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Discretion  by Bodkin 13 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/16/2005
That was truly fun! This chapter maybe most of all. How they all knew the others knew ... and I loved it how the twins decided to tell the others.

Now I only hope in this the twins are victorious, even if their parents, grandparents and Glorfindel had teamed up against them so far. I feel always so protective of Elladan and Elrohir! And I have to admit, they are right about the further spreading of the phrases. *This* their elders have to take on their consciences! Although their consciences seem to take all the many occasions the twins said all this very well - it's a shame! They will be dignified elven lords? *shakes head*
And imagine other elves finds out what they let the twins spread further and further without doing anything against it, although they *knew* it :-D

And I wonder what they would say to Legolas? They had their fun at the expense of the twins for millennia - that was long enough and not always fair. No reason to complain - they're no elflings of whom someone has taken away their toys ;-)

I look forward to more - hopefully this is not completed yet ;-)

Author Reply: Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Once the twins thought about it they couldn't help but realise that their parents and grandparents knew. And Glorfindel. I don't know if they've thought about Gimli yet - but at least he isn't around to attract their revenge.

I don't think Elladan and Elrohir have thought their plot through - it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's a bit of an impulse. They might be surprised though . . .

I don't think Galadriel is very pleased with Legolas at the moment. She really doesn't appreciate not being in control.

There is probably going to be more. It keeps growing - it'll turn into a monster in the end.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/16/2005
Bad twins! LOL. And it's typical that they decide some of those who withheld information are more culpable than others. Legolas could have an interesting conversation with Galadriel.

Author Reply: Bad twins have soft hearts - they don't want to get into heated debate with their naneth. And they are too wary to waste their wrath on Daernaneth.

The males, on the other hand, are fair game. (I don't think the twins have thought their plot through properly, though. They can be a bit impetuous.)

Mmm, the beginning of L&G's conversation came to me when I was driving earlier. I don't know if it will get further than that. He might decide to run away and live in hiding. But he might decide to express his viewpoint firmly and surprise her. Don't know yet.

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/16/2005
Tangled, very, very tangled. Huston, we have a problem, indeed.
It was fun to read these through from first to last - what a nice end to the week!

Author Reply: Perhaps they should just all admit to the truth and get it all out of the way. But what would be the fun in that? (You would have thought that Elrohir and Elladan would know better than to think they can pull the wool over the eyes of their loving friends and family. But no. They live in hope that this time they will be able to take Glorfindel for a sucker. . . . . . Not much chance of that I'd say!)

Thank you.

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