply:

Thank you, Merlynnod! I write it like I see it - and I hope I will continue to see it in a way that you will find entertaining. Everything I have put in this fic comes from 'what I know' - and I really think that makes the difference.

Reminds you of Merry? Awww! I kind of see Dody acting as a friend and confidant when Frodo himself loses his parents, because Frodo ends up such a well balanced character, it's hard to believe he didn't have some good support after the traumatic experience of losing his parents. His support could have come from Merry's parents, I suppose, but I think I've made a rather convincing argument for Dody too. ;)


cpsings4himReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/11/2004

This review is long, long, long overdue! I have enjoyed this story almost since the beginning. I think there were maybe 4 chapters when I first started reading it on FH and I have loved it all the way! This chapter was perfection! But then, I'm not surprised - because everything I've ever read by you has been beyond wonderful! What does surprise me is that you are not a published author - are you? You have an extraordinary talent which you wield with utmost skill!

I love the characterization you have given to Frodo's parents. Many fanfics paint them as these two perfect individuals - too perfect to seem real and solid - for who among us could ever relate or connect with someone who's perfect! You, on the other hand, have done an excellent job of making them 'real' (with real faults and failings) and yet keeping them lovable and likable at the same time. I can't tell you how many times throughout my reading of this fic I have wanted to SMACK Primula (or at least give her a good shake to make her see what she is doing to her son!)...but a the same time (that is in that same instance) I feel such compassion for her as a mother, struggling to balance her need to protect her child with HIS need to be allowed to take a chance, that I can't be angry with her for more than a moment. Ariel, you truely do have a gift for writing. Thank you for sharing that gift with us and for giving me so many moments of pleasure as I watch your stories unfold.


P.S. I also wanted to complement you on the EXCELLENT work you have been doing on Emma's fantastic fic RATM. Your Estella is great reading!

Author Reply:

Hey! CP! Well, I am only published in technical journals - and that would be far drier reading than my fic, let me assure you! I am really glad to see you hanging in for so long on this story. I write what I enjoy writing, which includes, unfortunately, genres that people often roll their eyes over - angst, hurt/comfort and het. Top it off with lots of OCs and that's usually a death knell for a fic - so the fact that you have stayed with me through so many chapters means a LOT to me! I am glad you found it entertaining and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the fic.

PS - Oh, my work on RATM was ENTIRELY self-serving. There's an addictive fic that makes me want to slap characters! LOL! I told Emma that I would write Estella for her IF she gave Pippin some 'cajones' - which, if she continues on the present proposed route, he will have, in spades! HEHEHEHEH.


FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/11/2004
This is a marvelous chapter, full of emotion. I especialy liked how Dody recognized Frodo's unique courage, and knew that nothing in the Shire would be equal to his spirit. He was wrong when he thought no one else would see it, but then how could a simple hobbit anticipate what was to come?

It surprised me that Drogo's response was anger. I wasn't surprised he was protective when the walk was clearly too much for Frodo, but I though he might see the love without being told. And I do feel very sorry for Dody, who has to turn away from something he'll never have.

By the way, there seems to be a small problem with the chapter as posted. The first paragraph ends abruptly, and there is a section of text at the very end which is out of place (after TBC) and looks like it might be part of the missing end of the first paragraph. You might want to take a look at it.

Author Reply:

Yes! There was! Thanks for catching that. I'll have to check the other places I posted this too...

I’ll have to assure you that Drogo will see – but he’s coming into the situation without the understanding the readers have come to have because he’s been away. He’s going to have a sit down with Primula and Frodo, and he’ll see some things more clearly than even Primula. He’s a protective daddy and consider he’s only talked to Dody the one time. He’s going to defend his son first, foremost and always.



ninielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/9/2004
Oh well done! Brought me to tears again. *shakes head* How do you do that? What's your secret? *g* Good story. Hope to read more soon. Never thought much about Primula and Drogo. How old was Frodo when they died? 12? *walks off to go and check*

Author Reply: He was, actually, 11. I always assumed that since Drogo and Primula were boating, it was, most likely, summer when the accident happened, and so Frodo would not have been 12 till that September. I am glad you are enjoying this story and yes, there will be more soon. I find this one calls to me more consistently than my other (thousand or so) plot bunnies do. Must be the angst. HEHEHEH... Thank you so much for your review! It is difficult, sometimes, to get people to read a story with so many OCs in it, but to read sweet reviews like this one lets me know it is worth the effort of writing it. Thank you ever so much for your kindness.

ElwenReviewed Chapter: 17 on 12/11/2003

*buries face in hanky*

Author Reply: Hmph... serves you right! After all the hankies I've gone through reading your pieces... ;)


Author Reply: Hmph... serves you right! After all the hankies I've gone through reading your pieces... ;)


ElentariReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/23/2003
wow... great chapter, Ariel! i really really enjoyed reading this chapter and the chapter before... You have great descriptions of emotion and surroundings. Your detailed writing makes for it be a great piece! I love that last scene with Dody and Frodo but i dont' understand why Primula is having these nightmares of what seems to be the future...
But I can't wait for more.

hanned le,

Author Reply: I will hopefully make it clear in the next chapter (or the one after). I'd explain, but I think Primula herself would do a better job of it. Thank you so much for your kind review and I will try to get working on the next bit as soon as I can!

Arwen BagginsReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/23/2003
Oh this chapter was so good! I loved Frodo and Dody's conversation and Frodo's notice of Primula's attitude change after her dream-visions. But will Frood be walking when Drogo returns, and will Dody cause him to get hurt while they're practicing Frodo's balance and walking. And what will Drogo find and say when he returns. And how much will Frodo eventually remember. And are you going to do a segment when Frodo's parents die? *Begs on knees, once again* PLEASE!!!!!!!!! That would be a PERFECT sequel!

Author Reply: LOL! You'll have to let me finish THIS story first! I will have to see how the muses hit me but I will definitely keep your request in mind! Thank you for your lovely words and enthusiasm.


elentariReviewed Chapter: 13 on 9/13/2003
Wow...what a story... i read all 13 chapters in one sitting... i was so intent on learning what happened to poor young Frodo...
It was so great that you kept me at the edge of my seat like that!!! Thanks a lot for the story...
I felt like chapter 13 was like the ending, but not really because the other storylines, like Clearwater saying that Frodo might have probably brain damage wasn't expanded on... but Frodo woke and is conscious (and NOT brain damaged), so i guess that's all that matters =)

Very cool fanfic.. i'm glad you wrote about his parents like that.... and Dody is an interesting character as well... i thought that he would be more "evil" but then again it is not hobbit nature to be too revengeful...

Great piece! Looking forward to reading more, (if there is more) =)

Author Reply: Thank you, Elentari!

Rest assured, there is definitely more. This was the first story I ever attempted to post while I was writing it - and that method has its drawbacks - like long periods between updates! :( Sorry! But the tale is all plotted out and there are approximately 8 more chapters to go... there will definitely be more with Dody and with Frodo - there are some very unresolved issues between them, between Drogo and Clearwater, and you will see, between Primula and Frodo. The story is called 'Fear' for a reason - it is all about overcoming fears... and so far we have only just gotten the 'set up' finished!


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