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History Lessons: The Third Age by Nilmandra | 376 Review(s) |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/4/2005 |
This is delightful - from the long lean exhausted Aragorn sleeping safely in the presence of Arwen under the roof of Imladris right through the arrival of the grief-stricken Gilraen and the enchanting toddler, newly-renamed Estel. Elrond is, naturally, just gorgeous - he is such a star: caring, insightful, generous, sympathetic, paternal, gentle - just assume all the other adjectives. His sons share so many of his characteristics, too - with Elrohir being a little more inclined towards the care of small children. (He will make an excellent adar one day!) And Arwen - a real Arwen, strong and caring and generous and trusting - able to provide Aragorn with the strength and confidence that he needs to support him through these hard years. So hard for Elrond to let her go - and yet so necessary, and he knows it. But he loves her and Aragorn enough to be able to do it and smile, because he has the wisdom not to try and push her onto a boat and bury the problem! (Plus doing so would destroy the effect of two ages of work.) I love Aragorn clutching Glorfindel's hair - and Erestor's understanding - and Elrond's wet bed - and Aragorn spluttering in the bath - and Liriel's care of Gilraen - and the Cook's memory of Aragorn's favourite foods - and the fact that, although he is there so seldom, Aragorn is instantly at home as he is nowhere else - and well, everything, really. I shall take great pleasure in rereading this a few more times over the course of the next few days - just to be sure that I haven't missed any of the nuances. Brilliant work. A bright and shining light in my day. Author Reply: Hmm...Elrohir will make a good adar, won't he? As I wrote the final chapters in Valinor an odd plot bunny bit me to continue a bit there! And thank you for all the adjectives about Elrond. He is all of those things, and I really enjoyed writing him with young Estel. I think love is a choice, a decision, but falling in love is something deeper. He may have chosen to love the child, but he falls in love with him (non-romantic, of course, but I suppose I must disclaimer it) as a parent or brother. As for Aragorn, he is 'son of Arathron' but Elrond is his father, the one who raised him, and Imladris is home, I think, until he establishes his own kingdom. And thank you. Did you know how much you brightened my day? | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/4/2005 |
I'm hyperventilating with delight at the sight of the title!!!!!! Now I'll go and read it. Speak to you later! | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
I wondered where you would choose to begin this section of the Tale, and you really chose beautifully! I wonder how young Gilraen was when she married Arathorn... and how she endured a life that was so different than what she had envisioned. Author Reply: It was interesting to think about what the Dunedain considered 'young' - she was 22, hardly young when we consider how young women have married at other times. Arathorn was in his fifties, I think. I have wondered what the 'age' was that the Dunedain married. I like that for each race its a little different in Tolkien's world. It was fun to write this part too. Each decision Elrond made was conscious and intentional....but that he would forget about diapers was fun :) | |
elliska | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
This is wonderful. Little Estel is adorable in the bath and playing with Elrohir. And Elrond's reintroduction to parenting was funny (from my POV, though likely not from his). The details like that in here are great. And I love these characters as you protray them. Elrond always seems so perfect to me--so wise and such a great leader and healer. And I love the twins. But what really struck me was She did give all her hope to the Dúnedain; she gave up all she was and all she had to do what was needed. I never really thought about how much Gilraen's life changed and how much she lost and gave up to make sure Aragorn grew into the man he needed to be. I think I tended to think about her as being perfectly pleased to be in Imladris and I never really understood why she felt she had kept no hope for herself. This did a really great job of pointing out all she did. I really have to think about her character again. I have enjoyed the previous installments of this series and I am looking forward to enjoying this one. Glad to see you have started posting. It was a pleasant surprise as I looked at the site one last time before bed. :-) Author Reply: Oh, you have made my day by noting that about Gilraen. I have seen her rather beaten up in fanfiction, but when I actually sat down and considered all she gave up, I found it was huge. I would be hard pressed to leave home and family behind and go into hiding for 20+ years! As for Elrond, I could go on and on about him! (but you knew that..). I came to some new realizations about the extent of his power and wisdom in writing this story. I'll do it in short excerpts as I go. Thanks for reading! | |
Ithiliel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
Oh, it's finally here! *rejoices* I love this! A perfect beginning. Little Estel was adorable, and I felt so sorry for Gilraen. So much for her to deal with, all at once. I'm afraid that my reaction to children is the same as Erestor's... wait until they grow up a little before getting involved! I love the details like that one that you weave into the story. I can't wait to read the next chapter! Thank you so much! -Ithiliel Author Reply: I am glad you liked little Estel - he was fun to write. He took to his new ada like a fish to water. Thanks for your nice words! They are very encouraging. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/3/2005 |
I'm so glad to see this story! I've been looking forward to reading it. I love Elrond as a father, bonding with Estel right away. The twins are good with him too. And as I think about that, I have to admire Gilraen, who did what was best for her son, even though it must have been terribly difficult for her. She must have been very strong. I think the bits with Elrond caring for Estel were my favorite. Author Reply: It has been fun to think about Gilraen and the type of person she might have been. But Elrond with Estel was the most fun to write too....the wisest elf/man in Middle-earth, yes, but he forgot about diapers! | |