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Moments in Time  by Larner 17 Review(s)
HalrohirReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
Once again, dear Larner, you bring a wavy gaussed screen with every reading of yoru work! Maybe it's my eyes getting weaker, for it certainly can't be tears...

This long theme of yours, that of each of our beloved beings finding healing and redemption, never fails to strike a great chord in the reader's heart. I am grateful and glad to read each one.

Thank You, Once Again,


Author Reply: I am indeed honored, Halrohir. To know that I've been able to move other folks' emotions so is very satisfying. Thank you!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
What a perfectly beautiful part of the Tale Larner. You got a delighted laugh from me when I realised that you started from one little detail that had always puzzled/ nagged at me - why three eagles to pick up Frodo and Sam? One to pick up Smeagol, of course.

Redemption is my favourite theme. Thank you for the Easter treat - somuch better for me than overdosing on chocolate.

I am currently in the middle of rereading Fiondil's epic and it was wonderful to find this as I reluctantly dragged myself away to go to bed!

Author Reply: I started by writing quite a different story that was lost when the laptop froze in the wake of an assault by a worm of some sort that was caught by Spybot. I couldn't recapture that first story, and I'll admit I wasn't truly satisfied with it--felt it was way too maudlin. This is what came out the second attempt--MUCH longer and looking at the wakenings of Frodo and Gollum from their own POVs, and throwing in Pippin's as well.

But I had to find a reason why, when Frodo awoke again after Sam's own awakening, he was in such a good mood; and I believe I found it.

The idea that the third Eagle was for Gollum was not original--we discussed this several times over on TORn when I was very active there, in fact; and it was the belief of one of the listsibs there that the third one was intended for Gollum. That Gandalf and Gwaihir themselves hoped to carry him out--THAT was original. Before I read that person's assertions I'd never considered there was any other purpose to the third Eagle than to carry Gandalf himself, while in my mind it was Landroval and Meneldor who were actually to carry Frodo and Sam.

And this was indeed inspired by the Easter season, of course.

But after all he'd been through, and having his heart moved to the open world again by Bilbo and to the wish for the Light once more through his exposure to Frodo--Gollum certainly deserved to be restored as Smeagol once more--he'd earned his redemption, I felt as this story unfolded in the writing.

NeiliaReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
This is the story I have longed to see written. Smeagol restored to himself. Real compassion for the lost. I could not have written it better. I am glad you did it. To condemn a lost one outright and to dismiss him/her, is to be less than truly human.

Author Reply: The parable of the shepherd leaving the ninety and nine to the care of his fellows so as to seek out the one strayed lamb has always been one of my favorites; and I suspect Iluvatar would wish to draw this lost one back to Himself. Thank you, Neilia.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
What a true Eucatastrophe this ending was, Larner--redemption for Smeagol! I'm afraid that I seldom give much thought to him, though he was as much a hero as the others in the end. I've never felt much pity for his Gollum self, though I could feel sorry for Smeagol.

And how wonderful to tell much of this from Gandalf's POV. We just don't get enough of that--I loved his tender care for Pippin. Lovely, just lovely!

Author Reply: I hope that Tolkien would have liked it--perhaps we'll have the chance to ask him one day! In many ways Frodo and Smeagol appear to have had much in common, growing up in large communal smials along a great river, much under the supervision of much older relatives other than their parents, close to cousins with no hints of living siblings. And it was obvious Frodo wished to offer Smeagol a chance for redemption. That Smeagol did find it has been such a tempting idea!

And we know that Gandalf has long had a great fondness for Tooks! Heh!

Thanks so much.

SoledadReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
Oh, but this was so beautiful! Sméagol's redemption truly brought tears to my eyes. I like the extended family background you've created for him, and how Déagol was grateful to have escaped the same fate.

And that you wrote Halabor into the story! I'm so honoured - you resurrected the old town that I'd destroyed ten years before the Ring War! :))

Author Reply: I'm so glad this moved you so, Soledad. And tributes to other folks' tales do manage to creep into my stories, after all. Am so glad you find it flattering! Thanks so much!

We know that Grandmother was the ruler of the smial in which Smeagol and Deagol lived; but what then became of their immediate families? Why did no parents speak out for or against him when his behavior became too much for the peace of the place?

Thank you so much for the feedback.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
What a beautiful, thoughtful piece, Larner. I especially love how everyone -- even to the humble giving of sheepskins, and Shadowfax's attentive steps -- joined to ease the burdens of the healers and hobbit heroes.

Author Reply: Again, all things work to the good for...well, in this case, for the healing of Frodo, Sam, and Pippin. And Pippin and Shadowfax do have associations now, after all. In the wake of the fall of Mordor healing CAN come!

Tolkien commented that Frodo and Sam's survival was a grace granted to two whose lives were offered for all of Middle Earth; and true sacrifices are fulfilled, not lost or destroyed or consumed.

And I do love to think that what I have Galadriel tell Frodo in "Filled with Light as with Water" is right, that in saving Frodo's Light Gollum found some of his own again. And he may have taken It, but Smeagol didn't put It on--he merely rejoiced to have It again. I hope that this kept him safe from truly being consumed himself. One of the lost ones come Home again in truth.

As always, thanks so much for the feedback.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 53 on 3/28/2008
Awww. Your Smeagol story!

I loved the wrapping in sheepskins and carrying the hobbits with such love and desperate care, and Pippin's wakening and words with Gandalf, and of course the joyous ending with its promise of healing and redemption.

It was a lovely tea, indeed, and the wee hobbits were entranced by the hobbit-sized baskets full of good things to eat! (Especially as their mum was too ill this week to go to the after-holiday sales to pick up sweets for a song... getting better, but sore throat has turned to laryngitis and so now, after a brief time of reading and commenting, I'm for bed once more.)

So glad to see this, and to have a little uninterrupted time for the reading!

Author Reply: It took me a time to write it over again--a bit of Cormallen but with a good deal more. And I love to think that Smeagol was restored at the end and knew the joy of love once more. He'd lived with--misery--for most of five hundred years, and the coming of Bilbo woke a spark of the love of simple pleasures once more. Then he served Frodo, and was almost taken by the beauty of the Hobbit's spirit. And although he took the Ring from Frodo, he didn't put It on....

Sorry you've been sick again. Watched The Fellowship last night with one of my clients--her first viewing, and she was bawling a few times. And today another is dealing with changes in staffing as one staffmember we all cared for deeply retired yesterday--this is one type of change that always causes our folk a level of discomfort.

Love to the girls and hubby and Zoe. Two of mine are curled up about me on the bed--little furry poms who barked at the cat who just went out to the other room.

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