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Once Upon a Strongbow  by Legolass 40 Review(s)
RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/31/2005
My, how you have been busy while I've been away. This is such a sweet story, your peas and especially a certain little elfling are so adorable, I feel I have to cuddle someone right now (oh no - I'm at the office...). Your combination of three different timelayers is just brilliant. So, despite the tragic outcome Legolas wants to seek the friendship of a man... I bet this was a bit unexpected for his Ada.
I wanted to say this before, while you worked on the "White Tree", but it fits here as well: Aragorn's reaction to the news of Gollum's escape, his accusation has irked me every time I read it. "... his guards slain or taken..." How I used to worry about them, hoping against hope they would be released after Sauron's fall. It seemed so unfair to blame Thranduil's people on top of it. So I am very glad to know that finally they made it up...
And I have stopped mentally smacking Aragorn's head while reading Elrond's council.
And you have started a new story, I'm so looking forward to read... but my inbox is a fright (sigh).

Author Reply:
Welcome back, Red Squirrel! *Hug*

Glad you like this story - thank you. :-) I so wanted to do it even while I was working on the "...Lord of the White Tree" - so I'm glad I got it done. There was one other chapter I wanted to write for it, but I think I'll insert it somewhere in the new story (which is coming along more slowly than I'd like).

I know how you feel about smacking Aragorn - it irked me too, which was why I had to 'make it right' somehow - and I got my chance through my story, lol! It's so heartwarming to think that it makes you feel they made up too... thank you again.

Hope to see you as I travel down the road of my new story - always glad to have your company.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/6/2005
Ahh. What a lovely story. (Although Turin always manages to arouse my wrath - what a total idiot the man was!) Love the elflings - and the little peas. Ada Thranduil and Grandfather Aragorn make wonderful tellers of bedtime stories and incidental teachers of morals.

Most enjoyable.

Author Reply:

When I first read the tale of Turin and Beleg, I felt I could skewer the man myself as well, for having killed such a great friend. But - as (my little) Legolas has put it - if Beleg could love him, there must be something in him that is worthy of a measure of redemption at least. It's harder for us than for Beleg to forgive him eh? :-)

Ada Thranduil and Grandfather Aragorn, and the little ones - especially my darling elfling, lol - have become very real and dear to me. I am glad you enjoyed them and thank you for letting me know that.

nessaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/5/2005
I loved this sweet little story. I made the mistake of printing it off and finishing it at work. I cried over the death of Beleg. The breakroom is not a good place for a tearful outburst. Hopefully I was discreet. I guessed that it was Legolas only a few paragraphs early, so I guess I wasn't that clever. Can't wait for your next, hope it is almost ready. You don't have anything better to do than write for us, do you? Hope not.

Author Reply:

Oh, poor Nessa - hope your waterworks did not bring to many stares your way! Some of my readers reported the same mistake they made in reading the last two chapters of my longer story (despite the warnings I gave, lol).

I am actually glad you didn't figure out the identity of Legolas till late - that was the whole point. :-)

Thanks very much for letting me know you loved the story - I'm glad, and if I could, I would do nothing but write for the people who appreciate LOTR stories. My new one is, unfortunately, not all that ready yet - some details are still bugging me, but I hope I can have at least the first chapter up within the next two weeks. Till then - namarie.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/5/2005
I've often thought about the parallels between Legolas' friendship with Aragorn and Beleg Strongbow's love for Turin. This is a wonderful tribute to both. And what a lovely idea, that Beleg's story might have served as inspiration for Legolas in his own friendship and the sacrifice he makes for Aragorn.

The story is also nicely balanced between Aragorn's telling to his grandchildren, and Thranduil's to his son. You set up a fairly complicated sequence, between the three different time periods, but you pull it off with a grace that looks effortless. Nicely done.

Author Reply:
Thank you so much for your compliments, Lamiel. I've really enjoyed juggling between those time periods - something I've wanted to do even while writing my previous story - and I feel a sense of satisfaction in having done it. But most of all, I'm really glad I managed to create this modest tribute to all the great elf-human friendships in Tolkien's works. Thank you for your appreciation of the effort!

AMReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/4/2005
That was wonderful and very well done. Thank you.

Author Reply:
You're very welcome, AM, and thank you for having read it and reviewed. :-)

SmilingDragonGirlReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/4/2005
*chuckle* I believe "Ada" is not too happy at the moment - this elfling is not only sweet and tender-hearted, but also wise and bright! And stubborn. *g*

Aha! It WAS Legolas!!! He's sooo adorable as an elfling (well, not only as an elfling, but still...hehe.) *huggles little elfling for the umptienth time* I loved this background on him and Thranduil. Reading this, it is a miracle Thranduil didn't tear Sarambaq to pieces for laying a hand on his son - on the other hand he did, in a way. ;-)

“Some hearts never grow old, and some things live on through the Ages.” *sigh* I guess this is a quote for every day. I love it! I only wish Aragorn could live on forever. There's a foreshadowing in this ending that reminds me too much of the price Legolas will have to pay for his love. *sigh* Not that that would make it less beautiful. You are a great storyteller, mellon-nin. *bows solemnly to author* And I think I will have a lot of elves (and elflings!) in my dreams tonight.


Author Reply:
Yes, Almut - it was Legolas. Is it any wonder then that the elfling was so adorable and huggable? :-)

THank you for your wonderful support. Enjoy your elfy dreams.

SmilingDragonGirlReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/4/2005
Oh, poor elfling! *huggles* This quarrel with his friend really must have hurt, they seemed to be so close!

*sniff* Oh, this is so cruel and so sad and so unfair and... sweet and heart-breaking... *sob* And I love this elfling!!! He has such a tender and true heart! “calling a friend a name and getting hit by a chestnut – are the smallest of hurts when you think about what Beleg and Túrin went through." This sentence made me smile. *g* I declare this to be my quote of the day!

Interesting, that Aragorn chose not to tell his grandchildren the whole tale of Turin and Beleg, while the elven father did. They are obviously living in different ages, and the elfling would have to face ugly truth rather soon in his life - or so I believe, as the elven father seems to care about his son very much.

“And I will forgive him for hitting me with the chestnut.” Hehe. Really, they learn quickly. :-)

Author Reply:

You know, after I'd written the chap, I left it for and read it again after a few days. As I was reading about the death of Beleg and Turin's subsequent madness, the power of the tragic event moved me; then - that line "...calling a friend a name and getting hit by a chestnut – are the smallest of hurts when you think about what Beleg and Túrin went through" really stood out in pale contrast to the tragedy. It struck me then that it was both an amusing statement and a truth. Perhaps it should be a reminder to us to put things in perspective all the time. :-)

Re the different choices Thranduil and Aragorn made: yes, it was exactly because they lived in different ages and under different circumstances: Mirkwood in the Third Age and peaceful Minas Tirith under Aragorn's rule. I think I would have made the same decisions too. :-)

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/4/2005
Oh, I love the low-key way you ended this. No high drama, just a normal evening with friends enjoying each other's company, and the trials and adventures they've been through together are implied by the ease of their interaction. One can imagine many such evenings in the years after the war. Very, very nice. I look forward to your next. ~TF

Author Reply:

Thank you, TF - I thought a 'low-key' ending, as you put it so well, an appropo (spelling?) ending to a bedtime story series. After all, little ones are asleep and one must tip-toe out quietly. :-)

I look forward to hearing fro you again, too, whenever the next tale begins. I really appreciate your presence and support.

SmilingDragonGirlReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/4/2005
Children have this uncanny ability to hit the sore point, haven't they? *smirks* Poor Aragorn! They are quite good at driving him into a corner! Not that I would mind, as this gives me the opportunity to read my favorite part from my favorite chapter of FtLotLotWT again... (this abbreviation looks somehow strange *g*)

*sniff* Well, Aragorn surely learned his lesson... and now he still wishes he could retract his words... *smiles* Legolas would have something to say about that, methinks... Blessed be Sweetpea, lol! *huggles Sweetpea* I love it how quickly the children always learn from those stories and practice it in their own lifes immediately! Even if Aragorn seems to be their guinea pig... *eg*

And I loved this last paragraph... *purrs*

Author Reply:
That abbrev sure does look strange, lol! I first saw it being used by viggomaniac, and now you, tee hee.

I imagine that if one feels really sorry for something, one never forgets even after having been forgiven.

I liked the last para too. :-) Thanks.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/4/2005
I know you wove the story of Beleg and Turin into "For The Love Of The Lord Of The White Tree". Here you have applied it to achieve a wonderful effect. The children and elflings add a sweetness and poignancy to the tale that makes it even more moving. Very nice. ~TF

Author Reply:

Thank you, TF. I have enjoyed this story very much, and I have enjoyed your responses. :-)

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